Rapoza Dynamica
Rodrigo Carneri
Now with Stereo Rainbows!
Hello there folks! I am Rapoza Dynamica, an artist fox, maned wolf monster thingy who's trying to always put heart on everything I do. I am a 3D modeller, texturer, designer, illustrator and even make some acrylic painting from time to time haha.

If ya wanna add me, just comment on my profile why, thanks.:shelterfox:
3,908 ผู้โหวต
สร้างโดย - Rapoza Dynamica
After a long while without doing any art related stuff I decided to make a full set for my Zippy character. It's out on the workshop. I was tired of grinding and now I'm focused on doing stuff that makes me happy and that I like. It still a tribute to my f
2,519 ผู้โหวต
สร้างโดย - Rapoza Dynamica
Some other places you can find me!
NEWGROUNDS [rapozadynamica.newgrounds.com]
BLUESKY [bsky.app]
FURAFFINITY [www.furaffinity.net]
About me!
I am Rapoza Dynamica! A Fox Maned Wolf Flamingo Monster artist thingy, trying to always put heart on everything I do. I make 3D stuff mostly for TF2, draw, design stuff, illustrate and even some acrylic painting from time to time haha. :shelterfox:
Zippy Fox Poster
51 6 4
Cursed Cardboard Imp Scout!
15 2
Timeless Texan
88 4 9
Defragmenting Hard Hat 17% Promo Wallpaper 1080p
50 6
สร้างโดย - Rapoza Dynamica
105 ผู้โหวต
Hello there fellow creator or sneaky curious entrepreneur! Here I will teach you how to upload animated thumbnails for your Workshop Submissions!
:> 16 พ.ค. @ 9: 47am 
Conker the gamer 13 พ.ค. @ 6: 37pm 
obrigado por reviver o tf2:spycon:
Rapoza Dynamica 10 พ.ค. @ 10: 55am 
Muito obrigado!
_B.u.l.a.c.h.a_ 9 พ.ค. @ 11: 29pm 
Cara amei ver a participação de um br num possível major update, q por sinal ficou insano de bom, parabéns, te mandei pedido de amizade, se quiser aceitar ia ser daora :lunar2019piginablanket:
sorg 最 atto 5 พ.ค. @ 11: 54am 
Rapoza, eu estou te adicionando pq eu amei o conteudo q vc esta fazendo! :GDNormal:
ʇoᙠ ʇou 2 พ.ค. @ 11: 34am 
yoooo, there :steamthumbsup: