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14.4 uur in totaal
A shooting game where I didn't have to shoot a single humanoid.
Geplaatst 10 september.
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40.0 uur in totaal (28.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
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Made it to rank 69 in like a week idk. Shooting games are unhealthy. I use this to vent. 1 KD. When I was feeling it I got up to 2-3 KD on RogueSoldiers HC server. Then I went outside, touched synthetic grass (turf soccer) and played again. I got rolled. The takeaway: living life makes you worse at FPS, because reality doesn't revolve around death and destruction. I didn't even know how to zero my sights until I looked up if it was possible. Missed the part of the tutorial that mentioned it. Chambering rounds doesn't add to the total. I tested this painfully with an extended magazine glock. Emptied it completely, loaded a magazine counted 24 shots. Then I reloaded again. If there are 24 cartridges in a magazine and one in the chamber I should 25 shots. I only had 24. I counted to 24 like 5x double checking this oversight. Reloading before emptying the chamber is faster as the animation for racking the slide only done when completely dry. Technically irl the wep would still be fireable with a chambered round even in the middle of reloading. BF3 and BF4 had this feature. Needs a battle royale mode to be relevant in a post PUBG landscape. I played this for the nostalgia not to get addicted.

No shotguns. I timed the soldier you play as running 400m in 57 seconds (pistol equipped as that's faster) which is excellent considering the armor and 50 cal sniper rifle (idk if its actually 50 cal, it was the 2nd to last unlock) I was carrying at the time. Totally unburdened I ran a 53s 400m in high school which is pretty mid. I'd translate a 57 with a sniper rifle and full kit to a 48s. And there is no stamina system in this game so we're talking WR mile pace.There's unlimited "sprint" which is quite silly. The reload system of fast reload or tactical reload where you keep the partially emptied magazine could be applied to movement. Tapping shift toggles "run fast" which should be near unlimited. 5 minute mile pace. Holding shift should be explosive acceleration. While 57s is fast for a 400m, it's useless in combat. it's about 15s in the 100m. In combat 3 meters is life and death. A 12s 100m should be possible with a lighter kit (no sniper rifle) as that speed also scales to 200m. A 24s 200m wouldn't be possible for most gamers, but assuming this is a superwarrior, 11s 100m and 22s 200m should be feasible with adrenaline.

The spawn system needs reworking to make death more consequential. The way it works presently death is INCREDIBLY TACTICAL. Presently it's possible for the team winning the battle to lose objectives. Concerning yourself with staying alive means that you will stay behind cover and worry about line of sight and what is clear. Respawning shows you a map of the entire game and allows you to choose where you'd be needed the most. I've lost domination games where we wipe the other team, securing the central objective, then they immediately respawn and flank the shot out of us, stealing our previously secured objectives. we were so efficient and they still had sniper coverage so we were effectively pinned down not realizing that death is irrelevant based on how the game is balanced to allow instantaneous respawn with a bonus tactical overview. In my humble opinion (imho) there should be a 60s respawn timer on serious servers. Perhaps the game itself allows an arbitrary timeout and server hosts just don't set it higher than 2 seconds. If I were to balance this game I would set the minimum respawn timer to be 10 seconds. I'm rereading this and realizing I didn't even get into how OP being able to spawn out squadmates ahhs is. It means that from the opening zerg to mid, a team could have 2 players flank the map, then have their squadmates tactically unalive and reappear deep in "enemy territory" out of thin air with near 0 downtime. While this play hasn't likely been executed as a master plan I'm sure it naturally occurs thousands of times. A 10 second respawn timer and maybe flags getting pinged when an enemy spawns near them would mitigate the issue.

When players are knocked they should be killable still. Getting vaporized by C4 and then having a tm8 res through the wall is sorta cheap. To balance this maybe allow usage of sidearm & limited mobility as per other popular FPS titles. I get it's a casual title and all so really such lackluster gameplay is conducive to breaking ppl (and kids) free from this playground of chaotic annihilation...I digress. There are much more sweaty shooters out there. There are also much more cartoonish shooters out there. This is a nice middle ground.

My initial disappointment with the game was with the inability to cook grenades. They have an exceptionally long fuse. There's s____de c4 but the ability to overcook a nade would serve the same purpose. The impact grenades can't be bounced off walls to get around a corner. I've also heard the best way to increase chances of surviving a grenade is to a) run away b) dive into a prone position right before it detonates. a) might not be an option if it's properly cooked so it's best to just dive as soon as it lands. maybe a 20% damage reduction from grenades while prone would be a computationally cheap way to implement this.

