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25.9 hrs on record
Its a good not great game. The look and feel of the game is cool. The enemies, although of decent variety, arent that cool to look at and do get repetitive with how long the game is. Theres a decent amount of guns with alternate fires, even if most of them are pretty standard fare. The movement in combat as well as platforming is what takes the cake for this game. Its a shame you unlock things too slowly especially the grappling hook, as having multiple movement tools feels excellent. The levels are pretty boring and generic "grey alley/ grey building" except for some levels in Act 3. For some stupid reason when you've selected a difficulty when you want to switch it mid playthrough at the beginning of a level you can only go down in difficulty for some inexplicable reason, maybe the dumbest thing I've ever seen.

The game is really long for a shooter and can at times overstay its welcome but is still pretty fun throughout, just maybe play it in doses. It is dumb how upgrades are specific to a specific limb, as you should be able to slot in something for your legs, and not be unwilling to use it on the R leg because you already have 2 really good upgrades for that leg but your L leg upgrades suck but there's nothing you can do about it, as it makes no sense. A couple bosses are a bit gimmicky but provide a good challenge, although its stupid they all use the lazy respawning waves of enemies trope to artificially inflate difficulty. Overall its still a good game and its amazing such a small group of people made it. 8/10
Posted May 19.
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13.3 hrs on record
It's not bad theres just a lot of mistakes in the game. The visual design is cool as well as the look of the action, brutalizations, etc. The mechanics are where it falls apart. You spam attack but randomly during all enemies can just stop being stunned and attack you, but when you are hit you can be constantly juggled and theres no i-frames or way to recover. The only way to prevent this is to try and uppercut and juggle enemies. This is poor game design, as with all the lights and flash it can be sometimes hard to tell when that is going to happen. Hitboxes can be a bit wonky, as well as the iframes from the dodge mechanic.

You get some cool upgrades and abilities, but due to the dumb system of only being able to equip like 2-3 for 90% of the game theres not much variety to the upgrades. Many chests and other stuff contain crafting mats many of which you'll never use which is super boring. Theres no block for no reason at all, and it has the single worst parry i'v ever seen in a game which like everyone says just completely avoid it because its useless. If youre going to have such an awful parry you need a block. Healing and abilities are only done using basically mana which you only get from attacking with super small low damage attacks, forcing offense to heal which is kind of dumb, especially with how slow and stationary healing is, which is also poor design when theres so many fast enemies around you. Also for how expensive all upgrades are and how stupidly slow you get money, even from chests, you will only be able to use like 1 secondary weapon all game because its too expensive to upgrade any others. The story is pointless, its about some lesbian robot or something, you can skip it like I did. It's more of a style over substance, but it checks many of the boxes of the metroidvania genre and you could do worse. 7/10.
Posted April 28.
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37.7 hrs on record
Theres a lot of content here and its a good remaster overall, and the addition of the compass for the confusing large levels with multiple areas and backtracking is a game changer, but the game shows its age. It has not help up as well as doom. The enemies are mostly exhausted by 1/3 of the way through the game and you fight the same enemies over and over, with the same guns, most of which are standard and boring, and some are just upgraded versions of worse weapons that use the same ammo. Some enemies have hit scan shots which are pretty dumb. The levels are all boring drab grey facilities and have no interest or personality especially for how big they are. The levels packs, although included with the new campaign, add more length, but are terrible. They introduce stupid turrets all over, and add wayyy too many enemies in every single room making fights take forever, any many times, especially earlier on, have way too many enemies that take a lot of damage and don't give you enough ammo for all the fighting which is stupid. They also add in multiple cheap enemies that spawn and reanimate all in the same area so its super annoying to have to try and kill them all. I ran into some issues where doors wouldn't open but compass was pointing to the door so I had no idea what I missed and had to use console cheats to progress, but didn't happen that often so wasn't too terrible. The story is pretty non-existant. The game just felt kind of boring and repetitive and moment to moment gameplay didn't hold up like a Doom with interesting enemies and fun weapons. But it's not terrible and if you played this game before you may enjoy it, as I never played it growing up. 7/10.
Posted April 27.
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9.3 hrs on record
Do not waste your time with this game. The game starts fine with its moment to moment gameplay and the gun play is solid, and things like weapon buyback are decent. Those are the only good things. This game is the most repetitive bare bones roguelike I've ever played. You have 3 total uninteresting guns that you unlock in the first 5% of the game, and thats it. Theres no new guns, no abilities, nothing. You unlock some temporary buffs early on you'll barely never use, and do get stronger versions of the same guns with small stat upgrades and thats about it. Theres no multiple classes or different builds or anything. So any of the interest and variety of most roguelikes that keeps you invested and offsets the grind isn't here.

