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2 people found this review helpful
326.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This is a "Yes, but..." recommendation. Keep in mind that the game is in Early Access right now, so it is subject to change quite a bit; so this is entirely based on the current state.

The art style is great, and it plays like Ark: Survival Evolved but with "Similar but legally distinct characters not related to Pokemon" which is just hilarious to see in action sometimes. It does present a fair challenge in the beginning that steadily ramps up too, and you won't be completely locked out of some of the "Technologies" in game like you are with Ark if you play it solo player if you play and grind for long enough. There are plenty of places to explore, plenty of enemies to fight, Pals to collect with different variants and features. Even the most hostile of landscapes are beautiful to look at with a mysterious gigantic "World Tree" just over the horizon to keep you exploring and questing to get strong enough to get there.

However, here's the "but" I mentioned earlier; you have to grind LONG enough to do that. Without changing any of the settings, you will be at this game an incredibly long time to really get going; and even then the game doesn't feel like it was made to be played solo player at all after a certain point. Some of this can be fixed by cranking settings up or down to compensate for a lack of other players contributing to a base camp; but even then there are times where that doesn't feel like enough. I know it is Early Access, but it feels like the End Game didn't get as much thought, or at least as of yet. Many of the fights will have you switching between your entire team of Pals and even sometimes that won't be enough to save you from abilities that penetrate through what seems like should be your cover from those attacks. I get that we're fighting creatures with supernatural powers, and you'd think that you could hide behind a big rock or something to avoid some attacks, but you'd be wrong. The "Raid Boss" pal is also the only source for some of the materials in the game you need for what feels like some pretty important crafts. They aren't necessary to "beat" the game, but they'd certainly be helpful considering how early you can get the pattern. The random dungeon feature in game to find neat pals and items is nice because it also helps get the items you absolutely need, but they are so rare that they feel like a chore that you HAVE to do rather than a fun excursion, like they always are in the same spots but they aren't always "active" so you gotta hunt for the active ones; and the Pal that is supposed to help you find more doesn't seem to do that in a way that I could figure out. Then they are so tight on the inside that even your regular sized and smaller Pals will struggle to get around. You will inevitably find ways to avoid having to go into them; mine was cycle through the "Alpha Pals" marked on the map in the overworld area on respawn, which is about an hour between each one.

Then the building aspect in the game isn't incredibly friendly in it's current state because you have to build for your pals, and it's hard to position as many of the items you're going to need and want in the space you're given; and even then you pals are gonna get stuck on them. Building platforms to help you get space is supposed to help, but that system is finicky at best. You're supposed to be able to build upwards to help you make space, but you need to "support" your builds by having foundations laid out a certain way, but that certain way is likely going to be covering your entire base in foundations and building like a giant fort and then praying that your Pals don't get stuck on one of the floors trying to navigate. Like you have these beautiful environments to explore and you gotta make it ugly as hell to make it functional. You will also need to build multiple bases, and you're limited to three when you 100% need at least five to have access to materials AND a safe space to fight the "Raid Boss Pal" because it will ABSOLUTELY destroy your base, the game tries to warn you of that when you summon her. I didn't believe it; she destroyed buildings that were tweaked to be nearly invincible; and you can't really build to hide from her attacks anyway so you really just need a large, flat piece of land free of trees and rocks and those are hard to come by.

What will possibly be your biggest obstacle though, oddly enough, is the Pals themselves and base building. They seem like they have trouble getting out of their own way, if you know what I mean; like they get in the way of your attacks, the attacks of allied Pals in the base, get stuck on cliffs, get stuck on the various platforms you can build, freeze in place as they are flying out of the sky, fall through the ground and get knocked through the world. It doesn't help either when you catch the "Alpha Pals" or "Shiny Pals" because they are like 10x the size of the regular variant. Some of which don't have a regular variant unless you breed them, and that also takes a ton of space. This combined with the fact that combat is already kind of clunky in that melee is next to useless after the very early game, requiring you to always be as close to max range as possible for your weapon just feels not as fun. Like the Pals are supposed to be the KEY thing you're playing the game for, and they're frustrating to deal with.

