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Recent reviews by Grandmaster Jank

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4 people found this review helpful
67.6 hrs on record (65.6 hrs at review time)
I really want to like this game. After ~60 hours and in the end game i can honestly say this is probably my least favorite fromsoft offering. This game should've been the pinnacle of open world gaming, but it just suffers from it's size. The amount of exploration is daunting, in the beginning you want to explore, but after fighting the same boss at the end of a dungeon for the 5th time you get to a point where you feel its no longer worth it.

Balancing is another huge issue, it feels like you go through pockets of the game where you're not supposed to be and you dont do very much damage to anything, but when you kill them they give almost no runes to aid you in leveling up, whereas there are other instances where things feel easy and give more runes than the difficult enemies.

Many of the bosses and minibosses are forgettable, i can only think of a handful i actually enjoyed or that i can say were fun to fight, a lot of them revolve around a cheap gimmick (looking at you rykard) or just being multiple to overwhelm you as opposed to having a fun mechanic or cool moveset to figure out. The "Git Gud" mentality of the old games also seems lost on this entry. After playing a few hours of any other fromsoft title you can see the progress, you can feel you've become a better player. This one it just feels like you get better gear or getting another better weapon, but once you've found what you like it never feels like you improve after that.

I was so excited for this game to release and to finally get a chance to play it, but in the end I feel as though its the most watered down, repetitive, and at times genuinely unfun game that fromsoft has developed and it will likely be the only one i don't revisit after i complete it.
Posted April 10, 2022.
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10.9 hrs on record (2.1 hrs at review time)
Its a pretty good game and a wonderful Homage to the classics of the genre - i recommend anyone thats played gmod play this game.

Only issue with it is it has literally the worst matchmaking/servers of all time in any game. Please fix this innersloth
Posted September 13, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
5.7 hrs on record (3.7 hrs at review time)
Truth be told the game is amusing for a little while, it's well put together and can be relaxing, the issues mostly lie within the community. A lot of the games i've played so far have had more people trying to actively ruin someone else's fun than play the game. There's always at least 1 guy standing at the finish line trying to throw people, people will constantly stay in hard areas of stages just to knock people off, block doorways or paths, just to irritate someone else. I thought the stories of hackers were overblown but now that ive seen them a few times they're definitely a problem. An example of a fun game that's ruined by its community because it is simply too easy to grief.
Posted August 29, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
476.3 hrs on record (405.3 hrs at review time)
Ahh the division one of my all time personal favorites, this game is the reason you cant just look at the cumulitive number of steam reviews and judge based on that. The majority of bad reviews come from a time when the game was in a rough state with not much postgame content, and that has changed dramatically.

Tons of weapons and playstyles (more on those later)
Character Customization with tons of cosmetics both free and premium
Premium cosmetics done right. Yes a company actually did this crap right for once, yes you can pay for cosmetics that are only available via Encrypted caches - but you can earn them by just playing the game at a fairly decent rate. Nothings locked behind a paywall entirely except the DLCs
The DLCs are fantastic and add tons of replayability from a new survival mode, to a randomized dungeon grinder, to a dedicated PVP mode
Tons of new free content - Several missions have and will be updated to the hardest difficulty and these change how the entire mission is played, several incursions were added that are free to the community, and now as of 1.8 the West Side Piers add a gigantic free roam area with random objectives and 3 Resistance (horde mode) maps all completely free
Its actually fun to replay missions, given how many playstyles there are and the fact you can do anything coop its fun messing around with friends and experimenting with what works and what doesnt.


