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19 people found this review helpful
0.7 hrs on record
Result: 3,5/10

Back to the lab...

I grew up playing COD zombies, so when I came across REDACTED on Steam I was fairly interested. Although not a new concept, and from a pretty small studio, I thought, "Why not? It's a free game, I don't have anything to lose.".

The game is what you expect from a small production: basic menus, clumsy animations, and bugs everywhere. In a nutshell, lacks refinement. But I was expecting that, and I wouldn't do a negative review unless it affects the gameplay and annoys the user. So you know already that these aren't the main problems, so the question is, what ruined my gameplay? Why am I giving a negative review?

I think my record was 12 minutes without a crash. The game would constantly freeze or shut down between waves of zombies, which as you can expect, is not really enjoyable. Each time you crash, you need to start all over again. It's not hard, just extremely annoying to repeat the same process over and over. We already have the base game, which is already quite repetitive in itself, but at least let us achieve something. After addressing the elephant in the room, let's go to what REDACTED does well.

I enjoyed the whole tutorial, from start to finish. Simple and explains everything well. The narrator also helps a bit, I found quite funny the voices and the comments he would make. Sometimes they are a bit cringe, but it left me in a good mood.The "building" is well-placed in practice, I felt like I was playing house flipper for moments, and the shooting may be awkward sometimes, but it's good enough. It meets the expectations, but as I mentioned earlier, but it needs some refinement.

I'm more than ready to do an update of this review if the main problem (constant crashes) gets fixed. Also, I had the opportunity to record some bugs, or at least expirience. So if the developers are interested, feel free to reach me out.
Posted March 23.
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46.9 hrs on record (21.9 hrs at review time)
Game Version: (Early Access)

It was 1944; we received an order to deploy on 6 of June at the Omaha beach. We would be part of the Operation Neptune, and our objective was simple; take Normandy from the German hands and start the liberation of France. However, nothing occurred as expected; the Germans had fortified the coast, already waiting for a change of attack. I was a simple medic on the field, and I will never forget what I saw that day.; because I got three guys on my team that decided to rush against the machine guns, and here the big boy needed to save them. It's not that I tilt in online games (lie) but there I was getting a bit... you know... unhappy. To help, my squad leader would just be saying, "ok guy we need to push, let's go"; saying to the berserkers, in other words, you are cannon meat, continue killing urself.


Hell Let Loose, in a nutshell, it's a 50 vs 50 WWII themed tactical FPS. It's a game directed for someone looking for a more immersive experience than Call of Duty. It's not extremely realistic; anyhow, that's not the point; it can be immersive without being a full military simulator, like Squad or Post Scriptum. There aren't many elements on the screen, and all the weapons and gear are authentic. The maps are designed based on aerial photographs of real WWII battlefields; and to make the game deeper, Hell Let Loose uses the Vivox voice chat.

I referred before Squad and Post Scriptum, two phenomenal hardcore tactical shooters; but not the easiest to jump in, for their complexity. Hell Let Loose picks core these games, and make it simpler, or at least easier. For example, the respawn time is relatively quick. So if you aren't in the middle of an important point, there is no stress in dying, because in just 40 seconds you will be ready to go again.
To the surprise of many, Hell Let Loose is an Indie game; being the debut title of a small indie studio called Black Matter. The game is receiving constants updated and hotfixes (still in early access), and the devs are posting weekly "Developer Briefing", where the players can look at the game progression.

Colonel Bogey March

The maps are all around the Western Front so far. They have an interesting and realistic design; however, at some point, they start to feel repetitive. There are changes in terms of terrain; anyhow, the buildings will not have anything new. Also, some maps have structure mistakes, as can be seen in the print below. To the happiness of many, including me, it's coming to the game the Eastern front, that can bring new designs.
Hell Let Loose counts with the normal conquest mode, where the two teams need to control points to end up winning the war. It's a usual mode in this type of FPS's. There is the need to formulate a strategy and put it to practice. Remembering that the conquests points are always rotating, and every game is a new challenge; being important to use your mic to contact your team. There aren't berserkers in Hell Let Loose! The best choice is to play as a team.

The game has already a good amount of different weapons. The shooting mechanics are clean; it's realistic on many levels, and there isn't the necessity to use a full charger to kill a player. Most of the weapons can put you down with a simple shoot. Anyhow, there is something still lacking; the mele weapons. Thankfully they are already confirmed, and there are already some images (can be seen in the Developer Brief #113 ). There are also other extra tools depending on the class that you choose. For example, a medic will have morphine to revive players, and an engineer will have tools to set barricades, mines, and others.