Merging this game with warthunder would be insane. Maybe future wars could be decided by virtual combat. My idea about increasing sprint speed by like 33% (voodoo math) could ruin gameplay make latency a worse issue. In a LAN setting or ping < 20ms & 240 Hz server would be able to handle the increase. I've definitely died to lag even the way the game is presently paced.

fall damage is realistic-ish. would like to see a clutch mechanic similar to in mirror's edge and minecraft where you can time a press of spacebar to roll on impact and increase survivability. it's a videogame. potentially exploitable as hacked clients could have autoclutch.
Geplaatst 14 juli. Laatst gewijzigd 14 juli.
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7,208.2 uur in totaal (7,157.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
So far so What a Save!

Humanity was a mistake and the way the administration of this game has treated me proves it.

Geplaatst 13 augustus 2022. Laatst gewijzigd 2 september.
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38.5 uur in totaal (9.4 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I'm having fun.

I predict I will stop having fun once my MMR reaches the point where I play against ppl who dedicate too much time to this game.

The UI is clunky and at times it not obvious. It's user friendly but its a forced friendliness.
Geplaatst 21 juni 2022. Laatst gewijzigd 21 juni 2022.
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130.9 uur in totaal (6.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Nice enough base game...the thing is that DLC is still sparse.

I'm writing this review after visiting the junkyard and I gotta say their prices are ridiculous. Supposing USD is worth double the the ingame currency they want 3k (USD) for car that isn't even worth fixing. A car that's been mostly stripped and every part still on it is below 30% condition.

Meanwhile IRL I can go find a running car for 1k on craigslist if I look long enough.

Edit: why do I need to pay 10k (5k USD) to expand my garage in order to get a work bench when half my garage is filled by a bus and boxes? Couldn't I at least park the bus outside to make space?
Why can't I use soap and water to wash cars? Why aren't there car washes I drive take cars to once they're running? Why do I need to spend 1.75k (875 USD) to build a car wash?

At this point I changed my review from positive to negative, here's why:

Ok I just shelled out 12.5k (ingame) for a body repair station and I can't even use it until I max the Renovator perk? 10k for the expansion and 2.5k for the body repair station, which has a fixed requirement of level 6 Renovator, despite not being clearly indicated on the purchase UI. It says "Renovator upgrade required" which I have, just not maxed, rather than saying "Your Renovator level is too low" and preventing the purchase by graying it out.

IRL, minor body repairs are some of the simplest fixes anyone can do on their car. Machining/fixing small parts would have a much greater threshold of impossibility, yet in CMS 21 the requirement seem much lower.

Last night I had some fun using a cheatcode to start with 500k and level 35. I guess I enjoyed resurrecting an imitation Mustang Fastback and building an engine for it, but there was nothing to do after so I went back into my uncheated career and encountered the above issue...

Qualifying this review as a bicycle mechanic and web designer/computer programmer.

I hate it more than when I first wrote this review but I've become addicted.
Geplaatst 17 mei 2022. Laatst gewijzigd 1 juni 2022.
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0.0 uur in totaal
Geplaatst 29 maart 2020.
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1,482.6 uur in totaal (278.4 uur op moment van beoordeling)
hands down the worst formatted pvp of any multiplayer videogame
block is omnidirectional
you animation cancel if the target you're aimed for cloaks
damage can't be done to cloaked targets
movement is terrible:
>you get stuck on random objects
>the character has terrible stamina (I play soccer and run long distances irl)
some perks make 0 sense and are race locked (see orcs and movement speed buff)
psijic has a 30% movement speed buff that also grants 10% crit buff and 5k damage shield whenever you block (p2w skill line) (did it also grant 30% dmg reduction during channel?)

if you want the immersive world and relatively unlimited mechanics of Morrowind or later titles, look elsewhere.

if you want a carebear MMO with some depth and atrocious lag, maybe ESO is the right game for you.

it's a toy but I must divert my rage into it because it's one of the last of its kind where there is some sense of balance and combat feels kinetic (RIP TERA, KMMO seem always to be mismanaged to death)

gapclosers are lock on and will allow the caster to jump inhuman lengths to reach any target within the skills range

don't fall bellow 50% HP or everyone will cast their finisher on you at once

the build system rewards people for stacking all their attribute points towards one stat

restoration staff seems to be border worthlessness in pvp.

