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6.4 hrs on record
Its alright. People are right the combat is kind of janky and some parts youre having to attack people but you have to constantly dodge 7 people shooting and chasing you which makes it impossible and frustrating. Theres a dodge but it has no iframes and theres no block or counter outside of the final weapon so theres no real damage avoidance. The upgrades arent anything special and half the time you can't tell when they are working or not. I think its great the game celebrates indian culture which is underrepresented in gaming. But to be honest it was mostly just subtitles and some cheap looking cutscenes so I didn't pay much attention to it. The platforming can be wonky because the camera. The game still works but its nothing special, not terrible either. Gets a barely recommend. 6.5/10
Posted April 7.
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19.2 hrs on record
A nice little maze reflex game. Some of the level design can be annoying and frustrating but thankfully there are plentiful checkpoints. Needing to use collectibles to unlock new levels is kind of annoying and stupid game design. But the controls are tight, theres is a good deal of challenge, some unlockable cosmetics. The humor in the game is actually pretty good and refreshing. The game is also pretty short. But its overall pretty good for what it is. 7.5/10
Posted April 5.
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3.7 hrs on record
I mean it was ok, but underwhelming. The gameplay is pretty repetitive as theres only 1 attack button. Theres some different attacks based on directional inputs but I found it finnicky at best and inconsistent most of the time even in training. The game is like 1-1.5 hrs long so way too short. Theres different endings but the story sucks so who cares. Extra modes and stuff is all unlocked after grinding coins from playing the game. So you already beat it before you can try easy mode, as well as getting "tips" which makes no sense. A single extra live is stupid as they are required to get 50k points but you get like 8-10k per level and you die super fast, so its stupid. You are supposed to try this finnicky explode mechanic which only seems to happen randomly. That's about all their is to the game. Just not much there, this game is not final fight or streets or rage. I wish there was a thumbs sideways. 6.5/10
Posted April 4.
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30.3 hrs on record
It's not bad but its not all its hyped up to be. The shooting works well and theres multiple fires on guns. The problem is the enemy variety, as you mostly fight the same 3-4 enemies most of the game. They even reskin the same enemies at times and its super lazy later on. Same with guns, I unlocked like 5 guns through first 6 levels then like 3 guns through the remaining 25, so gets pretty repetitive. Also dumb to have weapon and ability unlocks tied to secrets, and having such a high cost in shop. The levels are pretty boring drab grey "facility" or "rocks". Theres a decent play length but it wears thin because how long levels are but you fighting tons of the same enemies with the same few guns. Theres also no boss fights. The final level is the laziest design of all, as its just 1 small room with tons of respawning enemies that get shields that theyve never had before and the only way to get more ammo is to stand still and slowly recharge which doesnt work in a room you need to constantly be moving, and theres no save points. It basically breaks all rules of the game for no reason just to be forced to repeat it over and over. 7.5/10
Posted April 3.
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28.2 hrs on record
It's a decent souls-like metroidvania with a few mistakes. The game doesn't explain a lot with items and systems etc so you'll want a walkthrough. Also I used a longsword and used 2 total weapons in like 15-20 hours. Also with other equipment it doesn't show up on your character and basically is just small stat upgrades so pretty boring. The skill tree is mostly boring with stat upgrades and small changes like "pressing interact button for 15% healing" which you'll never do. None of the skills I gained changed my playstyle or was anything interesting. Similar to weapons, I got 3 total abilities for my weapon all game and that happened within the first 5 hours, so same repetition.

The game commits the worst and dumbest decision of making fast travel available until 95% left in the game, which makes no sense, because you basically won't use it at all but don't have it when you need it and I didn't use it once. To not have a proper fast travel in a metroidvania is a brainless decision and loses major points. The story is meh and I skipped most if it. But the game is decent length, with a lot of systems and depth as well as tons of bosses. It checks most of the boxes. 7.5/10.
Posted March 29. Last edited March 29.
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10.3 hrs on record
I cant tell if people that say they like this game are trolling or just haven't played a single good survival horror game before because boy does this get everything wrong. It does envoke a sense of nostalgia like a RE 1/2, with tank controls, fixed perspectives, and terrible cheesy voice acting. But thats where it all goes wrong. Where to start.

The combat is awful. Theres 2 guns total, 3 weapons total, as well as no aiming so no headshots. You pick up clips of bullets that are 10 but guys take 6-7 anyways so why make them so stupidly tank. You fight 2-3 enemies all games, which are just reskins of the same body type. Theres no quickturn or no walk backwards while aiming. The camera angles are awful and guys are usually coming at you off screen you can't see. Other times when running the camera switches to opposite angle which forces you to run opposite direction and is stupid. Theres the terrible lighter which you have to constantly pull out because every room is dark so you can't shoot with a weapon, and you dont get a mounted flashlight until 1/2 way into the game.

The story is almost non-existant, unless you want to read 1000 journals which is the laziest story telling and I could't be asked. The voice acting is terrible and graphics are PS3 level. The problems just keep going. You have to go back to menu every 3 seconds, to reload weapons, interact with items, and especially the worst offender, the map. Theres no map button, theres no icon where you are. The map doesn't open to the level you are on, and even if you switch to the right one when you open it back up it goes back to the wrong level. You have to spend way too much time navigating menus.