This last line leads us to the mobile warfare; something that I enjoy even not being close to the ideal player. There are three roles in the tanks - driver, shooter(?)*, and spotter(?)*. It's hard to take control of the tank, but for me, it's the tensest role of the game. Be in a spot where you just can see what is in front of you, in the middle of a war is hard, really hard. In the end, it's enjoyable, but stressful.

Nothing can be just flowers, and Hell Let Loose isn't different. There is a main problem that I would like to point: the need to stop running or walking to reload. I believe that doesn't help the gameplay at any point, and sometimes can be a reason for someone kill you. One time I started reloading and in a matter of seconds, a huge bombing starts. Why did I die? Because I couldn't move!


The game counts with fourteen different classes, but four are extremely important: the Commander and the squad leaders (Spotter, Tank Commander and Officer). As can be awaited from a tactical fps, there is a hierarchy system; the Commander commands the squad leaders, and they command their respective squads. Many players don't care about this and just run to the objectives, but the idea is there, and thankfully most still follow. About the other classes, they mostly depend on the game condition. There isn't any problem in changing after dying or redeploying; however, every squad can just have one player for each role (medic, engineer, and others). Being Rifleman, the unique that doesn't follow this rule (five players max). Each class has a different gear, following their respective role; it's possible to change gear, but I will be approaching this topic below when I get into levelling up.
There are just two factions: Allies and Axis; but are represented only by the United States and Germany. But the devs already confirmed the upcoming Red Army (Soviet Army), and it's possible to see already some drafts. It was also confirmed the Imperial Japanese Army, the British Army and the Canadian Army. I believe that are great additions, but still would be better to add the British CommonWealth; not just UK and Canada; and the Italien Army.

Levelling up with a class or with the overall level will unlock different gear. Some roles can handle with new guns and weapons others sadly don't have that luck. But something all have in common: new uniforms, helmets, and faces to use. I still believe that every class could unlock a different weapon to use, but this soft customization gives an objective to level up.

Specs: Intel Core i7-8750H; NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1660 Ti; 16,00 GB Ram
  • Optimization: I played on medium settings at 60 fps. I noticed some huge drops in the servers list and after joining a new match.
  • Hardware: I played the game with the keyboard; soft, clean, it's what I was expecting from an FPS.

Rating - - ->
- The maps are designed based on aerial photographs of real WWII battlefields;

- Realistic but not a full military simulator;

- Constantly getting updates and hotfixes;

- All the weapons and gear are authentic;

- Immersive not to the point of being a military simulator;

- Mobile Warfare.
- The maps also have structure mistakes and can feel a bit repetitive;

- Reloads!;

- Huge fps drops in the server list and after joining a match;
Posted February 13, 2021. Last edited May 14, 2022.
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4.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Knock-knock* is literally what defines a game with the name DOOR. At least it was what I thought in the beginning, but my mindset changed. Now when someone knocks at my door... I remember the amazing things that I could see.

I could have a cleeeeeean experience with my old and good NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1660 Ti. I couldn't even have an fps' fall... so a well-optimized game can be awaited. About hardware, my experience with the mouse and keyboard wasn't bad, but I think that the controller will give a cleaner experience.

I played DOOR some versions ago, so some of the problems that I will be appointing can be already fixed. However, I will be talking anyway about them, because I played the game with them. I also like to remember that the game is still in early access and is normal to have bugs.

Little white hair red riding hood
I didn't explore much of the story, but from what I played, read, and understood, it gives a full trip to the mythic soul's world... However the game doesn't explore the story well... everything is too vague.

The stages are formidable in terms of design! Some more simple than others, but all of them worked and amazing. The environment is extraordinary and I think that shows, or better, represents every side of the soul's world. However, didn't felt a huge challenge. The stages simply contain some traps and enemies... so nothing special.

Let's go on a trip!
The game starts with a tutorial explaining the basics of the game. Nothing too hard to understand, but later, between stages, are explained extremely simple things that could be shown just at once. However, even with the number of tutorials, It is still lacking things. What? While I was playing I need to find myself how to use the camera. That could look useless but is something extremely important.

In-game there are some problematic aspects that all the games nowadays need to have. The biggest problems are the language menu and the loading screens. I couldn't find a menu to change the game language... so I needed to play the game in pt-br, nothing that annoys me, but it needs this menu. The loading screens are completely a joke, 5 minutes to load some stages that can be done in just the other 5 minutes isn't normal (PS: I have a 9th generation i7).

+ Good Concept;
+ Visually formidable;
+ Well designed stages;
+ An amazing environment;
+ Well-Optimized;

- Vague Story;
- Tutorial(s) with info lacking;
- Language menu lacking;
- Loading Screens.

