
Daxel の最近のレビュー

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12件中 1-10 を表示
It's the second only soulslike I'll only play, and it's mainly because the coop is really good (even is till jank).

The randomized nature of the game allows for it to feel fresh even 50 hours win. Still discovering new weird ♥♥♥♥ with my crew even now.

Traversal is kinda weird (takes way to long to vault over obstetrical, clime ladders, and there's a SKILL tree to make all of this faster), and having to rely on data-miners to find some more of the esoteric/best in slot items and classes is weird, but the snappy gameplay, cool guns, and (if not somewhat frustrating at times due to wonky arenas or movement mechanics) fun boss encounters make this a good experience.

We've had a few crashes in our crew, and multiplayer is peer to peer so stable internet for everyone is must if you want to be able to dodge properly. Game looks and runs great tho, I hope they add more biomes in the future.

I don't know how it compares to Remnant: From the Ashes as I never put time into that game, but Remnant II is a good enough game on it's own that I think you'll be satisfied regardless.
投稿日 2023年9月13日.
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総プレイ時間:69.9時間 (レビュー投稿時点:43.3時間)
The UI is kinda ass. Better tutorials on how to do things like base/ship building would be nice, and an explanation on how not to use the menu/map to travel around the galaxy would be nice. Also Bethesda faces.

The world is large (duh space duh), the characters are well voiced and the companions have their quirks. The side quests are great(one of them could have been a separate game all on it's own in terms of length and scope), and stumbling upon things to do really lends to the "ok, maybe just 30 mins more omg it's 4 am in the morning on a work day" feeling. Shooting is really good, and the game features baller explosive shot slug shotguns. Ship combat is fun, ship building is fun, ship decorating is fun.

If you've got the hardware, the game is very stable. 43 hours and not one bug that has like, ruined anything about the game. NPC's vibrate every now and then, and your companions like to stand on your ship dashboard, but other than that it's been smooth sailing for me.

The interiors in this game are top notch. BSG saw a theme and nailed it in terms of detail, and most things you can pick up and move and rearrange and it's all permanent in the classic Bethesda way. Make a sandwich tower and then hop light years away, join a faction, go to jail, get out of jail, leave a faction and travel back? Sandwich tower still there.

If you at all like Bethesda games, you'll probably like Starfield. If you wanted a more RPG experience with Space as a backdrop but it still feels more hard sci-fi than not, you'll like Starfield. If you're looking for a Space Sim, you may not like Starfield as it doesn't have true land/liftoff from planets and space stations, you can't walk across a planet, and there are no other land vehicles, but I'd still try it out on Game Pass or something because the quest structure and RPG aspects fill a hole that other space sims just don't (but really only try if if you're looking for more of a game and less of a sim).

Also, unlike Star Citizen, it's a finished game you can buy and not a ponzi scheme.

投稿日 2023年9月9日.
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総プレイ時間:17.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:14.6時間)
Number go up, featuring Science!
投稿日 2023年2月8日.
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総プレイ時間:132.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:92.0時間)
It's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ good.

Ok that out of the way lets talk about some of the bad things first. The UI could use some serious work, jump shots are stupid as ♥♥♥♥, the game crashes a bit, especially in Warzone/DMZ, the spawns are absolute garbage in 6v6, and none of the characters are thicc.

That all being said, Infinite Ward is quick to address feedback on all of these issues except jumpshotting, because "hardcore" gamers will call swat teams on their houses if they remove one of the most toxic and infurating aspects of this game. But yeah it crashes less now, the UI is getting better, and I here there is something down the pipe for spawns. Plus there's always a chance to add thicc operators later.

Good stuff now: The game plays like a dream. The guns are all powerful, sound and feel wise. The maps are well designed (if not ruined by the spawn system), save for the Border Crossing map. It looks incredible, sounds incredible, and you can lose hours upon hours just playing. Grinding weapons and weapon camo can be a bit confusing but is incredibly fun once you get into it, and a well respect of your time compared to previous titles. Even the battle pass is incredible (no seriously); allowing you to choose what you want to unlock first instead of seeing that thing 75 levels down and being turned off from the grind.

Overall I've put 90 hours into this game and I'm not stopping anytime soon. This is the best Call of Duty game since the original Modern Warfare 2, no contest. I don't even play Warzone or DMZ but the new map looks interesting enough that I might try after I'm done camo grinding. And we don't even have Shipment yet.

Let me restate, it's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ good. If you like CoD or competent multiplayer shooters in general, give this game a try. Price might be hard to chew but I've gotten more than I could have ever asked for out of this game, and then some. We back boys. We back.

