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7 people found this review helpful
0.7 hrs on record
Played for the first 20 mins, then it crashed.
Played for another 20 mins, it crashed again.
Played for another...haha nah I uninstalled this trash after I read on reddit and steam how many others received the same issue and it's never been fixed.

Don't waste your time and money. Don't...hey, are you listening? Need a swift kick? No? Good little gamer. Go play something else.
P.s. Love you.
Posted July 12, 2022.
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14 people found this review helpful
5.7 hrs on record (5.7 hrs at review time)
Just finished this lovely game, Ever Forward.

1.Visually, I was met with a vibrant and appealing world design. The main character is cute, although I would recommend the devs used a more realistic voice actor for the child. Her excited and general tone always sounded forced, which is unappealing.

2. The story, although I'll admit I have mixed feelings about much it actually will hit home with most people, was interesting enough to allow you to make up your own mind about what was going on. The cut scenes are short and sweet, and even though there isn't much story, I feel it's one of those 'you fill in the blanks' kind of deals.

3. Game play. The characters movements are fluid, and feel natural. Not being able to run when danger is close, while at first felt frustrating, added a real sense of suspense. So I gotta say that this was a nice touch.

4. Some mechanics were not obvious right away, but after a bit of trial and error (and melting my brain) I was able to figure out what to do. There isn't any real hand holding going on in this game, so that adds to the challenge. There is a hint system that does help.

5. The puzzles were good, but not great. Yes, there were some difficult ones in there, and yes they also melted my brain a few times and caused me to walk away and rethink. That's absolutely fine. My only real issue is that I feel there are times when a solution doesn't really present itself too well, perhaps that is my own fault though. One particular puzzle felt like it needed more of a cheesy workaround rather than solving it the intended way. I guess I will have to see how others solved it and rethink my approach.

Conclusion: Overall, Ever Forward was enjoyable and frustrating all at the same time, which is what I would expect from a puzzle game. If you felt it was too easy, call Mensa and book yourself in. If you felt it was too hard, then breathe, walk away, and take a break. Come back with a fresh mind and try again.

Tip: The environment and the way it's designed can hold the clue to solving a puzzle.
Posted August 22, 2020.
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44 people found this review helpful
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167.1 hrs on record (115.2 hrs at review time)
97% Overwhelmingly Positive says it all, but let me tell you a little about it anyway.

1. It's an open world survival craft pixel graphics game with almost an endless amount of things to do. I say endless because it takes a long time to get through all the bosses and everything you gotta accomplish along the way, but you can get there.
That's not a negative aspect at all, because ever time you finally craft that better armor, weapon or tool, you feel accomplished. Then it's off to fight that boss you've been itching to fight but up until now you were ill equipped.

2. Play solo or with friends, the choice is yours. I do a little of both, and it's a lot of fun either way.
Join in on your friends world, or invite them to yours. Did I mention that you can make many different worlds and they're all a little different each time?

3. Base building is fun and creative! Just have a look around online and you'll see the awesome bases people have built. From the simple and elegant, to the downright massive and fully involved. With such a wide variety of items you can create or find along your journeys, you're sure to be able to create something beautiful of your own, and you'll fight hard to protect if when the time comes.

4. The devs really put a lot of love into Terraria. Over the years they have added more content and have really put out a polished and fun game.

Conclusion: There's a lot that can be said about Terraria, but honestly it's a game that's sells itself just but you playing it. Yes you can play KB and Mouse (which is how I like to play), but controller is also an option, I believe.
There is a huge community out there with a wealth of information, so if you feel you're stuck on what to do, then visit a wiki and learn all about how to craft something. YouTube is your friend when it comes to boss battles.

10/10, would recommend to anyone, young and old.
Posted February 14, 2020.
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8 people found this review helpful
4.2 hrs on record
I developed a love/hate relationship with Monochroma, mostly because of the frustrating and unrefined controls. But having said that, I would still recommend playing this game as long as you are not prone to fits of rage.

1. Awesome, dark and oppressive world design.
2. A heart warming story about a older and younger brother trying to escape from an unknown antagonist in a dystopian world.
3. Some very atmospheric sounds and music add to the dark feelings this game does well to portray.

1. The controls, while being very minimal, need refining. For example, jumping makes up a large part of this game, but the jump isn't fluid and feels restrictive.
2. Some puzzles are much too easy and makes me question why they are even there at all.
3. The timing on some puzzles is a little too tight, sure they are passable, but it leaves pretty much no room for the slightest error.

Get it cheap and play it without trying to compare it to previous titles of a similar nature (Inside, and Limbo) and you'll probably enjoy Monochroma.
Posted January 17, 2020.
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26 people found this review helpful
2 people found this review funny
6.2 hrs on record
I've read several reviews that say this game was quite short, but honestly I believe the game was as long as it needed to be.

1. Amazing visuals! The art and style of not only the characters but also the scenery is simply stunning. It really helps set the mood of the game.
2. The same can be said for the atmospheric sounds and music, truly eerie at times and heart pumping at others.
3. I always felt connected with the main character and felt a serious need for survival which made the game so much more engaging.
4. Game play wise I can't fault anything. The controls were smooth and responsive at all times, and the motions of objects was appealing to the eye which again helps with immersion.
5. Checkpoints were well placed which is always something I greatly appreciate since sometimes I just want to experiment with different ideas, even if I know they'll get me killed.