Final words
The game has a good concept, but it needs some fixed to reach his master level. However, it is still enjoyable and fun to play. Let's wait to see what comes after the early access.

Rating: 56/100

Follow our curator page, OCG-Curations, if you like and want to see more reviews like this one.
Posted January 16, 2021. Last edited January 16, 2021.
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41.9 hrs on record (39.9 hrs at review time)
Blood... Guts... more Blood... are possibly only the words that come to my mind after finish DOOM Eternal, a game that made my heart rate grow a bit and still could put me exhausted from so much action... probably my best choice after this is to play some Animal Crossing the next few days to calm down.

My experience was wonderful with an NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1660 Ti! The beauty allowed me to play DOOM Eternal with my settings on Ultra between 100 to 120 fps with just a few drops (however, I decided after to play with medium/high settings to have a better and cleaner experience). But apart from having the chance to view the phenomenal visuals, what caught my attention was to feel that DOOM Eternal hardware was more directed to keyboard and mouse. It becomes more enjoyable to the ones without the opportunity of having the old and good controller (me, me, me...).

DOOM Slayer new man cave

DOOM Eternal wastes no time with GREAT and detailed explanations about the universe. It immediately passes to the action and to the gameplay itself, shows that the objective of the DOOM Slayer is to kill the Hell Priests and end the demonic invasion of Earth. However, the lore fans (which I have already become a fan of) aren't forgotten! The game contains some revelations during the cutscenes and by the collectable notes (that probably all the fans will LOVE to read and see).

Most of the earth's stages (I will not speak much of the out earth stages fearing to give spoilers, but they're similar in terms of aspect) end up being destroyed places with human remains scattered on the walls. With the arrival of the DOOM Slayer, began to happen some mixes on the places that he travels. The walls are now also painted demons' guts, blood and heads sometimes (when he gets really angry). All this gore explanation of the stages to say that DOOM Eternal transmits a good environment to the stages and reinforces the actual content in Eternal.

The overall stages are good in terms of content and fun to play. At some point, the time starts flying, even though I felt that the platforming parts are in the beginning fun, but with time it becomes repetitive and (un)fun.

Jump To Kill

After playing DOOM Eternal, I will probably become a pro in every single FPS. Why? Because of the pressure, the tension, and still, the enjoyment that I could feel in Eternal combat is unbelievable.

Something that called much my attention was the number of different weapons and abilities that the game has (Combat Shotgun, Super Shotgun, Heavy Cannon, Plasma Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Ballista, Chaingun, Chainsaw, BFG 9000, The Crucible, Unmaker (Unmaykr), Equipment Launcher (flame thrower/grenade launcher), Blood Punch). For fast readers, 11 different weapons. All the guns have upgrades that will give them different abilities. These abilities can be also upgraded and will cost points that are given after clearing a fight part inside the stage... Most of the weapons are unclocked with the game progression. However, the Unmaker is what can be called an "extra" or "special" gun, and is unlocked after finishing all the Slayer Gates (Something that I will aboard better when I talk about secrets).

Refer to weapons and don't refer to combos is a crime. The combos are ways to deal more damage and don't waste a type of ammo just at once. Switching weapons (that use different ammo) and shooting them in a small period. So for me, the best combo was to use the Ballista, the Super Shotgun, and sometimes the Rocket Launcher! Doing every gun a good amount of damage, and using the three a different type of ammo, in my opinion, it was a good and viable choice. This doesn't mean that the others aren't also good. Every weapon has its positive and negatives points.

It's important to focus on the Glory, Chainsaw Kills, and the Flame-Thrower. They are something that makes DOOM Eternal a bit special (being something that I never saw in other games). Explaining fast these abilities and weapons: The Glory kill is used to restore hp, killing stunned enemies; the Chainsaw is used to restore ammo; the Flame-Thrower puts enemies on fire, making them drop shields. But where this helps the combat being better? in my opinion, this makes the players independent of luck, forcing them to have the skill to know when and how to use these abilities and weapons at the right moment. Creating a skill-based experience.

Another important point to the combat that made me change, throw the game, my playstyle Doom Eternal's enemies. I will not talk much about the basic demons because they don't have enough impact. However, two enemies (The DOOM Hunter and The Marauder) changed my way of seeing and playing the game.

The DOOM Hunter is what can be called "the first boss of the game". He isn't well a boss because he ends up appearing more than one time on the game. However, he gives the first impact of what is coming. Compared with the other enemies, he's well stronger and obligates the player to think a bit more before the act.

The Marauder is something new and something strong. REALLY STRONG! Being probably my favourite enemy, he creates a real challenge. How he works is formidable! Having close and long-range attacks and a shield to protect him on his front side. The players need to wait for his attack to counter-attack and deal some damage. This made me start using guns combos more.