Balance. Balance is terrible especially in the Dark Zone. The dark zone is a gigantic PVE/PVP arena where agents find and fight over loot which is a great idea in theory. But with the advent of classified sets it became incredibly unfair to anyone not in the Possession of at least 1 of the following sets: Striker, Predator, Nomad and the following weapons :M4, LVOA-C, The House, The Showstopper. These are the only items 90% of the community uses and they horribly outclass everything else to the point where nothing else is viable in PVP
Anti Cheat. Someone should tell Massive what this is, they obviously have no idea. Cheaters run rampant in skirmish, last stand and dz and the system is completely broken if it even exists

All in all its a truly incredible game with one glaring flaw in its pvp. If youre looking for a fun PVE romp especially with friends then this game is worth it even at full price. If youre looking for a balanced PVP shooter only youd honestly be better off with literally any other game.
Posted March 18, 2018.
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2 people found this review helpful
47.1 hrs on record (16.9 hrs at review time)
Fantastic game although whoever thought the enhanced fireball attack for corrupted shinnock deserves to have their floor replaced with entirely loose lego pieces.

Finally updated and optimized to be on par with the console versions
Erron Black is arguably the best original character since Kenshi
Strong, interesting story
Good roster with plenty of diverse playstyles accomodating all kinds of players
Fatalities, Brutalities, X-rays with the exception of a few are all wince-worthy and completely brutal
Even besides Erron Black theyve really hit the nail on the head with the majority of their new characters, Kotal Kahn, D"vorrah, Cassie Cage, Takeda, Ferra/Torr and Triborg are all solid additions to the series
Tremor is finally playable as a full time character
Fight modifiers, living towers, challenge towers all add replayability beyond the Klassic Tower

Corrupted Shinnok is the least fun fight in any fighting game ever, if it chooses to spam the fireball youre not going to win.
Several series stalwarts are missing (i realize timeline and story they may or may not be dead but many are revenants) such as Kabal, Baraka, Noob Saibot, Sindel, Havik
Krypt can be a bit tedious to unlock everything
Invasion bosses are kind of lame
While some can be fun to play the crossover characters are getting a bit much - myself, like most fans ofthe series would rather have more characters that add to the lore and keep it limited to 1 or 2 crossovers per game - Leatherface could have easily been replaced by a more interesting character relevant to MK especially one of the ones in the story who didnt appear as a playable like baraka, fujin, rain, etc.

All in all this is a fantastic game and definitely worth buying the XL edition
Posted January 26, 2018.
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3 people found this review helpful
76.9 hrs on record (16.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I like the game - i used to play quake a llooonngg time ago and i believe this is a good addition to the series. However there are several things about the game which make it hard for me to give it the good review although i will (situations like these are why we need a neutral review instead of just yes or no).

Fast Paced just like the old games - never a boring moment in the matches (except when the servers are being awful and nobody else connects)
Graphics are pretty solid, games gorgeous
Map design is pretty strong - none of em are too confusing and all lend themselves to exciting firefights
No 1 gun runs the roost so to speak - every gun has its uses (except the stock - its pretty awful)

Terrible matchmaking, like completely awful. My first 10 games were spent all of us under level 5 getting absolutely murdered by an entire team 30+
Match disconnect quite frequently for no reason. My last 20 mins in game were spent trying to reconnect to the match i got kicked from for no reason then the game asking me to state my region again, and still couldnt get into any game.
Connectivity issues - games will just lag for no reason despite strong internet connections

Posted October 7, 2017.
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7 people found this review helpful
22.1 hrs on record (3.1 hrs at review time)
Games quite enjoyable - its basically if medal of honor frontline and payday the heist had a baby.

- Surprisingly large amount of day 1 content
- John Cleese - nuff said
- Old school feeling to it - it feels like you're doing heists in the classic medal of honor / cod ww2 (not the new one) era
- Challenging
- Well designed levels

- Im by no means a graphics snob but they are defnitely subpar compared to industry standards
- Ironsights are terrible - the aiming needs to be smoothed out - its almost easier to just noscope / hipfire everything

All in all people need to stop comparing it to payday - its not payday get over it - its also a different dev team (LIon Game Lion) that had help from the payday crew (Overkill) they just the same publisher (Starbreeze). And if people are as patient with this game as they were with payday 2 itll become great too.
Posted September 27, 2017.
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3 people found this review helpful
644.7 hrs on record (312.5 hrs at review time)
This is the best example of a great game that is in the hands of incompetant developers who don't know what theyre doing. They have the framework down, but are completely incapable of doing anything incorrectly and brendan greene needs to be deposed for the company to be able to progress and the focus on lootboxes needs to go away until the game is actually playable.