Oh the Campaign is alright too.

投稿日 2022年11月23日.
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総プレイ時間:19.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:6.6時間)
Quick, punchy, rouge-ish dungeon crawling with hilarious village management all wrapped in a cute yet creepy lovecraftian/satanic atmosphere cult atmosphere. It's not the deepest management sim out there, it's not the hardest most challenging rougelike, but it believes in what it does and has charm and charisma to carry itself for a good while.

Pick it up if you like "cute yet a little disturbing" experiences, or if you wish you could start a cult in Rune Factory.
投稿日 2022年8月12日.
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総プレイ時間:21.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:20.4時間)
If you like video games in which you murder everything as quickly as possible before they murder you, collecting a vast array of unique power ups, all while trying to "escape" a planet that progressively gets better at killing you until it either succeeds in finality or you murder a god, Risk of Rain 2 is for you.

Simple yet stylish art style, a great cast of unique and fun characters to play and unlock, 4 player online co-op, a boat load of unique items and effects that can make runs feel different and make you feel like an invincible hell beast, and even a budding modding scene. Plus some lore that gets into that cosmic high fantasy that really needs to be explored by other games.

It's a rougelike, but a fun one. Plus you get a Ukulele. What's not to like?
投稿日 2022年3月22日.
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総プレイ時間:95.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:9.9時間)
Cool wallpapers if you're willing to search. Sometimes it crashes but it's quick on the upstart again, plus you get achievements for finding bugs.
投稿日 2021年1月22日.
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総プレイ時間:2,743.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:113.2時間)
It's a game to play if you want to just shoot bad aliens in a high fantasy space scifi opera. Just getting started? There's 100s of different things to do, complete, earn, destroy, save, conquer. There's a vast amount of general content that lives on top of the best shooting mechanics in any FPS on PC, ever created.

Grab the game, a couple of buddies (or find some new ones, the (not including reddit) community is very welcoming and nice to new comers and old vets alike), and set the sol system ablaze with your angry space magic.

And maybe meet an ontological wish dragon. Who knows?
投稿日 2019年12月8日.
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総プレイ時間:304.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:270.4時間)
So it's almost 7+ years old and I'll be honest, the skill trees are kinda out there. The gunplay isn't as crisp as Destiny. Most of the guns you'll get will be pretty lame, the co-op only really work when everyone is the same level. There is no level scaling, the animations can be jank, Nivida Physix can wreck performance if you don't turn it off, and finally the midget jokes are probably not 2019 safe anymore.

But ♥♥♥♥ if (besides the midget jokes) the game isn't one of the most well written, funny, and downright unique games out there. The guns that are awesome, feel awesome. Landing that sick head shot makes people explode into chunks. Running around with three other friends through the Borderlands is some of the most fun I've had in the past month, the skills can be insane if you've got the right build, and Physix is...uh, well beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

It's a pretty good game if you like looter shooters. Play it while you boycotting the Epic Store for 6 months waiting for BL3, I'll catch you up when it's on Steam.
投稿日 2019年7月1日.
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総プレイ時間:17.9時間 (レビュー投稿時点:11.8時間)
I bought this game three times. Beaten it twice.

Each and every character you meet is lively and has thier own quirks; you'll learn to love them and hate them in your own unique ways.

Every thing you do in the game (in reference to the story of the single player campaing) has a meaning, even if it's small. Every mission has a moment, a laugh, a sigh, or a scream.

Los Santos is a beautiful, lively, and incredibly local. Everyone, from the geneal public to the extra psychotic, is present in full force from the sidewalks to the hiking trails. Every burrow has its hood, every road a joy to drive.

Even the multiplayer, while a little lacking, is a fun experience, especially if you can find a couple of friends or a crew to run through some of the deeper end game missions with.

The game is a expertly crafted world in its own, and I highly recommend it.

EDIT: Because I was a dumb when I wrote this review and made so many typos. I'll add some extra notes on preformance;

It looks beautiful, comes with every optimization option you could think off. Tweak to your hearts content, benchmark, then tweak some more.

It runs suprisingly well on varied hardware, and controls well to boot. Ovbiously your mileage may vary with MKB and driving/flying controls, but first person mode is a trip and you should try it.

I still recommend this game with all of my soul. If you haven't played it, this is the Master Class of open world game design you should experience if you have any interest in the subject, acedemic or entertainment wise.

Buy it. Play it. Enjoy.
投稿日 2016年6月7日. 最終更新日 2017年8月28日
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12件中 1-10 を表示