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37.6 hrs on record (17.6 hrs at review time)
The good:
+RPG elements (skill tree, weapon crafting, weapon upgrades)
+Enemy design, Boss design
+Armageddon difficulty (For these who want a bit of challenge)

The bad:
-Story (chaotic, feels like it was written by a teenager)
-Sexualisation of robots (Sometimes you wonder if the game was created FOR or BY people with robot kink)
-Forgettable characters
-A lot of plot holes, some events happen suddenly and for no reason
-Puzzles (It's like, there are too many of them)
-Half Open world (So in theory you can just walk around the map, collect resources, but there are no side quests, the story is very lineral)
-Game length (12 hours to complete the main story)

Spoilers ahead:
Neither ending is truely "good".
1st ending - turns out Charles was evil the entire time, he kills Sechenov, disables Kollektiv and puts P-3 in the Limbo.
2nd ending - P-3 just decides to not stop Sechenov, he walks away and Sechenov completes his plan.
Posted December 3, 2023.
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2.0 hrs on record
Carrion is my disappointment of the year 2020 and the reason why I don't pre-order games anymore.

The aspect of having the roles reversed - playing as the monster and killing humans, was exactly what encouraged me to buy this game.
Sadly, this is only an illusion and a lie, because you're gonna spend most of the time roaming around the map from point A to point B solving puzzles.

Carrion would be better off as a 1v4 dead by daylight type of game, but unfortunately it is what it is.

The price is a joke for the amount of content you'll get in this game.
Posted November 9, 2023. Last edited November 9, 2023.
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1.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Basically a mix between Destiny 2 and Valorant, which obviously means that this game has potential but devs will have to try really hard to make it work, otherwise it'll stay overshadowed by two earlier mentioned titles.

For now the only reason why you'd ever choose this over Destiny 2 in terms of PvE is the 20GB weight.

I installed it for PvP hoping to get some decent experience, but PvP is unfortunately flooded with hackers.
Posted October 17, 2022.
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1.3 hrs on record
I love Lego games, they were a huge part of my childhood, so that's why I was super hyped for Skywalker Saga. I mean, Lego + All 9 Star Wars episodes? What else could you possibly want from a Lego game? Unfortunately this game's got problems, and now here's why I am REFUNDING my first Lego game ever:

- The open world is too big and usually you end up running from point A to B just to hear a few lines of dialogue.
- The RPG system is something noone needed, but they implemented that anyway.
- The offical missions last less than 2 minutes and it's usually you piloting a ship.
- The enemy AI is stupid as ♥♥♥♥
- The lightsaber combat might be fun at first, but it uses the same schemes all the time.
- The combo system you won't even care about because all you need to do is spam the attack button.
- The puzzles treat you like you're an idiot.

Now what you might like about this game:

- Graphics
- Story recap
- Sometimes good jokes
- Open world, but only in terms of exploring the Star Wars galaxy.

My rating overall - 2/10
The worst Lego game ever made, its' price should be considered as a scam, even when it's on a discount.

Posted October 7, 2022.
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164.2 hrs on record (26.6 hrs at review time)
So after playing for over 25 hours, finishing the main story and unlocking most of skills - I think I'm finally ready to write that review. I'll try to not write any spoilers, but if any appear, they will be hidden .


Definitely better than in Dying Light 1.
During a dialogue we can ask people sub-questions, just like in Witcher 3. And that actually adds some depth to any character.
Unlike Dying Light 1, there are multiple endings. Which one you'll get depends on decisions you make throught the story, such as "give the radio to that person or to the second one", or "kill the traitor or spare their life".
My only complaint would be the main villain (Waltz). All the time the game makes us hate him, but suddenly at the very end I actually felt sorry for him and tried to see if there's anything that I can do to save him. All that change to make one of the biggest plot twists in Dying Light 2. But at least Waltz has an actual depth and isn't as boring as Rais.


I don't understand people who say it's trash. It sure changed and it's much different than in Dying Light 1, but it's rather an improvement. Why? Mainly because it feels rewarding and satisfying. Unlike Dying Light 1 it requires some decent brain usage, because here you cannot just spam M1 untill your oponnent dies.
Techland finally added the ability to block and parry, thank you devs.


Yet again, underrated by many people. There's a stamina bar used for both climbing and fighting, if you run out of it - your swings will be slower (like in Dying Light 1) or you'll just drop of any edge you're holding.
This is really a good change, feels more realistic and doesn't make you a spider-man.
At the start of the game your stamina is quite low, but within a few hours of gameplay, as you increase your stamina by collecting inhibitors (those are exactly for upgrading stamina and health, are very easy to find), stamina will become almost impossible to notice.

Open world

Not much to say, again a huge improvement. The world is way bigger and that is about both locations.

Night time

Let's be honest now - Dying Light 1's night time wasn't scary at all, and chases were very easy to escape. In Dying Light 2 there are mainly runners on the streets and howlers. Now, if a howler spots you, only then will the volatiles spawn and the chase will start. Those chases are rather something you wanna avoid, since volatiles are way more dangerous and will kill you in 2 hits.


Worse from what Techland showed us years ago on their demos, but only just a little bit. Played on the lowest settings and still the world looks great.

Famous grappling hook

Techland finally reworked that thing. Not saying I didn't like it in Dying Light 1, but it made all the parkour 100000% easier. Even though here it helps a lot too, you won't be able to climb in 100 metres tall buildings in just a few seconds.
If you wanna imagine yourself how it looks like, it's like a spider weeb. Shoot it at a building and you'll start swinging around.