You can get around some of the headaches by using exploits to "stack" some of the things like Pal Beds and Farms/Plantations helps a bunch, but your pals will definitely end up stuck if you do that and will require you to either use the pickup/throw feature, put them in the Pal Box and pull them back out, or destroy the build. You COULD get mods to solve some of the problems too, but that also means having to pick through a bunch of garbage that horny weebs made that will likely leave you scarred (seriously some of that ♥♥♥♥ is real creepy) than satisfied with the solution you find. However I don't think you should have to use exploits or mods to make a game work as intended; that's some Bethesda level nonsense.

I think the devs could do a lot for the game by just adding some kind of "Support Beam" to each tier of building and making it easier to make functional builds that Pals can use; which would go a long way in making certain aspects of the game more fun and less of a chore. But I don't know where to begin fixing the Pals other than tweaking their pathing or giving them an "Unstuck" feature they can use themselves. I love that they Pals can get huge, but I don't know how you'd begin fixing pathing issues with them without shrinking them or making the world itself bigger. Another big thing for me was the weight of the items; everything seems to weigh more than it really should, forcing you to make many frequent trips back to your home base to drop stuff off; but the fix for that is pretty straight forward.

TLDR: It's a good game, and has potential to be a great game; but it's still very much an Early Access title that is likely going to be spending a considerable amount of time fighting lawsuits with NIntendo before they can get back to actually making content. It's probably better with a group of friends just in general though in its current state; but personally I will be waiting for a big content update before I pick it up again.
Posted May 28.
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113.3 hrs on record
Probably one of the better dungeon crawlers I've played, especially at it's price-point of absolutely free! When I say better though I also mean harder. This game does ease you into the difficulty, but it doesn't take long for it to take off the kid-gloves and show you that it's got a lot in common with Souls-like games in that you REALLY need to be smart about how you build and actually plan it as you go along. It rewards good choices, which there are lots of in the form of tons of different builds to choose from. But like any game some are just better than others; and believe me when I say that you will know fairly quickly that you messed up. However, there is always re-speccing the character; it'll just take some grinding if you want to do it for free.

The best part about it I feel like is how the devs put in a unique currency system that has basically completely hampered any gold-sellers ability to do business in game. It's not perfect, and the scammers definitely still try to steal accounts occasionally; but the team at Grinding Gear Games has your back in regards to squashing the scammers, as well as solving whatever other problems you might run into.
Posted March 17.
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19.6 hrs on record (18.5 hrs at review time)
Chaotic fun for you and your entire crew; it's fun alone and provides a nice challenge, but also insanely more fun with more friends providing even more challenge due to the style of game and mechanics of the magic.
Posted May 12, 2023.
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218.5 hrs on record (214.5 hrs at review time)
Fantastic strategy game loosely based on actual history. Its got a reasonably fair and balanced so long as you aren't actively trying to exploit the hell out of it (looking at you Spiffing Brit!) and can make for hours of fun game play with a friend or by yourself. The problem you will have is finding enough people who will sit down and play a whole game start to finish.

The Civopedia is a wonderful resource (In Game Encyclopedia) for finding out new facts about the units you're playing and the leader you're piloting; I've actually used it in older versions of the game to compile fun-fact lists that are entirely accurate. So if education is your jam, this game has that as a nice side-dish to the main course that is a brilliant strategy game.
Posted April 25, 2023.
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11.4 hrs on record (11.2 hrs at review time)
This is a fun beat'em up with up to 4 player same-screen multiplayer. It's great to break out when you got friends over, and it's nostalgic; reminds me a lot of the old arcade cabinet games like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Golden Axe but with an anime spin.
Posted November 17, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
47.1 hrs on record (37.8 hrs at review time)
There's actually not a whole lot wrong with the game itself. The bots themselves are kind of dumb, but that's expected. However, they don't get smarter in the higher difficulties, which makes for some real problems and forces you to get real creative with your gameplay, even at early levels to compensate for their clowning around. The end boss is a bit boring, but that could be just me being ruined on bosses by Dark Souls type games. The pattern is easy to pick up and you just go ballistic on it after you figure it out, with the hardest part really being the swarms of Ridden that hit every couple of cycles.

