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Ergebnisse 1–10 von 706
Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
1.6 Std. insgesamt
Its not terrible its just boring. Theres no story, its super short, and every level you do the exact same thing, with most levels feeling identical. Theres no real new mechanics, or things that change the gameplay loop up. You collect a flower and give it to a girl in a castle. The platforming mechanics are tight, which is nice, although not getting a jump after falling off a ledge is pretty stupid and a mistake. The fact you keep enemies killed and stuff collected and each new screen is a checkpoint is nice. Yes like people say when they introduce a ton of water levels it brings it all down and they are super stupid and slow. But even with the game last 1.5 hrs it already felt too repetitive. Shooting is just holding down a button and you shoot a ton of things super fast and seems kind of weird. The pixel look is cute and it does feel old school. But overall its just meh. 6/10
Verfasst am 15. Juni.
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Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
5.6 Std. insgesamt
It's not bad, like everyone said its a lot like Donkey Kong Country. The platforming and jumping is tight, although sometimes you'll go through platforms so the collision detection and hitboxes could be a bit better. Also the game really could use a double jump, and not being able to jump after landing on an enemy is kind of dumb as well.
Its pretty fun, and some of the masks are cool, but later levels become stupid runner sections (laziest game design ever) and ziplines, rising lava, tornado chases, etc. Instead of good platforming its just following preset button pressing and its tons of stupid trial and error sections, especially with way too many instant death pits. There only being 1 checkpoint all levels could be better as although the levels aren't long some of the checkpoints and end of levels are far apart, forcing you to replay a decent amount. Only getting 2 hits total could have been better, should have been 3, although they do have casual thankfully so if you have to switch you can. The final boss is terribly designed, breaking the 3 attack rule and having no checkpoints but 5 different multi-part stages, forcing a ton of trial and error and repetition. The game is also pretty short, but it does have a great art and visual design. Collectibles are basically useless and theres almost no story at all. 7.5/10.
Verfasst am 9. Juni.
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Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
35.0 Std. insgesamt
Decent game but not excellent. Game runs in 30 fps locked and I did the workaround but the game still showed 30fps in the top right counter so IDK if it worked or not. Game crashed around 5-8 times over my entire runthrough. There was stuttering sometimes and the puzzles that involve pressing the right keys in music style was not possible to complete due to FPS issues. The lock on system with the gun and switching between enemies is awful, as well as one of the worst cameras in gaming. The story made no sense and I had no idea what was going on, potentially because I didn't play the game before. The combat can be a bit repetitive.

The good things are its decent length, the platforming works fine, and the levels and environments are very cool and inventive. Overall is a decent 3D platformer that would benefit from QL fixes which will never come. You can do better but also do worse. 7.5/10
Verfasst am 8. Juni.
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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
11.1 Std. insgesamt
It's not bad but certainly not as good as many on the reviews say. Couple major problems. Your character moves like hes in molasses and may be the slowest character in a platformer I've ever seen. Theres no momentum or speed, but jumping is even worse. You have no air control and your character is super floaty and its like once you jump a direction you have 2000 lbs moving that way and have no control over your character. It's some of the worst air control and momentum I've ever seen. The grapple is cool and works sometimes but since jumping and character movement is tied to the grapple its super finnicky and you will constantly miss aiming on things and have to try and spam change direction in air, sometimes with your grapple going through items you can grab because it didn't create lock on animation before you shot it. Swinging to build up momentum to jump up can also be finnicky. The final boss has the worst designed swing jump in the final stage. Also theres the stupid tacked on collectible to unlock levels and its all based around secret items. Normally that would be fine but for no reason the amount needed will jump up 3x as much as it had for the previous stages for no reason forcing you to repeat levels to grind. Thankfully theres a few accessibility settings allowing you to cheese levels for collectibles but instead of that stupid system it should have just stayed consistent with how much you need to collect per stage rather than 80% of them to reach the final boss. The game is decent length and the right amount of difficulty, as well as some ok boss fights and cute visual design. Did wish there were more mechanics or depth as it does grow a bit repetitive later. Was hoping the game would be better but there's just too many flaws, some in the inherent basic design thats crucial to a good platformer, to get a higher score. 7/10.
Verfasst am 29. Mai. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 29. Mai.
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3 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
29.6 Std. insgesamt
It's not bad but theres a lot that keeps it from the likes of better games such a Roguebook, STS, Monster Train. First off, theres a lot of mechanics and complexity and theres 9 total classes so it seems like a lot. But then you realize that theres 3 types of classes, and all 3 classes within that type use most of the game cards and function in a very similar way. Archers use bow shots and barrier, offensive guys use block, and summoners use summons. The 3 summoners use the same 4 classes just slightly different ways. So it gets pretty repetitive.