500 hours of gameplay

One of Techland's biggest promises. Is that true? Well yes, but actually no. You see - without completing side quests it takes about 20 hours to finish the story. With side quests - maybe 100 overall.
So where's the 400 hours then? Well, there are multiple endings and so far no new game+ option, so Techland wants us to complete them all, and that is apperently assuming that each time we'll start over, without our upgrades.


Just a few, nothing game-breaking.


People are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ about unstable frames, or that they have RTXs and are unable to get stable 144 FPS, or that denuvo is taking away half their frames.

My specs:
Core i5 10th gen
GTX 1050 3GB

So, as you can see I played this game with 1GB of VRAM less than it was required.
Played in a lower resolution, FSR performance mode enabled, lowest settings. 40-60 FPS, 30 when there was a lot of detailed stuff around.

My rate

All I wrote already gives you an idea what I think about this game. I'm just slightly dissapointed in the ending, but that's only a detail that won't stop me from completing all the side quests that I haven't completed yet.


Posted February 4, 2022. Last edited February 9, 2022.
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316.9 hrs on record (13.3 hrs at review time)
BF2 IN 2023

This game is in a somewhat healthy state, you may ocasionally encounter a hacker but that's it.
1k players on average each day so you will find Supremacy, HvV, Hero Showdown or Co-op matches quite fast.

In terms of PvP don't set your hopes high. BF2 doesn't have a MMR system, meaning that you will be matched with ANYONE. And by anyone I mean players who are new to the game just like you or veterans who will demolish you.

If you're buying this game because of Heroes Vs Villains mode, then do yourself and favour and watch AT LEAST a few guides about parrying, basic combat and jump attacks.

Get this on sale and if you're the type of player who counts on a new player friendly game, don't waste your time on this.
Posted December 20, 2021. Last edited November 26, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
As literally everyone prefers to write "funny", "SIGMAR BLESS THIS [Insert a meme here", types of reviews, I'll give you an actual info about the new carrier.

Overall it's fun to play, it's yet another carrier that has no range weapons, such as Grail Knight or slayer.

About 5 new weapons and some decent skills that are supposed to make you a tank-support, and this idea kinda works.

My personal problems with the new carrier after playing a few matches?
- No range weapons
- Zealot is still 1000x better
- For some reason you can equip weapons only that come with the DLC, which means you have to play with hammers, and as far I only found dual hammers to by any viable.

- Even though he's melee based, Grail Knight and Slayer are still better in terms of damage.

-His ult is strong, basically grants a person that you choose a shield, which protects the player from all crowd control effects and damage for 5 seconds. BUT, in order to grant the shield you have to aim at a player, and sometimes other player gets the shield instead.
Posted December 10, 2021. Last edited December 11, 2021.
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0.0 hrs on record
It amazes me, how BHVR manages to always ♥♥♥♥ something up, whenever they release a DLC. It's two days after this DLC went live, they've already disabled Mikaela's perk, "circle of healing", because apperently it was causing game crashes.

Remember when Cyberpunk 2077 got released? Everyone was hyping for it, and when the game came out, turned out it contained more glitches than ARK: survival evolved.
BHVR does that literally every single time, and you know what's funny? There's always a PTB two weeks before a DLC goes live.

So first, they don't listen to people during PTB when they say about glitches.
Second, they try to speed things up as much as they can, which is why every DLC comes out ♥♥♥♥♥♥. Really, wouldn't hurt to move your release dates from 2 weeks to 1 months, and instead of having 100000 glitches, disabling maps, perks, release your DLCs in an actual good condition.

Real review now, Mikaela looks nice and her perks are decent too. She ain't a licensed character, so do yourself a favour and buy her with shards.

BHVR is not a good company, they know Dead By Daylight is their main way of income, yet they treat they own game and players like idiots.
Or maybe Dead By Daylight players really are stupid, considering that some of you still buy their cosmetics.
Posted October 19, 2021. Last edited October 22, 2021.
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0.0 hrs on record
I usually don't have any regrets after buying DLCs, to any kind of game. But this time, it's different.

This DLC gives you the access to play on 4 new maps (the 4th map is locked, you must collect 3 runes on all the previous maps, in order to get the last one) and unlocks challenges.

Maps are, well, kinda boring and at the same time too long in my opinion. I bought it only because I'm a big fan of the base game already, and just wanted to add even more content to my gameplay.

Problem is, every single time I join a lobby and the game chooses one of these 3 maps, I always disconnect.

Try it for yourself, the maps ARE kinda boring, but they aren't THAT bad as some other DLCs. However, pick it up only when it's on sale, otherwise totally not worth it.
Posted June 10, 2021.
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8.8 hrs on record (3.2 hrs at review time)
This game gives my the vibes of 2D platform games that I used to play when I was a child, on my 2.4" Java phone.

By that I mean it can by annoying as ♥♥♥♥, but once you get used to the movement, mechanics, learn when to use your powers effectively, it becomes ultra-satysfying.

My ONLY issue is the fact you cannot save your game, quit and start over the place you ended your session. Instead, you get restarted to the beginning of the level you started.

If you cannot aprecciate Ghostrunner, you're either too young or you don't know what's good.
Posted June 7, 2021.
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