Rapoza Dynamica
Rodrigo Carneri
Now with Stereo Rainbows!
Hello there folks! I am Rapoza Dynamica, an artist fox, maned wolf monster thingy who's trying to always put heart on everything I do. I am a 3D modeller, texturer, designer, illustrator and even make some acrylic painting from time to time haha.

If ya wanna add me, just comment on my profile why, thanks.:shelterfox:
Zurzeit offline
After a long while without doing any art related stuff I decided to make a full set for my Zippy character. It's out on the workshop. I was tired of grinding and now I'm focused on doing stuff that makes me happy and that I like. It still a tribute to my f
2.519 Bewertungen
Erstellt von - Rapoza Dynamica
Some other places you can find me!
NEWGROUNDS [rapozadynamica.newgrounds.com]
BLUESKY [bsky.app]
FURAFFINITY [www.furaffinity.net]
About me!
I am Rapoza Dynamica! A Fox Maned Wolf Flamingo Monster artist thingy, trying to always put heart on everything I do. I make 3D stuff mostly for TF2, draw, design stuff, illustrate and even some acrylic painting from time to time haha. :shelterfox:
Ausgestelltes Artwork
Zippy Fox Poster
51 6 4
Cursed Cardboard Imp Scout!
15 2
Ausgestelltes Artwork
Timeless Texan
88 4 9
Defragmenting Hard Hat 17% Promo Wallpaper 1080p
50 6
Erstellt von - Rapoza Dynamica
105 Bewertungen
Hello there fellow creator or sneaky curious entrepreneur! Here I will teach you how to upload animated thumbnails for your Workshop Submissions!
Kürzliche Aktivitäten
246 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 14. Mai
3.991 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 14. Mai
2,3 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 13. Mai
:> 16. Mai um 9:47 
Conker the gamer 13. Mai um 18:37 
obrigado por reviver o tf2:spycon:
Rapoza Dynamica 10. Mai um 10:55 
Muito obrigado!
_B.u.l.a.c.h.a_ 9. Mai um 23:29 
Cara amei ver a participação de um br num possível major update, q por sinal ficou insano de bom, parabéns, te mandei pedido de amizade, se quiser aceitar ia ser daora :lunar2019piginablanket:
sorg 最 atto 5. Mai um 11:54 
Rapoza, eu estou te adicionando pq eu amei o conteudo q vc esta fazendo! :GDNormal:
ʇoᙠ ʇou 2. Mai um 11:34 
yoooo, there :steamthumbsup: