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110.4 hrs on record (97.5 hrs at review time)
Open world survival crafting, and it released into early access. While this is typically a recipe for disaster, Subnautica comes together to try a unique spin on the concept. Early game is similar to other games in the survival genre, just scavenging your way through the tech tree to get ahead. Once you have a Cyclops submarine with a PRAWN suit for depth exploration docked inside, and you start going on undersea expeditions into deeper and stranger biomes, it becomes a completely new experience. The story doesn't intrude too much on your personal goals, and in fact most of the game they will be aligned. The progression is pretty smooth, with no craftable object/structure/vehicle ever feeling like a grind to build at all (even the rocket to escape the planet and finish the game, which was meant to be a grind, only took me about 20 minutes IRL to gather all the resources).

My only real complaints would be that the game is still not very optimized, a little janky at times, and while some of the creatures are genuinely scary (especially the Leviathan class fish), others look downright silly and cartoonish (The Sea Dragon Leviathan is likely the strongest aggressive fauna in the game, but he looks like a silly cartoon monster). That hardly took away from the game for me, though, as there is still plenty of scary fish to run into. Easy recommendation from me if you are into survival games. Even if you aren't, this one might still be worth a look.
Posted December 12, 2022.
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83.9 hrs on record (16.2 hrs at review time)
Update: The game is going offline at the end of November 2023. They aren't going to fix anything lol

I don't want to come off too harsh. The core game is fun and I enjoy it. It's got some issues and bugs, and is slightly p2w with better performing characters locked behind a paywall/grind. There are only about 5 unlockable suits, but they're all strong. I don't love this but they're at least paying attention to the balance so the unlockable suits aren't straight up p2w. Most of these suits are only strong with a strong team anyway.

Since starting the game I can count on one hand the number of games I've played where no one disconnected for any reason. Pretty much every game, someone is almost guaranteed to drop connection. Enjoy being on one side of a 6v5 a lot. And it's a coin toss if you're the 6 man team or the 5 man. There was an update intended to fix that recently. If this becomes less of a problem I will correct this bit.

They updated the beginner challenges to change each step to require you to log in only one day per level, so now you could grind them out in about a week. This was a solid improvement.

The devs are actually paying attention, communicating with the fanbase, and taking care of the game so far, so I'm hopeful. I wish steam had a "conditional reccomendation" because I would use it here. This game isn't for everyone, but there's a fun mutliplayer shooter at the core of all this, so I honestly like it.

Overall, I would only really recommend this game if you're a huge MSG fan desperate for a half-decent game to play.

I am 100% keeping my eye on this game and have already updated the review, and will continue to do so if anything changes/is worth mentioning.
Posted October 12, 2022. Last edited July 20, 2023.
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50.5 hrs on record
I really wanted to like this game but...
The gameplay loop is terribly repetitive and grindy, with your only apparent "reward" being more planets to explore, which are mostly just new colors with new resources to harvest.
The only real hazard is your oxygen, which doesn't make for a challenge, as you can easily have a line of tethers connected from your base to literally anywhere on the planet. Not a challenge, just a chore.
Posted January 30, 2022.
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50.3 hrs on record (48.1 hrs at review time)
Excellent CRPG. Shoot everything in its stupid eyes.
Posted July 6, 2021.
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3.3 hrs on record (4.3 hrs at review time)
So this is the afterlife...
Feel free to crash on the couch.
Posted December 3, 2020.
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9 people found this review helpful
20 people found this review funny
1.4 hrs on record
trust me, when you fire this game up, your little ♥♥♥♥♥♥ nuts are gonna start quAkIn buddy. your little N U T S are gonna be QuaKiNg. EAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH EHAHHHHHHHHH EAHHHHH YOURE GONNE SHOOT ♥♥♥, YOURE GONNA SHOOT ♥♥♥, YOURE GONNA SHOOT H O T C U M, EVERY WHERE and thats a promise. thats a promise folks. youre gonna shoot ♥♥♥♥♥♥ hot jizz all over your computer all over your mechanical keyboard and your razor mouse i swear to god that you will bust a nut the first time you play CLAP thats my money back garuntee if you dont bust a nut the first time you play message me
Posted November 29, 2020.
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1.2 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
The perfect PFS to pick up and play. Run and gun fun with eye-catching colorful environments. Add to that the BANGER of a soundtrack (just one song but still). Not too many stages, which are randomly generated, but for $2.99 it's a fun FPS that you can hop in and out of easily. Play it. Experience true eye-strain.
Posted November 27, 2020. Last edited November 27, 2020.
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2.3 hrs on record (2.0 hrs at review time)
Eye catching, fast paced, and with a great soundtrack and some precise shooting. Every fight up to and including the final boss is over in seconds. At only 20 missions, it's easily to complete in an afternoon, and there's not much else to it. It's not worth $10, but it's great if you catch it on a sale.
Posted September 26, 2020.
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4 people found this review helpful
437.3 hrs on record (166.1 hrs at review time)
♥♥♥♥ Yes
Posted June 29, 2019.
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9.2 hrs on record (9.2 hrs at review time)
It gets overlooked in favor of Blood Money, but this is still a fantastic game, and definitely worth playing,
Posted August 16, 2012. Last edited February 26, 2018.
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