1. I still can't find a reliable way to wipe my memory so I can replay this game like it was the first time all over again.

Overall, Little Nightmares manages to set the scene for a disturbing tale about a little girls struggle for survival in a dark and frightening world. There are a couple of twists in the story that had me saying "wtf?!", and it was superb!
I highly recommend you give this game a chance to drag you into a dark and twisted world and leave you feeling just a little disturbed by it's ending scenes.
Posted January 17, 2020.
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4 people found this review helpful
2.3 hrs on record
Extremely easy point and click hidden object game.
Very average graphics and kind of boring story which had me skipping ahead every chance I got.
If this is what you are going for then by all means go ahead, maybe your opinion will differ from mine.
But if you're looking for something more polished and a lot more challenging, then move on.
Posted January 16, 2020.
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55 people found this review helpful
3 people found this review funny
38.5 hrs on record (19.9 hrs at review time)
This has got to be the best Star Wars game I've played since The Force Unleashed. Probably not saying a lot there, but I did enjoy that series.

1. I love the difficulty this game poses. It feels a little hard in the beginning, but as you unlock more skills and more stims to heal yourself, the game becomes a lot easier and enjoyable.
2. Game play wise, it feels just perfect. Remember that you're playing as a padawan so he's not gonna be super powerful or skilled. Together you learn to use the force over time and fight your way through increasingly difficult areas while discovering new abilities to help you progress.
3. The checkpoints feel just right, and there are plenty spaced out amongst the areas to make you feel comfortable.
4. The story was very enjoyable and I'm very keen to replay through it again. I hoping they will continue on with this story in a following title.
5. The level designs are visually beautiful, and well thought through. I do like a game that makes you have to come back later with a new skill so you can pass through an area.

1. Needs a New Game Plus. I wouldn't say that it has no replay value, because it's definitely worth replaying, but it would be nice to restart with all your abilities intact and face off against harder enemies. I do see however that it would affect the progression of the game. But if it's only for players who've already enjoyed Fallen Order then it would be acceptable.

This game deserves your time and patience, and if you've already played through it then give it another go. I've read that there is a mod which is like a new game plus mode that gives you all the required skill points from the beginning, but you still unlock those skills/abilities through progression. For now that will be enough for me to replay Fallen Order.
Posted January 16, 2020.
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13 people found this review helpful
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23.5 hrs on record (21.9 hrs at review time)
There is something very satisfying about getting swarmed by a horde of nazi zombies and taking them down with your trusty rifle and a good friend at your side.

1. Engaging game play with levels designed to be visually appealing as well as large enough to make you put some time into clearing each one.
2. A large selection of rifles to help you on your way to being an elite zombie killer.
3. Awesome ability to play with up to 3 others for some back to back sniping. Also the option to determine how many zombies will spawn per person playing is a nice touch for those whom wish to test their skills solo but with higher spawn rates.

1. The checkpoints can leave a lot to be desired. You can get sent fairly far back if you all die, but at the same time this adds to the challenge. But I'll stand by that the checkpoints need some better consideration.
2. Some weird bug where sometimes you can't clear an area because it believes you haven't killed everything.
The fix to this is to look for any zombies that appear motionless but stuck in the ground. Tends to happen with skeleton type enemies.

Overall, a very enjoyable game. Highly recommended to play with a KB and Mouse. I played it years ago on the hardest difficulty on ps4 with a controller and it was brutal, even with 2 other friends by my side.
With a KB and Mouse it definitely feels easier to aim and hit your targets, but having said that you can still play and have fun while using a controller.
Posted January 16, 2020.
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42 people found this review helpful
7.6 hrs on record
For an older game (albeit that it's been "remarstered") RFGR still contains a lot of fun.

1.Excellent fun with destroying structures.
2.Driving around in a speedy little vehicle or charging through enemies and their bases in a massive construction vehicle is very satisfying.
3. The story itself isn't full on engaging, but I'm not here for the story as much as the gameplay which is this games strength.
4. Getting supported by your fellow guerrilla fighters when you need it most is very awesome. Sorry I ran for my life guys haha...whoops.
5. The maps are large enough that I felt a good sense of exploration without wasting too much time trying to get from point A to point B.

1. Sometimes getting killed right at the end of a mission only to spawn back at a very far checkpoint is frustrating, but it fueled my urge to push on and try again. Would have been nice to have more checkpoints.
2. Some of the time trial-like side missions are cutting it way too close with the time allowed to get a vehicle back to base. But maybe that's just my lousy driving skills or something.

Although I haven't finished the game yet, I definitely recommend this title.
Played on KB and Mouse with no issues, haven't tried controller.
Posted January 16, 2020.
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7 people found this review helpful
3.7 hrs on record
This! THIS!! Is an awesome game!

1. Fast paced action that occasionally involves a little thinking other than just punching.
2. Great game mechanics that make this game feel unique (only because I haven't played anything like it before just yet).
3. A good variety of enemies, which once they are all unleashed on you, can create some seriously frustrating, but enjoyable gameplay.
4. Level design was actually impressive, and things really get pumped up later on in the game.
5. Only took 3 hours to get through, but your experience may vary based on how much you die. I did die a lot in some levels. It's definitely worth the time spent in the game.

I would definitely recommend Mr Shifty.
Also, you need a controller. It'll play much better with one.
Posted January 15, 2020.
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