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183.4 godz. łącznie (182.2 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Played this game to understand it thoroughly, this game is a mobile gacha simulator without the monetisation.

Uninstalled and will be kept uninstalled until they removed temporal sanctum or have added multiple routes for upgrading your gear. It's ludicrous to have to gamble for a CHANCE to upgrade.

There should be ADDITIONAL routes to upgrade your gear. Now you are forced to gamble your hard earned cash + time + favour + keys + items.

I don't consider "farming loot" gambling here as there's multiple ways to achieve getting the gear to slam with. MG/COF, helps a lot. However, temporal sanctum by itself is a casino and I don't have to explain how your odds don't improve the more you gamble.
Opublikowana: 1 sierpnia. Ostatnio edytowane: 2 sierpnia.
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481.5 godz. łącznie
This game is very original, I don't think there's a game like this. It's hard to get into at first, but gets really fun later on.

Killer is easy when you start, as the survivors are not that good at lower ranks. Game eventually turns around once you start playing with/against higher ranked survivors. It's hard to play as a killer on higher rank vs higher ranked survivors.

Was Rank 1 killer and survivor.
Opublikowana: 8 lipca. Ostatnio edytowane: 8 lipca.
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42.4 godz. łącznie (42.4 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Good steam deck game, runs well and it's the perfect kind of game to play on a handheld.

Pokemon, but with demons.
Opublikowana: 8 lipca.
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480.8 godz. łącznie
Best fighting game of the new gen fighters, devs are actually trying to balance things right. Tempo if bringing out new chars could be faster, but other than that this game is good.
Opublikowana: 8 lipca.
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31.4 godz. łącznie
TL;DR: If you want a second job that doesn't make money, but instead loses the money that the first job makes. Does that sound good? Then this game is for you.

Played all of the betas and honestly I think this game would've been way better with Warframe monetisation or the Destiny 2 business model. There's gacha mechanics, drop rates are abysmal and around every corner there's the opportunity to swipe.

Even if I take all of that for granted and think "yeah I can play this game F2P", the question is what am I really grinding for exactly? The story is forgettable, you don't miss anything. After you've beaten the main story, you get the great reward of doing everything over again. This time it's "hard" mode, which basically means you grind to do bigger numbers so you can get through the story AGAIN.

The things they want you to swipe for are multiple items that have 3% drop rate, but it's basically a "sexy" skin with a couple of boost items. They also want 100 USD for that... yeah you read that right, 100 USD... You can buy Elden Ring + DLC + A lot of other games for that money, As i'm writing this it's steam summer sales, in other words you could get more than 500+ hrs of gaming for 100USD. Instead they want you to pay for a "sexy skin" and some boost items, so you DON'T have to play their game.

So let's do the calculations here. They want you to swipe to NOT play this game, so why not just buy another game and play that instead? It would be cheaper to just buy loads of other games anyway.
Opublikowana: 8 lipca. Ostatnio edytowane: 8 lipca.
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98.9 godz. łącznie (50.8 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Just finished the original game and going into Iceborne right now, this is my review so far.

Let's start with the cons for this game:

- The game seems simple to get started but there's an enormous amount of depth, some information is left out and not sure if that's on purpose. Problem is if you don't like finding things out by yourself or doing some research on YouTube, then this game feels very limiting. The tutorials for classes in this game only tell you about 20% of what you need to know to be really efficient, it gets you started but it's up to you to find out more efficient ways to kill mobs and lots of mechanics are often left out.

A simple example with Great Sword: You can interrupt your charges by tackling and therefore changing directions and also skipping a charge step to go directly to your hardest hitting combo. Hitting a tackle at the right time works as a counter and can stun/flinch mobs if timed right, therefore making you able to hit your strongest charged attack at said monsters head often leading to a knockout or stun. Very important mechanic but not mentioned at all in the tutorial and really essential if you want to kill mobs fast.

This is just one mechanic, but there's many many more.

- There's some quests which I don't really like, specifically the Zorah Magdaros fight and some of the HR quests where they leave you free and basically just say "go find some tracks".

- For some of the bosses you will need to farm some mobs for gear, luckily the multiplayer is there to help you out I guess.

- The story is meh.

- Sometimes it seems that monsters are looking for eachother, are you doing well in this fight against this monster? Oh sh*t, there's another big flying one that carpet bombs you while you were just about to hit your hardest hitting move causing you to tumble and get hit by the mob you were originally fighting. First few times it's fun, but after a while it gets old.


- This game takes a while to get used to but once you understand the mechanics, it's really a matter of finding the right counter and flow for that specific mob and thereby cutting short the time it takes to farm a monster.

- Game starts slowly, but eventually ramps up to really big monsters and explosions everywhere.

Would recommend a friend to help you pick up this game, as it's very complicated with lots of mechanics. 35+ hours in the game and i'm still discovering new stuff. Essentially this game is about learning how to become an efficient hunter by learning the mechanics of your class.First few hunts you fail, then you succeed but slowly, eventually you won't get hit by that mob and just kill him in less than 10 mins. It's very challenging and frustrating at times, but definitely worth a play-through.
Opublikowana: 15 stycznia. Ostatnio edytowane: 15 stycznia.
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257.8 godz. łącznie (17.2 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Have to edit my review after playing for a while now. These are the things that I don't like about this game:

* There's a system in place that puts you against bots online after a losing streak. The bots will have names that make them look like real players. The names have been datamined and are always the same. This is the most disgusting business practice, it makes the player think he/she is good after a bad losing streak. They're trying to trick their players into thinking they're playing other players, but they're really bots to make you feel good after a losing streak. The community found out and so far no confirmation or comment by the developers. All this to keep you engaged and ultimately to make you spend money in the game.

* Servers have become absolute garbage and getting worse every patch. No fix in sight yet. What's even worse, the community found out that the game places you in servers that might not be near your location at all. Game is literally unplayable as a result.

* Balancing is not done well, developers seem very inexperienced and seem to touch (read nerf) every move of a character. Worst thing is that they don't nerf the actual thing they should. Some characters are therefore completely ruined to the point of nearly unplayable.

* Battlepass is underwhelming and skin pricing is very expensive for what you get. $20 USD for a skin is way too steep.

* Game doesn't have normal fighting game mechanics that people are used to, dodge is too strong and since there's no whiff recovery frames you will play the hit or miss guess mini-game every game. This makes the game more of a party game instead of actually requiring skill.

* Smash is simply better

As a result of the above things, player base has been steadily dropping by a lot.

This has led me to change my review to negative, don't play this game before they've fixed their game. Even though the game has a beta tag, they're trying to charge full price for things.
Opublikowana: 31 lipca 2022. Ostatnio edytowane: 2 października 2022.
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79.8 godz. łącznie (49.1 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Very good game, Tarkov but more relaxed. Haven't encountered cheaters yet, but to be fair I haven't been to the hard map yet.
Opublikowana: 6 lipca 2022.
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10.4 godz. łącznie (5.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
This is my first Redout game. Would recommend people to try this, the difficulty is pretty tough. So don't expect to be good at the game from start, most of the time you actually need to know the track to perform well.

Got stuck at a point in career (second speed challenge), I flew off the map a lot of times. This had led me to keep trying and iron out the kinks in my play style. This is a game that takes patience and a lot of practice, exactly the type of game I like.

Would definitely recommend, just don't expect to be an expert the first 2-3 hours.
Opublikowana: 19 czerwca 2022.
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