open world pvp exists in a fixed zone with capturable resources, etc, but there is little sense of permanence. it could certainly be expanded upon.

you'll find yourself completing tasks such as crafting for daily writs. you deposit your work into an anonymous box. presumably the devs had intended this to contribute some kind of faction marketplace similar to how shops are run in classic Elder Scrolls titles, but really it just feels like you're throwing your work away for some reward that is barely worth the effort.

the world feels a little bit flat and unimaginative. there are massive sections of the map that are still unreachable.

all and all there isn't much in terms of real innovation that I don't feel is borrowed from other MMO.

Constant dailies, resource collecting through randomly spawned nodes (makes me almost miss mining in Runescape), quests to kill bad guys, staticly placed world bosses, fast travel to wayshrines, researchable attributes (reminiscent of EvE), guild traders (a wonderful system that is simultaneously crippled by how it is accessed), static NPC (no lifecycle or daily routine, shops are always open and there is always the same person operating them) with ability ability to pickpocket and kill them (a hallmark feature of Elder Scrolls game), no player collision, pets have a few animations the cycle through but are otherwise lifeless, no encumberance system (an inventory that requires a cast time in order to summon items would be completely lore friendly, but alas I can carry several tons worth of materials and loot), no VoIP, elemental magicka combat is understated and linear (ignores environment, the distinctions don't feel necessary, unaffected by range as long as target is within tooltip), bow is tab targeted (a mistake), no cooldowns (this decision is very very dangerous, ambitious and completely amazes me how the game manages to still be playable in spite of this diregard for all that is sacred), limited to slotting 6 abilities at a time (5 regular and one superpower) which is bonkers but forces unique decisions and economizing of skill selection, and there is an instance matched dungeon system and battlegrounds. Oh yeah and you can get a spell that reflects projectiles back at attackers.
All the usual. Those are just things you'd want to know about if you've played an MMO before.

I'll speak on why I think cooldowns are necessary. They make a person keep track of as many as 15 decaying timers, with varying lengths in their mind at the same time, if they want to be able to combat with fluidity. As a sorcerer in the MMO TERA I would be able to know when every cooldown was coming to an end, and even keep track some of my opponent's.
In order for combat to go smoothly just about every button that wasn't WASD and was immediately reachable by either hand had an ability bound to it. This is pure insanity. I cannot recommend that any western style MMO try duplicating this depth and resolution to the reaction and decisions I need to consider when playing the game. There needs to be some element of knowing what an opponent can do in the middle of an engagement, at a given distance, based on prior actions they've taken.

The stance the developers have taken on cooldowns is one of ignorance. The affect isn't as devastating as the word 'ignorance' would entail, because the damage model can be steep, and the relationship between players is balanced for a group experience. There is a mild counter to stuns "Break Free" that grants invulnerability from being stunned again for a period of 5ish seconds.

Potions share cooldowns, but thankfully there are craftable potions that incorporate stamina, magicka, and health recovery.

What keeps PvP alive isn't so much the dynamic of chi, it's the constant threat of obliteration.
There is server crippling lag at times.

My high dps combo is as follows (it assumes a stationary single target)
Backlash (20% damage repetition, reduces resistances) -> Volley (procs berserk from enchantment) -> Soul Assault
The only buff applied to myself is Momentum (20% weapon damage increase on 2h).

I can't imagine a better one, but combat doesn't leave room for much traditional patterns to be explored

I've played Morrowind, Obilivion, Skyrim, and Fallout 3. Lore, world building, and immersion are always great in ZoS/Bethesda games.

It has a real charming atmosphere that I can't help but admire. It just needs more things to do other than killing, stuff that is engaging, and killing things needs to be rethought so it's not broken.

I have maintained a wishlist of stuff I that could make this game really great and long lasting, a bastion of exploration, hope, adventure, and less frustrating combat. A world that is more interconnected, somewhere new life can form, a haven from stupid politics and a global community that doesn't require despotic governance.
Geplaatst 28 oktober 2018. Laatst gewijzigd 11 december 2018.
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1,367.7 uur in totaal (219.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
A+ very good fast pace tactical RTS
Geplaatst 6 mei 2016.
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