But the worst aspect besides awful combat is the rest of the game. The game is 80% fetch quests. You run back and forth over a relatively small map picking up a single item then going back down to use it on an item to get something else you combine with someone else to go back up and use it on another thing to open another way you then get something you need to go back down to use on another item. Its such a waste of time backtracking every 3 seconds, being gatekept all over the place. Without a walkthrough, not only will you not get through the asinine and random puzzles which most of the time make no sense, but you also won't remember where to go with that one item that you need to interact with that one thing to get something else. You will get stuck constantly, and having to navigate with a walkthrough is still annoying because of the awful map. RE games never had so many puzzles and you weren't constantly backtracking every 3 seconds and it wasn't a search and find scavenger interact game, because that's boring and monotonous. 40% of the game runtime is going to be just wasted time backtracking between the same visited rooms to use more items you got. You might as well play and point and click game for how much just pixel hunting to combine items to solve stupid puzzles they are. But since the combat isn't any better its not like that improves it at all. The game also isn't scary to the slightest especially with the ugly graphics and enemies that you have seen all of in the first 15 min. As someone who has played every single RE game including the old school ones and games like evil within, this game does them no justice. It has archaic design and even design decisions that are worse and more obtuse than PS1 games just for the sake of feeling "old-school". Do yourself a favor and avoid. Almost no redeeming qualities. 5/10.
Posted March 21. Last edited March 23.
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15.0 hrs on record
Decent metroidvania. Takes a while to level up health, and theres a ton of backtracking due to limited fast travel and blocked paths. You also dont get double jump until the last 5% of the game.....what?! But its cute and the combat, although simple, works. Lots of upgrades and powers, etc. Visuals are nice too. Lots of boss fights, although too many are dumb gimmicky ones. But overall pretty good and checks all the boxes. 8/10.
Posted March 16.
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12.4 hrs on record
It's not terrible just too many poor design decisions. First off, its kind of a RE clone but different in multiple worse ways. First off, theres only like 4 guys total in the game, which for a 10 hour game is pretty boring. Combat is just holding down aim and it auto aims and you press shoot, pretty brainless. You fight basically 1 enemy all game the only difference is they then add like armor to their head and chest so it just requires way more bullets artificially. The problem is this enemy then is 50% of the enemies so now regular guys take 2-4x the ammo for no reason which is pretty stupid. Theres also respawning enemies in a game with fixed ammo which may be the dumbest thing I've ever seen.

The worst part is the game design. This game is more puzzle game than anything. Every 5 min you need to find a guy or an item that is used on this one interactible place so you can then use this item you then need at that other place, etc. This goes on for the whole game. Its more like a point and click game in that regard than any RE game which usually only has a few random puzzles and items used for specific purposes, but this has it constantly. It slows down the action, makes you spend wayy too much time backtracking to use this item on this one place to pick something up then run all the way back. And you run way too slow for this. Plus the level is a maze with tons of single way paths and the map is legit useless. So you're constantly lost or doubling back and forgetting where to use what item then to use that item on what. So you likely need to consult a walkthrough, which takes out the fun and immersion. So because of the boring repetitive enemies with bullet sponges, the boring combat, the horrible fetch quest design, the excessive backtracking (coming from a metroidvania fan you know thats something if I'm complaining about it), the respawning enemies, and the maze like level design with useless map, I'm going to say pass on this because its not really RE. It takes inspiration from it but its just worse in every game and does things RE doesnt go for good reason. It also has some charm and is mediocre overall but still probably not worth your time as you can do better. 5.5/10.
Posted March 13. Last edited April 9.
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15.3 hrs on record
It's just not terrible its just not worth it. Its a survival horror but just isn't good in any of the aspects. The voice acting and story are pretty dumb. The combat is awful. Instead of a game where you have weapons you found and then ammo you find, you need to find a bunch of resources to craft breakable items so its all down to reliant on resources they give you which can be spotty and you get extra when you can't use them because you can only carry a few of everything for no reason. But then when you need them they aren't there.

The game isn't scary. Theres 3 different vitality bars to manage which is honestly just more annoying and cumbersome in practice and doesn't add anything but frustration, and theres no bonus points for it just being original. The game is serviceable, like it is not horrible. It's just worse in every way than the games that inspired it. Some inventive bosses and enemies I guess and it being on an island is kind of cool i guess. Thats about it. 6/10.
Posted March 10.
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12.7 hrs on record
It wasn't bad but wasn't too special. The visual effects are cool, and there are a few inventive guns, although many of the guns use the same ammo so you only use like 2-3 guns all game. The xp and skill tree is decent with ability to go a different gun path for certain guns. The game does get pretty repetitive and many of the levels do seem very similar and uninteresting. A lot of the enemies just rush you or shoot a blast at you so theres not a lot of variety. Its alright in length and the story is pretty skippable and uninteresting. 7.5/10
Posted March 8.
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