The RPG aspect is fun at first, but then you see the flaws. Forcing to run around and use this stupid candle system you run out of way too fast just adds extra annoyance, and then you realize theres a reason other games don't do this, it adds nothing to the game besides an extra resource to manage that isn't fun. Recruiting followers is fun, but when you see how much it costs to unlock anything and how tiny most of the boosts are, and how quickly the cost scales based on how slowly you accumulate resources it becomes way too grindy you realize. Then theres the stupid quests. You wander around interacting with people and sometimes get an item you have no idea what to do with and through multiple more runs that item may work with another NPC encounter to solve a quest. Theres no direction, or any point to the quests outside of more grinding. When I played for like 20 hours and only had 4/13 quests done in order to fight the final boss even though I had all 7 people recruited to village, I saw its another pointless grind that isn't worth it and is dumb how poorly the final boss is gated. The game is way too grindy, and it is very hard early on and you'll die a lot, there is an easy mode which is nice but then cuts down on resource gained which are already slow so that's kind of dumb.

Overall while trying to make the game an RPG they just made it more annoying and grindy than it had to be, with pointless directionless quests and way too high of resource cost for upgrades. Oh i spent 3 hours on 2 runs and all I'm able to buy with the resources is "+1" damage" and "+5% damage reduction".....yeah I want to keep grinding for that. And with hows theres only really 3 unique classes since they all use the same cards you won't even want to playing multiple times with every class. But its not terrible and there is some fun to be had. 7.5/10
Verfasst am 25. Mai.
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Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
25.9 Std. insgesamt
Its a good not great game. The look and feel of the game is cool. The enemies, although of decent variety, arent that cool to look at and do get repetitive with how long the game is. Theres a decent amount of guns with alternate fires, even if most of them are pretty standard fare. The movement in combat as well as platforming is what takes the cake for this game. Its a shame you unlock things too slowly especially the grappling hook, as having multiple movement tools feels excellent. The levels are pretty boring and generic "grey alley/ grey building" except for some levels in Act 3. For some stupid reason when you've selected a difficulty when you want to switch it mid playthrough at the beginning of a level you can only go down in difficulty for some inexplicable reason, maybe the dumbest thing I've ever seen.

The game is really long for a shooter and can at times overstay its welcome but is still pretty fun throughout, just maybe play it in doses. It is dumb how upgrades are specific to a specific limb, as you should be able to slot in something for your legs, and not be unwilling to use it on the R leg because you already have 2 really good upgrades for that leg but your L leg upgrades suck but there's nothing you can do about it, as it makes no sense. A couple bosses are a bit gimmicky but provide a good challenge, although its stupid they all use the lazy respawning waves of enemies trope to artificially inflate difficulty. Overall its still a good game and its amazing such a small group of people made it. 8/10
Verfasst am 19. Mai.
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Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
13.3 Std. insgesamt
It's not bad theres just a lot of mistakes in the game. The visual design is cool as well as the look of the action, brutalizations, etc. The mechanics are where it falls apart. You spam attack but randomly during all enemies can just stop being stunned and attack you, but when you are hit you can be constantly juggled and theres no i-frames or way to recover. The only way to prevent this is to try and uppercut and juggle enemies. This is poor game design, as with all the lights and flash it can be sometimes hard to tell when that is going to happen. Hitboxes can be a bit wonky, as well as the iframes from the dodge mechanic.

You get some cool upgrades and abilities, but due to the dumb system of only being able to equip like 2-3 for 90% of the game theres not much variety to the upgrades. Many chests and other stuff contain crafting mats many of which you'll never use which is super boring. Theres no block for no reason at all, and it has the single worst parry i'v ever seen in a game which like everyone says just completely avoid it because its useless. If youre going to have such an awful parry you need a block. Healing and abilities are only done using basically mana which you only get from attacking with super small low damage attacks, forcing offense to heal which is kind of dumb, especially with how slow and stationary healing is, which is also poor design when theres so many fast enemies around you. Also for how expensive all upgrades are and how stupidly slow you get money, even from chests, you will only be able to use like 1 secondary weapon all game because its too expensive to upgrade any others. The story is pointless, its about some lesbian robot or something, you can skip it like I did. It's more of a style over substance, but it checks many of the boxes of the metroidvania genre and you could do worse. 7/10.
Verfasst am 28. April.
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3 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
37.7 Std. insgesamt
Theres a lot of content here and its a good remaster overall, and the addition of the compass for the confusing large levels with multiple areas and backtracking is a game changer, but the game shows its age. It has not help up as well as doom. The enemies are mostly exhausted by 1/3 of the way through the game and you fight the same enemies over and over, with the same guns, most of which are standard and boring, and some are just upgraded versions of worse weapons that use the same ammo. Some enemies have hit scan shots which are pretty dumb. The levels are all boring drab grey facilities and have no interest or personality especially for how big they are. The levels packs, although included with the new campaign, add more length, but are terrible. They introduce stupid turrets all over, and add wayyy too many enemies in every single room making fights take forever, any many times, especially earlier on, have way too many enemies that take a lot of damage and don't give you enough ammo for all the fighting which is stupid. They also add in multiple cheap enemies that spawn and reanimate all in the same area so its super annoying to have to try and kill them all. I ran into some issues where doors wouldn't open but compass was pointing to the door so I had no idea what I missed and had to use console cheats to progress, but didn't happen that often so wasn't too terrible. The story is pretty non-existant. The game just felt kind of boring and repetitive and moment to moment gameplay didn't hold up like a Doom with interesting enemies and fun weapons. But it's not terrible and if you played this game before you may enjoy it, as I never played it growing up. 7/10.
Verfasst am 27. April.
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Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
9.3 Std. insgesamt
Do not waste your time with this game. The game starts fine with its moment to moment gameplay and the gun play is solid, and things like weapon buyback are decent. Those are the only good things. This game is the most repetitive bare bones roguelike I've ever played. You have 3 total uninteresting guns that you unlock in the first 5% of the game, and thats it. Theres no new guns, no abilities, nothing. You unlock some temporary buffs early on you'll barely never use, and do get stronger versions of the same guns with small stat upgrades and thats about it. Theres no multiple classes or different builds or anything. So any of the interest and variety of most roguelikes that keeps you invested and offsets the grind isn't here.