The movements are clean and soft, being an important aspect to also insert in the combat. But what it makes important? How run and jump can be important in shooting and fighting? Because Doom is a game where if the player stops for just 10s, half of his HP is gone. So it's perfect to see that the movements were something that the devs looked at with attention and improved to the point it looks sometimes that the Slayer is sliding (in a good way, it means is soft and clean!).

Uh a secret!

DOOM Eternal has a good amount of extras and secrets. Some don't change the game (Toys, Music Vinyls, and Cheat Codes), and I will not talk much about them. However, others (Praetor Suit Tokens, Runes, Notes, Slayer Gates) change the gameplay or have information about the story.

Starting with the Slayer Gates, they are challenges that are needed first to find a key. After completing the Slayer Gates (6), it can be unlocked an extra gun, the Unmaker (pretty broken).

The Runes and the Praetor Suit Tokens are used to improve the Slayer. Runes will be used to unlock different abilities that will make 100% the difference (like performing glory kills faster), while Praetor Suit Tokens are used to improve the Slayer suit (giving him more resistance to toxic environments, for example).

The Notes give some information about the Slayer and some character's past. They are something that I liked to read, and that gave me a lot of information about the lore.

Rating - - ->
- Magnific and well-designed combat;

- Excellent campaign going directly to the point;

- Enemies and guns variety that have an impact on the gameplay;

- Good amount of secrets to discover at different stages.
- At some point, the platforming becomes repetitive and exhausting...
Posted January 6, 2021. Last edited May 14, 2022.
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6.3 hrs on record
Pumpkin Jack is a spooky 3D platformer with a phenomenal story, great gameplay, some fantastic visuals, and a comfortable soundtrack. However, overpriced for a game with just around 6 hours of gameplay.

+ Story:
-> The game's story is great. All the plot of Jack making a deal with the Devil to break his curse, helping him destroying the peace that humanity was living is intriguing. The story makes the game interesting and appellative to the player, making him want to know more while advancing.

+ Puzzles:
-> Pumpkin Jack doesn't focus itself on puzzles. However, they create some good challenges, not allowing the game to become boring and repetitive.

+ Bosses:
-> The game manages to create a great challenge with the Bosses fights. Each one contains a variety of attacks and timings that the player need to adapt.

+ Soundtrack:
-> The game contains an extraordinary spooky soundtrack that transmits to the player a curious feeling that is Halloween again.

+ Visuals:
-> Pumpkin Jack has some great 3D visuals. I enjoyed watching the overall amount of small details in everything, but something that took my attention was the marvelous lights.

+ Environment:
-> The soundtrack and visuals quality creates an extraordinary spooky and scary environment that connects extremely well with the plot.

- Combat:
-> The combat isn't a strong point of the game. I felt that's too simple, basically just spamming mouse 1, mouse 2 to make the enemy attack reset and dodge the combat.

- Overpriced:
-> The game is clearly good, but I can't understand his price. Cost almost 30€, and it's possible to do 100% in 6 to 8 hours. I understand that the game was solo developed, and I'm a fan of quality instead of quantity, but I think it's still a bit expensive for his content.

-Going Deeper-
Rating: 84/100

The Devil wasn't happy with world peace and decided to spicy a bit the things creating a curse and making demons, ghosts, and zombies attack the humans loved peace, and with that, the Devil was finally happy. However, humanity resisted and decided to elect a champion, a mighty Wizard that would destroy the curse. Here is where the Great Jack, the one that tricked the Devil three times, joins the story. With the promise of his sins excused, he becomes the champion of Hell and seeks to defeat the Wizard.

This plot conquested me. The story is interesting, creates a feeling of curiosity in the player, and manages to become more exciting in every step forward. I wasn't expecting a good end to the story. However, in the end, the overall plot that the developer created is phenomenal, and the game has a great final.
The game has good gameplay. Pumpkin Jack is nearly perfect in all his aspects: the platforming, puzzles, and the "chases" sequences are magnific. However, the combat could be less spammy and more polished. But, in the end, this all together creates fun and fantastic stages.

Playing this game, I could remember my Playstation 1, 2, and PSP times, when I was basically playing AAA platformers (like Spyro and MediEvil) all day. However, coming back to Pumpkin Jack, the platforming parts of the stages are good, and some of them have interesting and fun puzzles that obligate the player to think. Something that I also enjoyed a lot where the "chases" sequences. Every stage has 2 or 1 of these "chases", and every single one is different. These aspects of the game create an interesting and fun challenge.

