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118.2 hrs on record (80.9 hrs at review time)
games great, we stopped Sony from forces the PSN requirment but they still have the region lock, even worse is as on May 10th they actually added MORE regions to it.
time to wallop them again boys
Posted May 3. Last edited May 10.
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126.5 hrs on record (43.0 hrs at review time)
I do need to preface that i haven't finished my first playthrough by the time I've written this review. I DO PLAN to update the review when I do finish the game.
I am making this review to HIGHLY RECOMMEND THE GAME because its actually really ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fun none the less. I think it's rediculous some of these negative reviews, feels like a bunch of spoiled brats who want darksouls from a company that just wants to be "inspires" by Dark Souls, not a 1-1, if that was what they made...why bother right?
I've seen reviews recommend playing the PREVIOUS game over this one despite "both being terrible" and that's just stupid, I'm sorry other reviewers who say that, you're a moron.
but I grab this game awhile after release, and here's the things I find:
I find a world so far BIGGER than Dark Souls 1, I find a game that is the most visually detailed and impressive souls-like out there at this moment, I find a game that is ACTUALLY replayable not just build wise but also story and lore wise (you don't have access to all classes, you unlock them including The Dark Crusader in the Deluxe Edition. you don't get to read item lore off the bat you have to have the right stats to know the lore of those things.)
I find a game, that feels like absolutely true passion project and love letter to MANY art styles and writers, from Lovecraft to Kentaro Miura, to even Tim Burton!

Combat is fun, enemies are diverse, spells are fun, builds are easy and get A LOT of options, bosses are fun, everything is just fun
EVEN THE COOP AND PVP IS FUN! because now by the time i write this networking is SO MUCH BETTER, and they keep improving it with nearly daily updates as of this review.

to those complaining, whining, and constantly comparing this to souls 1-1, why don't you follow your own advise, the same advice I give because I played the souls games a tone as well between PC and Playstation.... get good.
Posted October 31, 2023. Last edited October 31, 2023.
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191.4 hrs on record (57.1 hrs at review time)
TLDR: The game is, and probably will continue to be, one of if not the favorite game I have that was released in this year, despite the optimization issues, some story hiccups and game balance. I have no doubt Gunfire will fix the optimization issues, and I honestly have my money that it's Gearbox's fault they're there to begin with, but that doesn't stop it from being annoying on launch.

I'm going to say this first and foremost: THIS GAME SHOULDN'T BE ON UNREAL 5. It doesn't even use the Lumen system that makes UE5 so special. On top of that this game is NOT OPTIMIZED for even high spec PC's, My buddy runs a PC he built the start of this year with a 4090 in it, and even he couldn't get good frames until he DOWNGRADED THE DSLL this game needs to run with better performance. (quick tip if you grab this game, do not turn off the upscaling, that will absolutely make the game run worse.)

despite the absolutely blatant laziness seen in the optimization and in the options menu (which I can say with confidence probably is the fault of their publisher Gearbox, not Gunfire themselves.). This game is an absolute amazing sequel to his predecessor.
Everything that the first game brought has been reintroduced with more polish and detail;
while some weapons, armors and items have made a return either in their original form from the previous game, or as a slightly different in design and function, they're all incredibly strong and fun to use, with great sound design and animations on both the weapons and the enemies reacting to you attacking them with said weapons.
Music is actually really good, very suspenseful when it needs to be in haunting chambers, somber is wide overgrown jungles, tense is regular combat, and loud and grandiose during boss fights. you'll probably actually find a favorite in this games OST like you would in The Souls Games.
While one of the biggest selling remarks is "it's Dark Souls with Guns" I wouldn't say that was even entirely true, I would say that it's heavily inspired by the combat systems of Dark Souls, but it absolutely focuses on gun play over melee, with slight mechanic changes here and there to truly make the Remnant franchise it's own idea.
The Difficulty settings are bit misrepresented and you'll probably already know that awhile after this review has been posted, the devs idea was most players going through a full campaign of the game on Survivor Difficulty, which is actually this games Normal difficulty. Only after that and maybe some adventure runs, go through a campaign again on Veteran Difficulty. Save yourself the headache and early and late pains in the campaign, and play the game on Survivor first. Don't make my, and many others same mistake :P
The game is BUILT for Co-op, you can play it solo and it works just as well but you lose a lot of impact and mechanics that are tailored for at least 2 players, and even greater with the maximum 3.
There is some controversy over the new limitations over how many Traits (passive levels) you can have in this game compared to the unlimited amount in Remnant 1. However with the new Archetype system, how you can start your character, and how loot drops are kind of shared between characters, I don't see this as much of an issue and actually encourages players to make more characters to focus builds on instead of making one guy that can.... well... do and use anything.
The tutorial is IMHO a bit weaker than the first game's. Co-op starts a lot later in the start of the game, and as I'm sure some have read in other reviews, people don't like the NPC you're stuck with through the whole tutorial and dialogue given from other characters a bit later(and I don't blame them they have "Marvel Writing" all over them)
Enemy damage can be VERY unforgiving even if you built yourself as the tankiest possible builds in the game. With some regular mobs in worlds still able to stagger you and chunk a good third of your health off. I really makes one miss the ability to upgrade our armor like in the first game :P
There is no anti cheat in this game, for some people that may be a red flag but personally this is a PVE game that you play with people you know. While you can probably join a random stanger's game and adventure with them (I wouldn't know I actually haven't tried), I wouldn't recommend to and instead just get this game with a buddy or 2 and have some fun.

