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23 Hours played
The Grandfather of FULL 3D FPS experiences. Quake really and honestly started it all. John Romero said something like this in 1996 "Doom was a game, Quake will be an industry!" - he was absolutely right. Quake technology drove everything from Half-Life to Call of Duty, a multi billion dollar industry with trillions of gameplay hours was born with Quake. PLAY THIS NOW, you won't regret it!

DISCLAIMER: My career in making video games was basically built by Quake (and DOOM) so I'm a bit biased, but for GOOD REASON. I started as a fan, became a developer, you can too! If you play this game, you might play some of my maps in Scourge of Armagon!
Recent Activity
120 hrs on record
last played on Apr 30
116 hrs on record
last played on Apr 30
4.2 hrs on record
last played on Apr 28
huu Apr 23, 2018 @ 2:23am 
Is it still possible to receive the PASS Time participation medal? I was never given one when they were handed out, despite having PASS Time achievements before it went out of beta. :v
Velly Apr 12, 2018 @ 3:18pm 
Hey there, I've sent you a friend request because I wanted to ask you a few things about Sin Episodes, a title on which you have worked on in 2006.