You fight the same 4-5 boring robots in the same repetitive uninteresting environments with the same 3 guns for the entire game. Theres like 4-5 mission types you will have played by the first 10% of the game and that's all there is to see. Theres some bosses, but even that is done poorly. You unlock them by grinding repetitive missions, but they have A LEVEL CAP. So rather than just fighting them after doing a few missions you have to grind the same missions repeatedly just to level up in order for them to be available to you. And its so stupid as the levels are arbitrary.,.....one boss requires you to be level 17 and 27 and 32......why not make it 15-25-30......I guess that doesn't require as much grinding. The money and other mats you get are relatively small for no reason, you can sell a legendary gun for 20 dollars and weapons cost 1100.....uh ok?

And dear god the permanent character and base upgrades. Nothing sexier than spending 45 min to level up and get "+2% pistol damage" or "+5% damage behind cover" and all these very specific small percentages that you will never notice the effect of. And then base upgrades are "+5% cheaper weapons in shop" and "10% less buyback cost". They literally are so pointless on 95% of them by the time you'll unlock them the upgrade won't matter. So theres no permanent base or character upgrades that you get excited about or that change any of the gameplay in any way possible. The game is just bare bones and repetitive and I'm just blown away theres none of the good parts of roguelikes that makes you want to keep playing, especially for how extra grindy this game is for no reason.....I guess because theres not that much content but they want to pad the run time. I only finished it because I had gotten so far before I realized how grindy it would be to the end and I was already invested. Don't make the same mistakes. Run for cover 5.5/10.
Verfasst am 20. April. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 20. April.
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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
15.1 Std. insgesamt
Gave this game a fair try but it's just not good enough for what it is. The bosses and mini bosses after the first one are super tough and you're going to die over and over. This is mostly due to the laziest boss game design of all with tons of constantly spawning enemies on the boss all around you meaning you need to juggle them while getting shot from all sides which is super annoying and poorly designed. So then you restart and go again. The problem is the game is super repetitive. Of the 3 total shells available after 10 hrs, each one uses the same 2 guns and the same two abilities. You can unlock a few new guns from RNG but you mostly use the same ones. You fight the same enemies in the same boring rooms and fight the same bosses in the same order. So no new guns or abilities or anything.

Then theres all the unlocks and upgrades. The chip system is kind of stupid meaning you only get a few temporary boosts when you use an ability a few times a room, and some boring passive bonuses. Most upgrades are just getting different damage types. The shell upgrades are mostly just more damage or health and you rarely see those. So its mostly common rarity boring chips which change nothing and you can only use a few and sell the others. But all the items in the shops are boring common chips, and theres nothing else to buy. Then after you spend 30-40 min finishing a run because the game requires insane grinding, you'll get a 5% boost in damage reduction and thats it, or unlock a single added thing to start the run. Once you see how high the requirements are for small upgrades it takes away all fun, since you know you'll be using the same guns with the same boring upgrades fighting the same enemies in the same room.

The ripoff doom system is also just done worse and extra stupid and convoluted. You can only get ammo from smashing random few things around the room, that you can't shoot but have to melee. Then you can only get armor back from hitting an enemy with a grenade or using a certain special ability. Its just annoying and obtrusive for the sake of being so and youre getting hit from all sides while waiting for weapon cooldowns or grenade respawns to get armor back that disappears so quickly. Then you can't even get health back without spending money. Theres just not enough variety in classes, weapons, encounters, enemies, upgrades, or anything to make the incessant grind worth it. The game isn't all bad as the action can be fun when it works and some guns and abilities are cool and so is the fast paced movement. But mostly failed potential. 5.5/10.
Verfasst am 18. April. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 18. April.
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Ergebnisse 1–10 von 706