The right
- Shooting Mechanics
- Map design is good

The wrong
-Chinese hackers infest this game - well over 1million players just from china have been banned but brendan green will tell you youre xenophobic for wanting a region lock
-Circle - circle at least in my experience is always always always going to ruin the game - its always going to choose the complete other side of the map from me, then continue to make me run as far as possible to get to every circle so i cannot engage anyone, just stuck running which would be fine - ish if i could outrun it - ive lost far too many games because of a straight circle f#*$ing rather than me getting shot or dying like what is normal
-Red Zones are idiotic and need to go away right now
-Game Breaking bugs staying the the game for months such as a bug that can render your gun unable to shoot if you switch the firing mode too quickly after ads/picking up
-Servers are terrible - crashing daily and tons of problems registering hits
-Loot tables - only a handful of areas are even kind of worth it to drop if you have any hope of winning
-Vehicles weight distribution is awful - especially on motorcycles youll just randomly bob back and forth and weave without ever touching a button
-Did i mention chinese cheaters? Cuz screw them

In short this game is fun if these devs would pop their head out of their a$# and fix so many of the bugs and issues the community has rather than telling us we're racist idiots for wanting cheaters removed from the game and wanting gameplay balances and fixes.
Posted August 12, 2017. Last edited April 17, 2018.
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12 people found this review helpful
7.5 hrs on record
I have this game on uplay with approx 100 hours at this point dont let steam playtime make you think im raging after getting beaten in one or two games then quitting.

This game was great. It really was - the early days the community was welcoming and helpful but as we know in online games it cannot last.

Matchmaking is TRASH. I'm not good at this game, not nearly as much so as i am at others (silver kek) so why does this game feel the need to always match me with people in plat and diamond. Every match is a faceroll as my team will be comprised of myself, 1 gold, and 3 unranked players usually under 25. So naturally ubisoft decides that the biggest tryhards in the game who are 5 stacking a lobby is the only appropriate opponent.

The hosting is utter garbage - peer to peer leads to unsteady connections and random kicks for bad connections occur frequently.

Updates have occured adding operators and tweaking a few to the point where theyre so powerful theres no reason to not play them, Glaz and Caveira rule the game at this point in its lifespan and it doesnt look like thats going to change anytime soon. Any game where theres something you MUST do to win i believe that those aspects have to be nerfed - it ruins the flow of the game.

Now for the absolute worst part of the game. The community. Imagine if you will: a world where hitler was still alive, took the tonic that turned dr. jekyll into mr. hyde then also added in the tryhardiness and racist tendencies of a league of legends, call of duty and csgo player - this is your average pub. There is always someone treating their team like garbage, making the game more of a chore to deal with where youre more looking forward to the next lobby just to get away from this person rather than play the game. There is no reporting system thats worth anything so these players go on unregulated pushing more and more people from the game. The only reporting is for hackers so theres absolutely no punishment for these people.

Ubisoft has to do something to expand the reporting system and/or make it so that it doesnt have to be the whole lobby agreeing to kick someone. The cancerous players usually come in pairs so its impossible to kick them. This game traps you into these lobbies with no escape especially if its ranked. Fix a few of the broken operators and expand the reports system. Until this day i cannot in good faith recommend this game to someone actually looking to enjoy their experience in a game.
Posted April 30, 2017.
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3 people found this review helpful
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4,552.0 hrs on record (4,255.2 hrs at review time)
The Community: Valve cant possibly break pyro any more than they did when they buffed the phlog!

Valve: Hold my beer.

Posted December 25, 2013. Last edited October 28, 2017.
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Showing 1-10 of 10 entries