The player base is the real issue. What you have to look forward to are the typical shooter players who couldn't find their ass with a map, let alone an objective, but are twice as ♥♥♥♥♥♥ with a superiority complex. Most have no concept of how team games work, and it's always the same "I need heals bro!" and "I had sex with your mom for a sandwich!" 6th-grade delinquent dropout nonsense. Fights over weapons and pickups, people begging you to buy them powerups, the whole mess of the worst kind of players.

You should prepare to be shot over and over again by teammates who can't tell the difference between you and a zombie or who just plain don't care and spray bullets everywhere, and crybabies howling over you choosing their favorite character before they do and just sabotaging your whole run as "payback". For real, I've never played a shooter game like this where the bots are more useful than the random players you could potentially encounter. This has held true for every multiplayer campaign run in this I have played so far. I can be okay with players bad at the game and trying to learn, I'm not okay with these loathsome and toxic creatures who have clamored to this game and are working hard at ruining the multiplayer end.

This game is literally only going to be fun if you're okay with playing on Rookie Solo (maybe higher if you're real good at this game) or doing a run with all friends. Otherwise you're going to want to mute voice chat completely and play something where you can stand back and shoot with the Breakout card always available right out the gate, because you aren't getting saved by anyone except a bot, and only then if you're lucky.
Posted October 22, 2021.
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38.6 hrs on record (11.0 hrs at review time)
Absolutely love this game. I haven't had fun with a shooter game in years, and this absolutely impressed. It is exactly what they say on the label, "Halo meets Portal".
Posted August 30, 2021.
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548.5 hrs on record (546.3 hrs at review time)
I've played the absolute hell out of this game and enjoyed every minute; even when bosses were kicking my ass up one of my structures and down the next. I've played it since I want to say the beginning of the journey back when a wicked clown on a ball could blow up your stuff with his bombs, all the way to it's final conclusion where the game has great beginning to end scaling, including an BBEG that will leave you whimpering.

It's much tamer at the start for beginners, which is fantastic because it gives you a chance to learn how to build and how the game works with a good mix of easy and challenging enemies that feel rewarding to dispatch. The graphics are colorful and endearing, the music is engaging, and the gameplay itself is simple to learn but difficult to master. I find myself going back to play it again and again, an instant classic!
Posted March 31, 2021.
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306.6 hrs on record (71.3 hrs at review time)
Received this as a gift from a friend after talking with him about how I played it at a friend's place; and I gotta say that this is a game that will provide hours of enjoyment with a good scale for challenge. The solo player mode is just as fun as multiplayer, and the community that plays this is super helpful.

The only thing I can honestly say I don't like, is that it isn't cross platform. So many friends have this game on console, and I can't play with them too.
Posted August 4, 2020.
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121.2 hrs on record (35.3 hrs at review time)
I went looking to see what I could find on Steam for under a dollar, and I stumbled upon this game on sale for twenty-five cents. I was curious to see what a game that costs a quarter was like; so I bought it. And much to my surprise, it was not only good but surprisingly addicting.

It's a very nice RPG that has a neat twist in that it's this sort of rogue-like. It has graphics that remind me of some classic NES games I played when I was kid, and it's paired with little still-frame anime-style animations when some characters speak and a gorgeous soundtrack. Its story and gameplay is pretty simple but with how the levels are made and the different variations of each character, it allows for hours and hours of simplistic, fun gameplay for the beginner and seasoned veteran of rpgs.
Posted April 1, 2020.
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