With Gunfire's record with previous games I actually have no doubt they'll fix all of these issues even before any of the confirmed DLC is released. Give the dev team a bit of slack, this is an amazing just, all of us who loved the first game want this sequel to flourish! But in order for that, we have to bark at them about the glaring issues present so that they know what to fix.
Posted August 1, 2023.
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345.3 hrs on record (172.0 hrs at review time)
Update: one step forward, 3 steps back. Fatshark announced a price hike on cosmetics in the cash shop due to "quality assurance' and the first bundle they give out is loaded with problems that don't make the price seem reasonable. they're also trying to shut down any talk about it on their discord and letting their whales damage control anyone questioning the reason one bundle got the hike despite a third of it's content literally being assets from two previous cosmetics for the same class, put together, and painted grey.

previously, on launch, i shared a negative review that surmised how this game was worse in nearly every way than it's predecessor. While there are still thing Vermintide does better, after a year of diligence and focus on the game, with the release of a class overhaul and crossplay. I can happily say that this is atleast how the game should've released.
There's still some stuff missing that's true HOWEVER, due keep in mind the pattern Fatshark has with their games.
we're passed the "Console port" stage that slows down everything, and with crossplay we're avoiding the trend that the console port will never be as updated as the pc port is. we're going to get updates faster, faster than we have been maybe a bit slower than VT2 got them if anything.
when you saw reviews that said "wait a year" such as my own?...they were true...but it became so worth it.
krumping heretics hasn't felt so good.
Posted December 8, 2022. Last edited October 6, 2023.
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0.6 hrs on record (0.5 hrs at review time)
this is an absolute ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ scam, they only give you access to two armies and you do not get a choice is which two those are, so if you're anything but Stormcast or Khorne lovers they want you to get ♥♥♥♥♥♥. on top of that nearly all the armies are 7-10 dollars each, rounding out a "free to play, free to keep" game into a whopping 60 dollar purchase. this game is okay, it runs well, its a good adaptation of the boardgame, but like alot of things Games Workshop, they overpriced it. steer clear of it, it's not even worth being free.
Posted June 6, 2021.
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66.7 hrs on record (11.2 hrs at review time)
I'm going to preface my review saying that I HATE what this game was born as, i hated the price tag, i hated the content that was available and the state said content was in, i hated how bethesda kept failing at pleasing us the consumer and how they reacted to the explosive fire that was the failure of its release, I HATE THIS GAMES HISTORY

however, let me say that again, I hate this games history, and I'm most definitely not the only one. But we all have to see what they have been doing to 76 after it's release, we have to be aware that despite the deserved backlash and the deserved refunds they are still working on this game! you'd think they'd drop it knowing Bethesda... but no, they're still here, with a roadmap and everything.

so like many others, i saw it was free the recent weekend and tried it and to my surprise, i very much enjoy what i experienced, the combat is fun, the survival aspect isnt too forced, C.A.M.P is very nice to work with, and all in all the game is okay. Simple the game is okay

I think my verdict personally would be 6/10, worth getting now that its alot more fixed up and has better content, however as much as i want to ignore the past i should mention this IS bethesda, and we can't give them slack for trying to play us like they did. so grab it on sale, it's what i'm going to do
Posted May 17, 2020.
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1,125.6 hrs on record (1,069.5 hrs at review time)
it's passable
Posted April 22, 2020.
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2,440.7 hrs on record (760.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
it's a neat game
Posted June 30, 2019.
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16.0 hrs on record (8.1 hrs at review time)
this game...thiiiis gaaame mane, this is a game title that had the right to rival ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ STARCRAFT in its day, but ill leave that out of here, you wanna know what this game is? what it REALLY IS!? THEN ILL TELL YOU!


