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Análises recentes de Blade6309

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Thought it was a cool dungeon crawler based on the ads, it is but it's also a battle royal. I just wanted to clear dungeons not lose my loot because I got ganked by a ranged who's got better gear than me
Publicada em 12 de agosto.
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155.7 horas registradas (90.0 horas no momento da análise)
This game is real fun and while I do agree the admins tend to overstep their boundaries in terms of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ with a round they generally only kick/ban if you're doing something stupid. So keep that in mind when you see everyone ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ about admins.

More or less, you pick a job. Do your job and your job will typically have to interact with other departments or people creating natural RP scenarios. Eventually the station will become so damaged you'll have to evacuate and once the evac ship drops off the survivors a new round starts.

The point of the game is to keep the space station running and as long as everyone does their job things should be fine however there are also some monsters and people who might want to tear everything down, similar to impostor in among us. Unlike among us, typically the traitors goals wont be to destroy the whole station (Tho there is a group whos whole point is to show up 30 minutes into the round and try to destroy the station with a nuke) so while they may be around their goal isn't to necessarily destroy the station, usually just sabotage it so they can do one of their objectives and get out on evac alive.

One thing I don't like is how complicated it's controls can be. There's a lot of minor hotkeys you'll want to learn but the best place to learn this stuff is the controls menu or a video which isn't great. Combat can also be a little odd simply because the META is to basically trip someone then handcuff them. But if you're playing anything other than security you usually wont have to worry about combat. There is also quite a few bugs but they tend to come and go as the updates roll out.

Besides the controls however I think the biggest hurdle is how complicated this game can/will be. I remember looking into SS13 and thinking "Damn this ♥♥♥♥'s complicated" and never really playing it. Now with this almost 'lite' version of SS13 you're almost learning all the mechanics as they're introduced so now's probably the best time to look into this game. Just be prepared to have to research whatever job you want to do, Typically just watch a video or two.

Overall there isn't really another game like this. It's a simple game about running a space station but when you have like 20+ jobs and 80 people things are almost always lively. Just don't forget to *turn on your cords*.
Publicada em 31 de março.
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14.5 horas registradas
Cool game, too bad I'm not a fan of bashing my head against a wall until I think it's fun.
The wall being of course the 500+ hours sweatlords who always seem to fill my lobby.
Publicada em 21 de setembro de 2023.
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44.0 horas registradas (1.0 horas no momento da análise)
Arguably one of the best tower defence games out there. Played it like crazy on mobile till I learned it was on steam. Can be a bit grindy trying to mine resources but the upgrades are worth it, Going from nothing but a basic tower to making your favourite towers god tier is very satisfying. Plus you can redo old level and crush them for bonus rewards or make your own levels. Only reason I can think of for someone not liking this game is they don't like to grind which is fair but it's their loss, This game ♥♥♥♥♥♥ slaps.
Publicada em 1 de setembro de 2022.
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It's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Vergil what else do I need to say.
The only thing I was kinda disappointed with was the lack of anything new to the game besides a few cut-scenes and fighting Dante instead of Vergil. I hear all the crap about DMC4 and how Dante has to play Neros mission back and I'm kinda getting that vibe. I guess that's the fate of being from the special edition series.

One things for sure, If you like to slice n dice and occasionally bash this'll be real fun for you. Plus what DMC fan isn't gonna get in on this at some point?

Rip Turbo and LDK but lets be real we can just mod that in.
Publicada em 1 de fevereiro de 2021.
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13.6 horas registradas (10.5 horas no momento da análise)
Contestant for, How many times can you make the Pog face in a match.
My record is yes.
Publicada em 5 de janeiro de 2021.
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200.3 horas registradas (1.5 horas no momento da análise)
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Gabriel: Foolishness machine, Foolishness.


Edit: This game literally just keeps getting better
Publicada em 26 de dezembro de 2020. Última edição em 15 de abril.
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57.0 horas registradas (22.1 horas no momento da análise)
This a good game
Publicada em 6 de junho de 2020.
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21.1 horas registradas (14.1 horas no momento da análise)
I beat the game years ago on console and still got the game on PC so I could beat it again (Which I just did so look at my hours to see how long that took). I'd imagine that'd tell you enough about how much I like this game.
Publicada em 3 de abril de 2020. Última edição em 20 de setembro.
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23.4 horas registradas (16.4 horas no momento da análise)
Game is OK. You level up your character and loot places to find better gear. What's interesting is how even if you find nothing you want you can bring it back to a outpost and sell it. Then you can buy something you want on the market with that money. My problem is how little there is outside of just going into a building, clearing it and selling everything you got. Maybe have something like a outpost we have to keep alive by finding food or have us need to build new outposts to reach new places to drive too.

TLDR: Game has potential but is grindy
Publicada em 4 de fevereiro de 2020.
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