The combat is something a bit too simple and spammy. It basically uses mouse 1 to attack and mouse 2 to reset an enemy attack. For the first hours, the combat can be fun, but I felt bored after a while. However, Pumpkin Jack still contains a good variety of different weapons with different attacks. Something that, in my opinion, saves a bit the combat quality. Referring to combat is impossible to don't talk about the bosses. Every stage has a different boss with a different variety of attacks and timings. This creates a better fight between Jack and his enemy, giving even a better experience to the player.
📽Audio & Visuals
I would probably say that the best aspect of Pumpkin Jack is the visuals. They are gorgeous and extremely detailed. The 3D modeling is impressive and polished, with details in every pixel, having all the characters a good look. About the animations, their fluid and well-made. I loved to watch the lights, mainly the fire, that shows well the visuals quality.

The audio also impressed me with the soundtrack. It transmits a spooky and scary air to the game that I liked a lot to feel. It helps a lot in the creation of the scary and spooky environment that the game has.
Technical Details
I played this game with:
Intel Core i7-8750H; NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1660 Ti; 16,00 GB Ram

- The game is well optimized, and I could play at +60 fps.

Follow our curator page, OCG-Curations, if you like and want to see more reviews like this one.
Posted December 21, 2020. Last edited December 22, 2020.
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11.3 hrs on record (11.3 hrs at review time)
Update: The dev informed in a comment below that the game has an in-game menu. So the con was taken off and the rating received more 8 points.

Swords and Sandals Crusader Redux is the remastered edition from the 2007 game Swords and Sandals Crusader. Being a strategy war game settled in a fantasy world contains an interesting story with much to learn. However, having a few new additions and upgrades can still have some unexpected problems.

+ Story:
-> Telling the story of the events after Swords and Sandals II, the game manages to create an attractive and exciting plot.

+ Narrator:
-> Something that I really enjoyed was to listen to the narrator. It gives comfort to the game and makes it looks more like a real fantasy tale.

+ New Additions:
-> I liked the few new additions that the game had. The mini-adventures and the survival mode gives more gameplay to the player. The tournaments can be a way for the player to chill in the hardest moments.

+ Battles:
-> I enjoyed the game battles. They are simple and attractive to the player, bringing a lot of fun to the game with the different choices and strategies possible to perform.

+ Upgrades:
-> The game has several huge gameplay upgrades from the original 2007 version. For me, the best was that the game now is better organized and softer.

- FullScreen:
-> I couldn't play with the game at fullscreen. With my 1920x1080 monitor, the game would be a box in the top left corner.

- Soundtrack:
-> The game soundtrack in the first 10 minutes can be good. However, after the first hour, it becomes annoying.

- Visuals:
-> The character's arts had improvements. However, I couldn't see many upgrades comparing scenarios and troops of the two games. They still need a lot of work.

-Going Deeper-
Rating: 62/100

Swords and Sandals Crusader Redux tells the story after the events of Swords and Sandals II. The mighty and dark Emperor Antares is dead, and Brandor can be rebuild. However, the different factions now fight between them for power and territory.

I enjoyed the plot. The game manages to create an interesting story in the universe, explaining what happened after the events of SoSII. It could be bigger, but it's anyways good and gives a delightful experience.
A strategy game needs to let the player create different ways to win the game, and Swords and Sandals Crusader Redux isn't different. The game manages to offer different troops and powers to the player. That helps to create different comps and strategies throughout the game.

Another point also important to pay attention to the economy, being something that will help to raise bigger and better armies. Every territory conquested will give an amount of money and can be upgraded to give more. However, troops will consume gold to improve morale. If at some point the gold gets to 0, the player will start losing territories.

I had a great time playing the game. The strategy is simple but is still fun and engaging. In the first 10 minutes, I thought that the game was too easy, but with the time, needing to pay attention to the many different fronts of combat and economy. I understood that Swords and Sandals Crusader Redux could give a worthy challenge. The battles are fun, and the economy is where the player needs to think a bit more about the choices. This fusion is phenomenal.

According to the dev, the game was some additions, like the tournaments, the mini-adventures, and survival mode. These things make the game richer, having more content to don't be playing just the normal campaign is important. It brings more gameplay.

Being a remastered edition from the 2007 Swords and Sandals Crusader, the game has suffered many upgrades from the original version. What I repaired first was the map, which is better structured and has a better design. After that, what I loved the see was the battles, which are now more dynamic and have a better-organized interface.
📽Audio & Visuals
The visuals of the game are good, but I couldn't see scenario and troops art upgrades. The map changed, and the main characters have new art that is phenomenal. However, I don't think that's enough for a remastered edition. It needs more work.

About the audio, I loved the narrator. It definitely gives another look to the game, creates a better environment for the player. However, the soundtrack isn't the best. I enjoyed the first 10 minutes, but after that, I needed to shut down, it becomes repetitive.

