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6.2 hrs on record (5.9 hrs at review time)
Game was a wholesome experience for a place as grim as Runeterra is. Like the title implies, its a League of Legends Story Game, not a whole ton of meat in game play, but the interactions between Nunu and Willump were adorable.


- I did have some issues with the music having strange cuts and the cut scenes feeling... robotic?

- The voice-acting could def be better.
-You could tell the script was given a simple adjective of emotion plus the quote as the tone of the interactions felt they were stringed together rather than the context/scenario being told to the VA's before them voicing their lines. Lots of times Nunu starts bawling about him missing his mom then immediately goes to a determined "I got this" 2 seconds later. Even the god JB Blanc himself felt a bit off at times... Maybe i'm wrong but its fine.

- Kinda short? Finished the game in 5.5 hours, and for a game that was $30, I was kinda expecting Ruined King levels of playtime. Convergence and Mageseeker were both 8-9 hoursish of gameplay, but for a game that was teased around the same time as Hextech Mayhem and Ruined King, while also being delayed, expected a bit more tbh.


- Expands lore of the Freljord which for me personally, I've craved for a bit, had all my favourite Freljordians in it too, so massive W.
- Many people didn't like Ornn and Voli's redesign, but I personally adored Ornn's new look. Makes him feel more "forge god" and less "grump dude". Braum gigachad. Lissandra is the only interesting part of the 3 sisters imo so I liked her lots. Nunu became mini Jesus at the end for Liss.

- OST is a bop, lots of leit-motifs laying around where you'll do the soy face and you pointing how you can hear different champion themes.

- There are some places in the game where you stand on a cliff or something and makes you realize how bad you wanna play the Runeterra MMO. Like just looking at the Freljord just felt nice. Seeing Ornn's Forge outside of his LoR Cards was sick and walking around the Citadel was pretty cool. Makes you realize the Freljord is more than just snow and ice

- Just a wholesome game overall. Who doesn't like Nunu and Willump?
Posted November 2, 2023. Last edited November 2, 2023.
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3.1 hrs on record (2.1 hrs at review time)
Posted October 22, 2022.
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52.9 hrs on record (18.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
One of the best rhythm games I have played in my life. I don't think I enjoyed an indie game so much before!
Posted May 4, 2021.
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60.2 hrs on record (26.5 hrs at review time)
why do i die first everytime
Posted October 9, 2020.
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248.5 hrs on record (147.0 hrs at review time)
monty main here. and i am a bit biased here but, this game can be really really fun and intense even with standing in a corner doing nothing. only a few games can do that.
Posted January 3, 2020.
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0.6 hrs on record
i played this game with a max of 4 frames on my mug a long time agobut it okay game frim lookin at gamep;ay
Posted January 27, 2019.
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4.0 hrs on record (2.9 hrs at review time)
koreans are the worst in the game. that is why i dont play this game
Posted January 27, 2019.
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4.5 hrs on record (1.5 hrs at review time)
Posted January 27, 2019.
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2.0 hrs on record (1.8 hrs at review time)
why would he even want to fly
Posted August 30, 2018.
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1.8 hrs on record
this game doesnt even have anything dirty, click bait
Posted August 30, 2018.
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