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Análises recentes de Binary_Agenda

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94.2 hrs em registo (68.0 horas no momento da análise)
If you enjoyed the game Final Fantasy Tactics, you're going to like this. The story isn't quite as good as FFT but all the game play is similar.
Publicado a 30 de Maio.
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28.6 hrs em registo
Cops: City 31 Blues
Cops is filmed on location with the men, women, and wtfs of law enforcement.

XCOM but re-imagined as a S.W.A.T. Team game.
Publicado a 26 de Fevereiro.
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3.4 hrs em registo
Poorly implemented Mass Effect clone in a different universe. The PC controls are terrible. Push Shift to go to cover, shift cover, and leap walls but only when the prompt appears and in the middle of active combat.
It might be an interesting how the invasion started XCOM game but trying to implement turn based combat and positioning in first person doesn't work well. Squad mates are effectively useless. 100 kills in a level and 96 of them were you while the two squad mates got 1 kill and 3 kills but only because you used their special ability to get those kills.
Now lets add in getting stuck on the terrain. Plus graphics options that are a decade old giving you 10-20 FPS sections of the game if you don't disable them.
Publicado a 19 de Fevereiro. Última alteração: 19 de Fevereiro.
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102.1 hrs em registo (100.5 horas no momento da análise)
Grand Theft Auto: Dystopian Future
Publicado a 26 de Dezembro de 2023.
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148.9 hrs em registo
Mass Effect is still a game worth playing. 10 years later and this title still holds up. Recommended!

Recommend using mods to improve the game. I think Bioware would agree because they removed all the minigames by the time they made it to ME3.

Finally, if I am disappointed with anything about the Legendary Edition, it's the same issue I have with all the collection editions of games. They throw in some updates to make the original version of the game work with modern setups. Nice, but I'd rather they did a full remaster(release all games in the most modern engine) and leave the original as is for the purists.
Publicado a 5 de Outubro de 2023.
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3 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
34.7 hrs em registo (31.7 horas no momento da análise)
I have no idea how this got game of the year unless there were no other games that year.
1. The controls suck
2. The game consists of all the most boring parts of MMORPGs. Walk around and pick things up all day to grind out points so you can actually play the story.
3. Just like Dragon Age 2. I don't care about the story or any of the characters. It's not engaging.
4. Tedious, every fight feels exactly the same. None of the abilities or weapons feel like they do anything to make your party more powerful or give a tactical advantage. Non stop damage sponge arena.

Maybe I'm in the minority and though saving the world from the dark spawn and whatever was going on with the Tevinter mages was the most interesting part of the first game. Clearly the devs felt playing a politics and walking simulator was better.
Publicado a 14 de Agosto de 2023.
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19.0 hrs em registo (4.7 horas no momento da análise)
Review update. Honestly, the best single player story driven game I've played in a long time. Really enjoyed the Indiana Jones vibes. If the rest of the Uncharted games are this good I genuinely look forward to a PC release of the Nathan Drake collection.
This game looks great. Controls were intuitive. Story was solid.

Publicado a 26 de Novembro de 2022. Última alteração: 23 de Janeiro de 2023.
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80.0 hrs em registo (68.6 horas no momento da análise)
This is honestly the most boring Fallout game I've ever played. I keep hoping it's going to get interesting but the extent of the game is listen to someone talk for way too long and then go kill the person they don't like.
I'm also not a fan of most of the changes they made to the game play from the previous installments. I hate the skill tree. I have no interest in sim settlements. Voiced character, meh. Scrapping everything all the time, facepalm. The power armor gimmick is annoying. You either power armor all the time and every fight is on easy mode or you don't power armor and get mobbed by every enemy in the area at once.
In my opinion this game was very poorly executed and I won't be buying any more Fallout games if this is the direction they are going with them. It's not a good RPG, it's not a good shooter, and it's not a good sim wasteland city. What is this game supposed to be?
Publicado a 17 de Agosto de 2022.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
1.3 hrs em registo
Seriously broken game. You have to download a modified .exe or hex edit yours so the game doesn't constantly crash. Hot garbage!
Graphics - looks like mud. Also seems to be locked at 30 fps.
Story/gameplay - I don't get this game at all. It's clearly not for me.
Publicado a 6 de Abril de 2022.
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4.2 hrs em registo
Worst shooter I've played in a while. NPCs that are required to advance the mission kept getting stuck.
Poorly optimized. Running high end hardware and the game would dip to 30 fps in some areas.
Also the single player is very short. 7 Missions, if you don't have to redo them because the NPCs are broken probably 3 hours of game.
Publicado a 10 de Fevereiro de 2022.
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