Technical Details
I played this game with:
Intel Core i7-8750H; NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1660 Ti; 16,00 GB Ram

- I couldn't play the game on fullscreen.
- The game is well optimized, I could play him at 60 fps.

Follow our curator page, OCG-Curations, if you like and want to see more reviews like this one.
Posted December 19, 2020. Last edited December 21, 2020.
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6.8 hrs on record (6.2 hrs at review time)
LEGO The Hobbit is an adaptation of The Hobbit film trilogy, and these of Tolkien eternal and mythical work, for the LEGO universe. Being a fantastic third-person game in the Middle-Earth Universe that tells us the story of Bilbo Baggins in a funnier way.

+ Fantastic Story:
-> The game is an adaptation of one of the best fantasy books ever made, The Hobbit, an immortal work from Tolkien, also known as the writer of The Lord of The Rings. The game manages to adapt a serious book into a Lego funny universe.

+ Solid Gameplay:
-> The gameplay is good and well-structured, with several puzzles and constant movement. The many characters also help, each with different abilities that later can help to do 100% of the game. This doesn't let the game become boring after just 30 minutes.

+ Visuals:
-> Some of the textures aren't perfect. However, how the game manages to put LEGOs in the different zones is simply formidable. It makes the game look richer at every point.

- The voice-overs are badly done:
-> Some of the voice-overs at some moments don't sound well because they have been taken from the films. It should be more carefully implemented in the game to sound better.

-Going Deeper-
Rating: 76/100

Initially, the game displays the events that led to the beginning of this adventure through Middle-earth. All begins with the loss of the biggest and mighty dwarfs kingdom of all Middle-Earth; Erebor, The Lonely Mountain, by the Fire Dragon from the North; Smaug, The Terrible.

After this little prologue, the story of Bilbo Baggins and his adventure with the company of Thorin Oakenshield begins. Formed by 13 dwarves, an iconic wizard, and our bugler, Bilbo Baggins, the company of dwarfs departs on a journey to the reconquest of their homeland.
LEGO The Hobbit consists of quick missions with various puzzles to solve. Without a doubt, they are not the hardest puzzles, but still, they can be funny and interesting to see. During the missions, the game gives the chance to play with more than one character at the same time. Being important because each one has a different function that can be used to complete the missions and the puzzles easier.

The game after the main campaign has several side-quest missions that will offer more puzzles and playtime. It is also important, after finishing for the first time the game, to repeat it in free mode. Since in this game mode, the player can take other characters and play normal campaign missions. The perfect time to seek extras that initially were impossible to get. Being a LEGO game is given the freedom to destroy practically everything made of LEGOS to earn coins, which I found simply incredible. Makes the game a little more interactive.

Many doubt the gameplay of LEGO games gameplay would be this good. However, I had an exceptional experience. I played the game just with a keyboard since the mouse is not used. Having experience with other LEGO games, I must say that play with the controller is easier. In LEGO: The Hobbit isn't difficult to play with the keyboard, but the default keys are a bit confusing. Different keys that most players aren't used to play with are important to make simple actions (such as H, J, K, U). The player can change the keybinds. However, the game doesn't allow the use of the mouse.
📽Audio & Visuals
Visually is simply magnific. The game is not simply 100% LEGO. For the most part, there is not even LEGO, and this leads to a magnificent point, as the game manages to put very well LEGOs constructions in the different zones. Many areas do not have such good textures, and the implementation of small constructions in LEGO makes these places richer. It doesn't even look like a LEGO game.

With the audio, the game brings us on an adventure through Middle-Earth. Using the magnificent soundtrack from The Hobbit trilogy gives another spirit to the gameplay. The unique thing that probably, I have to point is the voice-overs of the characters. Some of the voices were badly are poorly done.

Technical Details
I played this game with:
Intel Core i7-8750H; NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1660 Ti; 16,00 GB Ram

- I could play at 120 the full game without any drop.
Posted December 13, 2020. Last edited July 8, 2023.
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2.0 hrs on record
Factory Runner is a game in which you become a manager of a chemical and equipment store. Your goal is over time to grow and end up buying and running a factory. The game hasa pretty good concept however it is poorly worked. And sadly I might say that was one of the worst games that I had ever the opportinity to play.

+ Good Concept.

- The Visuals are crappy;
- The Gameplay is really, really problematic;
- Isn't well optimized.

-Going Deeper-
Rating: 27/100
Its gameplay is simply problematic. Factory Runner presents an interesting concept and it would be very nice if it had the opportunity to be properly implemented.