now i DO NOT mean the way like "hur dur dis game made me think smart and so its like dark souls" ♥♥♥♥♥♥ cuphead and crash bandicoot, no THIS FRANCHISE LITERALLY REPEATED THE DARK SOULS HISTORY WITH A SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT LOOK!

it started off as a game taking a big step and bearing the 40k title, a hard challenge to complete with the expansiveness of the 40k universe, but to everyones surprise it nailed it, it nailed the franchise's feel right on the zoggin head! and everyone felt good about that! money was made, people where happy, life was good...

then we get to 2009, Dawn of War 2 comes out, and it brings a different face, a similar face but enough to make it special, so special in fact that some people from the original game hated its guts and never touched it again, but it still gained a rather large community and playerbase to make it its own and still sell big wads of money, everyone loved the look, the attitude, and the general experience of it, well the ones that played it at least hehe... then 2011 comes along with pretty much a new story but all the races now minus dark eldar, tau, necrons, and Sisters of Battle, still an amazingly fun game, specially the multiplayer in my opinion, more of a faster RTS style that was acceptable in my book...

now, somewhere between DOW2 and DOW3 relic sees something that makes them think "hey guys! this game is different and cool and is getting alot of money, lets watch over it and use 'some' of its mechanics in the next dawn of war game!"

AND SO THEY DID! 2016 roles around and we see actual gameplay of the one and only thing to awaken EVERYONE IN WARHAMMER! and....we where dissapointed, not only did they remove ALOT of things that made people LOVE the 2nd Dawn of War, but they also removed quite alot of things that the 1st game had, and some things the games shared, they made this MOBA-ish game with turrets and power cores and what not and where selling it off, needless to say, the community (if you havnt figured it out) was and still is rather pissed at how much they through out, how much of the game they loved was never going to happen...and so! the community split into three, with barely anyone in the new third game of the bunch for a loooong while.

months later a patch comes out, including a new game mode thats the mroe traditional RTS game mode, as well as turrets and what not,

fast forwards to now, skull tokens are gone completely so everyone generally has equal footing, the only advantage now is those who got their heroes to level 8 to unlock one more thing for hero.

so yes, the first was loved, the second split the party, and the third one was so different because of outside influence everyone hates it (granted dark souls doesnt have that last bit, cpet that the community IS split between all three games BUT, 3 still has the most)

now how IS the game though!? well in general it IS pretty fun, and i think anyone from the last two Dawn of Wars WOULD enjy it in their own way, however it would've gotten ALOT MORE LOVE AND RESPECT, if it was released by Relic as its own seperate franchise, it wouldnt pulled some of the wieght off to why the MOBA game mode is in, why our old beloved cahracters from 1 sounds completely different, why they get heroes, why they dont execute, why they dont have cover (relic cover not the capture point bubble) but no, they knew the risk, took it, and now have to remaster an old game that isnt even warhammer to hope and pray they can bounce back from this risk...

BUT AGAIN! it is fun! if you just look past it, and actually see it as it's own game for once, then you definetly can enjoy it, i have, some buddies i know have, and many more probably. so, yeah, all in all, jsut the Dark Souls 3 of RTS, not bad, no, but VERY DIFFERENT!
Posted October 20, 2017.
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36.3 hrs on record (29.7 hrs at review time)
i implore you, ♥♥♥♥ it ill beg you, PLEASE WHEN ITS ON SALE BUY THIS GAME! this game has immense potential that sadly got unoticed because of its release date and overwatch simply damn near killing it, now i may not have alot of time but i played the absolute hell out of this game during the beta, but sadly didnt have the money to pay for it on release and forgot about until 3 days ago when it was on sale, and let me tell you it was still fun as hell, sure i may have gotten my ass handed to me in the 17/18 games where i fought against other players, but i still had fun because of the characters and there banter as well as the general style of the game.

yes the game allows the player to pay real money in order to unlock loot crates and such within the game but to those who find that unacceptable, overwatch does the same thing with its lootcrates and skins as well as Eternal Crusade which allows players to spend real money to purchase weapons and cosmetics.

does the game have its flaws, sure what game doesn't, but it's fun none-the-less. andi beg you, plead you, AND IM SEIRIOUSKY BEGGING HERE! PLEASE GET THIS GAME! it has so much potential that makes it a golden jem in forgotten games. and even though i can barely play this and i could've gotten Overwatch instead, i will forever have absolutely no regret for purchasing this game over Overwatch or hell even DeathWing
Posted October 18, 2016.
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