You fight the same 4-5 boring robots in the same repetitive uninteresting environments with the same 3 guns for the entire game. Theres like 4-5 mission types you will have played by the first 10% of the game and that's all there is to see. Theres some bosses, but even that is done poorly. You unlock them by grinding repetitive missions, but they have A LEVEL CAP. So rather than just fighting them after doing a few missions you have to grind the same missions repeatedly just to level up in order for them to be available to you. And its so stupid as the levels are arbitrary.,.....one boss requires you to be level 17 and 27 and 32......why not make it 15-25-30......I guess that doesn't require as much grinding. The money and other mats you get are relatively small for no reason, you can sell a legendary gun for 20 dollars and weapons cost 1100.....uh ok?

And dear god the permanent character and base upgrades. Nothing sexier than spending 45 min to level up and get "+2% pistol damage" or "+5% damage behind cover" and all these very specific small percentages that you will never notice the effect of. And then base upgrades are "+5% cheaper weapons in shop" and "10% less buyback cost". They literally are so pointless on 95% of them by the time you'll unlock them the upgrade won't matter. So theres no permanent base or character upgrades that you get excited about or that change any of the gameplay in any way possible. The game is just bare bones and repetitive and I'm just blown away theres none of the good parts of roguelikes that makes you want to keep playing, especially for how extra grindy this game is for no reason.....I guess because theres not that much content but they want to pad the run time. I only finished it because I had gotten so far before I realized how grindy it would be to the end and I was already invested. Don't make the same mistakes. Run for cover 5.5/10.
Posted April 20. Last edited April 20.
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15.1 hrs on record
Gave this game a fair try but it's just not good enough for what it is. The bosses and mini bosses after the first one are super tough and you're going to die over and over. This is mostly due to the laziest boss game design of all with tons of constantly spawning enemies on the boss all around you meaning you need to juggle them while getting shot from all sides which is super annoying and poorly designed. So then you restart and go again. The problem is the game is super repetitive. Of the 3 total shells available after 10 hrs, each one uses the same 2 guns and the same two abilities. You can unlock a few new guns from RNG but you mostly use the same ones. You fight the same enemies in the same boring rooms and fight the same bosses in the same order. So no new guns or abilities or anything.

Then theres all the unlocks and upgrades. The chip system is kind of stupid meaning you only get a few temporary boosts when you use an ability a few times a room, and some boring passive bonuses. Most upgrades are just getting different damage types. The shell upgrades are mostly just more damage or health and you rarely see those. So its mostly common rarity boring chips which change nothing and you can only use a few and sell the others. But all the items in the shops are boring common chips, and theres nothing else to buy. Then after you spend 30-40 min finishing a run because the game requires insane grinding, you'll get a 5% boost in damage reduction and thats it, or unlock a single added thing to start the run. Once you see how high the requirements are for small upgrades it takes away all fun, since you know you'll be using the same guns with the same boring upgrades fighting the same enemies in the same room.