Starting with what I've been noting during my experience. When I entered the game, I had a weird box showing and saying to press X. That took me to a 'menu' that indicates some key binds. At first glance I thought it wouldn't be anything special, but when I noticed the words spit and piss I started to get a little worried. These are the kinds of things that I think are extremely insignificant in a game like Factory Runner. A game in which the goal is by and simply manage a store.

After this strange start, I began to take the first steps, which already led me to another problem. The movement is strange, it doesn't seem normal. Every step you take is like the character is putting a foot in a hole, and when you jump, it looks like you almost gonna fly

I left the apartment where Factory Runner starts, without any kind of tutorial to explain key binds or the purpose of the game. Until I got to the end of the stairs and was bombarded with a debuting weird pop-up explaining to me that I should follow the signs and go to the store. Upon arriving at a given store I got another pop-up explaining to me how the store worked, that is, if I had the door open I would receive customers. It was also stated that if any kind of material to sell is need, go to another store to get picked up. As if it made sense to be buying equipment in a store to sell it next. And that was the tutorial of Factory Runner, until the end never appeared to be any kind of explanation of how to do things.

To reach the different destinations that are needed to replace the shop products a car is provided. That I probably point as the best think of the whole game. It's fun to drive.

After playing a few time, I started noticing the thousands of bugs and glitches that the game has. The best case that I could see, was getting about 20 NPCs just looking forward to nothing. Another good example was after I get tired, I just stopped recovering stamina. Initially, I thought it would be because I was hungry and sleepy, but in the end, I realized that it wasn't really that but a bug.

It is important to inform that Factory Runner appears to be forgotten, that is, all the problems mentioned will probably never be resolved.
📽Audio & Visuals
At the visual level, simply horrendous. Factory Runner is what I consider an ugly game. Initially, after seeing the first images of the game, I was hopeful that it would even be reasonably good. However, in the end was a ambiguous spot to point out. The house where the game starts is nothing special and even makes it look like the game won't be that bad. But when I left the house is I looked at the first buildings, I understood everything. Inside it looked like I was in a reasonably expensive apartment, when I left I realized I was in a ghetto. The walls all falling does not match what the game wants to do. It would be better if Factory Runner actually happens in a city. Another point, but I rather say that this one is very problematic, is the NPC's. The game only features 3 different character design types.

On an audio level, I don't think that is bad, however they sound weird. It's just weird the sound of Factory Runner. Sometimes at least to me, it seemed to me that some movements were higher than others. Other than that nothing to report
Technical Details
I played this game with:
Intel Core i7-8750H; NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1660 Ti; 16,00 GB Ram

- I had a pretty negative expirience. I couldn't get more than 60 fps. For a game like Factory Runner it is pretty bad and shows that the game is badly optimized.

This key was provided by the dev and delivered to me by Reviewers Paradise. Join their Steam Group and Discord[discord.gg]
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Posted December 5, 2020. Last edited December 5, 2020.
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45.8 hrs on record (19.9 hrs at review time)
Adventure Through The Underworld

Homer once told a story about a hero seeking to come back home after a great war. Supergiant once made a game of a hero seeking to leave his home. That's Hades, the Greek mythology-themed game released one year ago, and that purely conquested our hearts has players.

The hero of our story isn't Achilles, Odysseus, Hercules, Perseus, or even Hercules, but yes Zagreus, son of Hades. However, our young prince sees the Underworld position as overrated and desires to leave and join the rest of his family at Mount Olympus. To perform this impossible task and go against his father's will, Zag needs to climb all the Underworld. Luckily, our hero is a fearsome warrior, ready to take any challenge, mastering six Infernal Arms, some legendary weapons well known. Also, as can be expected, the Olympus Gods didn't stay indifferent to the news, sending their support to Zagreus.

Death is something normal to see happening but still rewardable. Most of the games reasonably divide the plot and the gameplay, but Hades in that aspect is phenomenal. The narrative will move the same way in the victories and losses. Having when Zag gets back home, characters make fun of him, and some give motivational speeches. It's always good to get down there again to have a good chat with someone.


Supergiant is well known for its audiovisual and narrative quality, but never for its combat. However, Hades feels fluid enough to be satisfying. As referred before, there are six different weapons, each having four unlockable aspects. Every infernal arm has a different play style, having its own primary and special attack, giving a lot of variety to the game. Without forgetting that gods are watching us, there are the boons. Upgrades were sent in lightspeed from the Olympus to support Zagreus. These boons are passives that make our prince, for example, give more damage for attack or move faster, and when connected to the right weapons, can make a run three hundred times easier.


