Joel (noob)
ashmeowdai   Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Feel free to add me, I'm not the brightest but I got a nice attitude :3
My HowLongToBeat backlog []
Currently In-Game
Deep Rock Galactic
just a guy stumbling through life
- Joel - 23, ♂️, ♾️, 🇩🇪

TL;DR is marked bold and italic

I work part-time in a workshop for people with disabilities (because I'm autistic),
so I have a lot of time on my hands. I love outward and social people that engage actively, because it helps me bridge friendships much more easily. I like people from Europe (or a European-aligned timezone), because I get to play co-op games with them more easily.

I don't have a fursona, but I dabble in the furry community. I usually don't mind most communities that aren't obsessive or freakish (yes, some furries are too much).

You're welcome to add me and chat, if I ever don't vibe with you I'll let you know before removing you, and I hope you do the same! I like ending things on good terms.

I prefer to chat on Discord! If you like me, and want to get closer to me, add me there:
@ ashmeowdai

I don't play competitive games much anymore, sorry. :(
The 20% of enjoyment I get from playing League or Valo isn't as good as getting 100% enjoyment
from other games like Deep Rock and Vermintide!
Favorite Game
Hours played
Recent Activity
189 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
2.5 hrs on record
last played on May 26
119 hrs on record
last played on May 26
Rebecca🌸💖 5 hours ago 