The ripoff doom system is also just done worse and extra stupid and convoluted. You can only get ammo from smashing random few things around the room, that you can't shoot but have to melee. Then you can only get armor back from hitting an enemy with a grenade or using a certain special ability. Its just annoying and obtrusive for the sake of being so and youre getting hit from all sides while waiting for weapon cooldowns or grenade respawns to get armor back that disappears so quickly. Then you can't even get health back without spending money. Theres just not enough variety in classes, weapons, encounters, enemies, upgrades, or anything to make the incessant grind worth it. The game isn't all bad as the action can be fun when it works and some guns and abilities are cool and so is the fast paced movement. But mostly failed potential. 5.5/10.
Posted April 18. Last edited April 18.
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35.4 hrs on record
Its ok but should be a lot better. Its kind of like SLS but you're managing lanes and decks that add more complexity. As people have said the UI is the worst ive ever seen in a card game, as I never know what opponents were doing or why I was about to take a certain amount damage. Then I would use immunity and sometimes I'd have no damage being done and other teams there would still be damage. Many of the cards you get are useless and so you use a lot of the same cards. The grind for new characters was too slow and the game was kind of repetitive and runs were really long. Overall its alright but theres so many better options out there. Don't look at my hours as I probably have 5-6 but the rest is afk from leaving game up because I saw some posts about it not saving for people. Theres just not much content and game has been abandoned. 6.5/10
Posted April 15. Last edited April 15.
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4.0 hrs on record
Was hoping for a lot more for this game. I will start by saying like everyone else pointed out how its cool that it gives some exposure to meso-american culture. But thats about the only good thing I can. The game is super ugly, and theres noticeable clipping and weird visual effects when running and inside houses that changing refresh rate and vsync doesn't fix. There is way too much dialogue, as 1/3 of the game is reading through boring characters saying inane pointless things. After skipping individual lines I just started skipping entire sections, which FYI I make it a rule to never skip cutscenes in games, but this was so boring and droning I had to. This means I didn't get much of the history but it wasn't worth sitting through all the other garbage dialogue for it, especially as theres just weird grunting sound effects and no lips moving.

The gameplay is repetitive and boring. You fly somewhere, fight a boss, fly back to base, have some dialogue, fly out again and repeat for the super short runtime of 4 hours. Fighting is the same thing you just press auto attack in this QTE style thing, and thats it. The flying is wonky and although you can get a hang of it and its fun for about 10 min, thats all you do in the game. Theres no real platforming or other movement skills like any other parkour games or like Cloudbuilt etc. So boring overlong dialogue, ugly graphics, graphical effect problems, simplistic lame combat, wonky flying, and super repetitive and short. Not much positive to say. How this game is price at 30 bucks is hilarious, should have been 15 dollar release at most initially, then destined for bundles and bargain bins. 5.5/10.
Posted April 13.
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8.7 hrs on record
Its not terrible but yeah it gets a lot wrong. Combat is awful, as you attack way too slowly and stiff compared to other enemies, you stop when attacking in the air, and almost every attack has a stupid status effect. The gear system is awful, as you don't really get new powerful gear from chests. Theres like 2-3 tiers of damage throughout the game and all weapons just change what type of damage they do. The same goes with items that you wear, that also don't allow you to equip to specific body parts they all just take up the same slot. So have fun going to the menu and swapping out equipment every 1-3 minutes, which is so much fun because we all play action games to spend 1/3 the time on the menu. Its clunky and you basically need to look up on boss fights what equipment is best to damage and limit their damage, which is the worst part of most MMO games and has no place here. You can choose different weapons but again it all is based on the damage type, and most of the slower ones are way too slow since you already attack slowly so it makes them almost impossible to use.

Its not a true metroidvania although there are some secrets and some backtracking but its mostly linear and theres a lot of portals. It is stupid how you dont recharge mana and health at checkpoints/save points unlike every other souls game ever, which makes healing and getting mana a chore. Some of the boss fights are decent. The story is meh, mostly just weebo/boobah girl sh!t I didn't care about. The game is functional but its difficult for all the wrong reasons due to bad combat, bad weapons/equipment systems. But you could do worse. 6/10.
Posted April 13.
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11.6 hrs on record
Its a fun little game. Pretty simple, you just dig through levels collecting coins and finding new weapons and equipment. Theres a decent amount in variety of weapons and stuff to unlock, although gameplay is pretty simple and repetitive. I beat it on the 2nd try, and didn't feel a need to go back, as theres a few different bosses and different characters but you unlock them somewhat slowly and it doesnt change gameplay much at all. There's broken builds and stuff but thats the fun of it, doesn't take itself too seriously. 7.5/10
Posted April 10.
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10.5 hrs on record
Its not bad, but nothing too special. Decent variety of enemies and level variety as well. A few of the guns are inventive beyond the usual weapons. The game is also decent length. The story is non-existent, the comedy is pretty juvenile and unfunny. The game looks super ugly not in a blocky/not charming way. The game does get pretty repetitive especially after you unlock almost all the guns only 1/2 the way through the game. Some of the alt fires are interesting while others are completely useless. You can do worse but you can also do better. 7.5/10.
Posted April 9.
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