There are a ton of artifacts, most, unlike boons, maintain with Zagreus after completing a run, used for several things, like upgrades and cosmetics. It's something that I don't bother with, but still, I think that there isn't a need to have soo much. I would enjoy Hades the same way if there were only half of the artifacts.

The Underworld is seen from an isometric perspective, and oh my, it's beautiful. It doesn't fail any possible expectation about it. It presents a junction of 2D and 3D, with the pillars popping up to your eyes. Animations and movements look soft and clean. And the character design, forget it, it's another level.

The audio is magnificent as well! The voice acting it's just perfect, and I think that's enough to say that I still listen to the OST today.



Simply a masterpiece. It's a must-play for everyone, and who enjoy rogue-likes that don't touch this game, or say that's bad, don't know what is saying.

Specs:Intel Core i7-8750H; NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1660 Ti; 16,00 GB Ram
Posted December 1, 2020. Last edited July 8, 2023.
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27.2 hrs on record (13.6 hrs at review time)
+ The overall gameplay is simply phenomenal
+ The visuals are great, the micro and macro animations are all there
+ The map can be smaller than the others game from the franchise but is still pretty good and solid

- Right now (11/20), you can buy other games from the franchise better with the same price.

Total War: Shogun 2, also known as my first Total War, and possibly one of the best games in the famous strategy franchise depicting the 16th century in Japan during the Ōnin War aftermatch.

The game depicts a Japan divided during the Ōnin war aftermatch like I said above, where several different clans try to gain control over the Shogunate. You can play a campaign as one of the many clans, and try to become the Shogun, "the military ruler" of all Japan.

The game, like most Total War's, has simply phenomenal gameplay. In my view, we can divide it into various aspects, combat, diplomacy, and economy. Being all these after divided into different paths that can be followed, later interconnecting, and creating strategies.
But by focusing on each of the important aspects of gameplay, let's start with combat. I must say that at this level beats any other game of strategies.

The game introduces you to several units, allows you to position them where you think best, and uses several different formations. I fell in love with it. It's giving the player the freedom to become a general and really command his troops, and I don't think you can say it's complicated to command them, since the commands are based on the use almost only of the mouse and are nothing special, but think of a strategy for victory, that yes is complicated. It's true that other games also leave you in power this way, but with armies so well-formed, I can't find another franchise like Total War with that of that freedom.

It's also possible to let the computer do the battles for you during the game campaign, but at least I'd always prefer to end up being the one trying to think a little bit about how best to win.

Moving on to diplomacy, and is important to have, let's say, a diplomat attitude in this game, and not declare war against another clan without first analyzing it, and trying to destroy its connections. It is also of extreme importance to create trade agreements, sometimes offering money, giving permission to pass troops into your territory for some turns, or by an alliance.

It doesn't seem like it, but in Shogun 2 it's also recommended to have an eye on your lineage and see if everything is going as planned, because with different people in power, differently will also run the game.

The economy system of Shogun 2 is also a masterpiece, simply because as you should calculate, without money there is no army. Exist many ways to make money and different ways to keep it. As I said earlier, enter into trade agreements with other clans is always a good way to end up with too much money in your pocket. But also if we improve our cities and plunder others, we will end up doing well economically. Remembering that these acts end up influencing what later may happen in this region.

Another important point to pay attention to in a good economy is to see the units that are being used since better units end up costing more money and being a bigger expense.

Now I'm going to try to expose a little more, and I'm going to talk about the game map. You should like it, it's not as big a map as other games in the franchise, it features only the island of Japan, but it's still big enough and has enough clans to create a challenge for the player. I also think it's important to say how you move your macro army, that is, how you move your troops on the map, and you can advance more or less per turn depending on the number of troops you have in the army.

As you can see, the gameplay of Shogun 2 has a lot to talk about, but what if we notice it is funnier, is that everything is connected.

📽Audio & Visuals
The visuals of the game are basic, nothing special, and I must say that for 2011 I still consider that they are very good and solid. The animations I must also say that they are undoubtedly good and I loved to see the armies fighting each other. All the little fights are animated, it's amazing how the games manage to have such a good macro and micro in terms of visuals.

At the audio level, like the visuals, they're good and solid, and they really don't have anything special. They just fit the game well

In the end, the only think that completely defines Shogun 2 is the word, masterpiece. I have nothing to point out bad to the game, simply perfect in every aspect. I just don't give the game 100, because I'm looking at it these days (11/20) and I think with the same money you can buy other games from the franchise better.

Final Evaluation: 97/100

Technical Details
I played this game with a:
Intel Core i7-8750H; NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1660 Ti; 16,00 GB Ram

- I had a clean experience. With my fps between 60 and 120 and without having any fall. Pretty good!
Posted November 29, 2020. Last edited December 1, 2020.
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