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Senaste recensioner av Cambodian SpaceX

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9 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
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0.0 timmar totalt
it's worth it just for the pistols alone.

the black trinity pistol is actually the unreleased blackballer from the hitman 2016 alpha. the "ICA19 silverballer" is not the authentic silverballer from the previous games such as blood money and absolution, once you start to notice the little details. the black trinity pistol is the true successor to the old silverballer despite being black. i don't expect newcomers of the series to give a crap about this, but for some of us long-time players, this matters.

the red and white trinity pistols are a nice bonus. actually the white trinity pistol is my favorite. i personally love pairing the white trinity pistol with the requiem suit. it fits nicely
Upplagd 16 november 2023.
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60.6 timmar totalt (59.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
the critics from mainstream game media are out of touch. they are idiots who don't know what they are talking about. $ony is also out of touch for not greenlighting a sequel. instead they release a broken TLOU1 PC port

if the 90% positive steam rating will not make them reconsider, i don't know what will.
Upplagd 9 april 2023. Senast ändrad 21 maj 2023.
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3 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
347.0 timmar totalt (12.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
i'm playing it and it's really good so far

but there are serious issues with this game

-diana and lucas never shut up. in hitman 2016, it was not a big problem. diana would usually just say "target down. well done 47." but in hitman 2 and 3, she NEVER shuts up. she always spoils all the mission stories, and she treats the player like a child. thank GOD for the silent handlers mod, otherwise the main missions would be unbearable to play.

-i like the worldbuilding of this game. you really feel like you're taking down powerful, globalist oligarchs who are hell-bent on implementing their world vision. however, i did not enjoy 47's personal story. i never found it that believable that 47 would care that much about being "used". in older games like BM, he would only care about getting paid, but then lucas convinces him to take the amnesia juice and all of a sudden 47 wants revenge. it doesn't help that they broke the lore of the older games

-they got rid of ghost mode (which was a very fun mode with a lot of potential), only to replace it with a half-baked VR mode

-timed epic exclusivity. now, normally i don't care if a game is epic exclusive. but if the first two games in a trilogy are on steam, then the third should be available on steam too.

-the DLC in this game is extremely underwhelming. compared to the DLC of hitman 1 and 2, it's just overpriced and not worth it. in hitman 1 there were the bonus episodes, and patient zero. in hitman 2, there were two new locations, special assignments, and new sniper missions. but both the deluxe pack and the seven deadly sins are just a dozen escalations altogether. (disclaimer: i got the deluxe pack for free)

-there are serious issues with the game item balance. some are just too overpowered and should be nerfed. emetic mine + briefcase just makes a lot of contracts too easy. the snail from the 7 deadly sins means you can KO a room full of people, snap the target's neck, and leave

-game is still online-only

i'm still going to leave a positive review despite all these issues, but i truly believe that IOI deserves the flack they've been getting for this disastrous launch.
Upplagd 31 januari 2022.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
292.8 timmar totalt
most overrated game in the history of humanity's existence.

it's not actually bad, you can get some casual enjoyment out of it.

it's just that GTA V is not the masterpiece that everyone claims it to be. it's not even the best GTA game.
Upplagd 10 december 2021.
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0.0 timmar totalt
it's overpriced on its own, but i bought it because it is part of a season pass that will add more cosmetics later this year. so hopefully those future cosmetics will look good

this isn't my absolute favorite cosmetic set. my favorite one is probably bad day. but i did manage to make some heads turn with the mandible headset. people were asking me in the voice chat about it

it's not pay-2-win by any means. you can just stick to your default white t-shirt and blue jeans and not be disadvantaged. but unfortunately when it comes to paid cosmetics in any game, i always feel like i am missing something if i don't own it. i only bought this pass so that i can complete my collection.

if you are one of those people who buys skins because they like the look, and not just because you want to own everything (like me), then i would suggest waiting until NWI adds more skins. because 2 helmets and 2 weapon skins is not enough
Upplagd 1 november 2021.
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10.5 timmar totalt

it's pretty decent. 7.5/10. played on classic difficulty

+the driving is excellent. it's some of the best driving in an open world game. cars have speed and weight to them. the racecar mission was one of my favorites, although it will punish lower-skilled players. motorcycles are a welcome addition to the series. it's so much better than GTA V's dumbed down driving

+i feel like the word "immersion" is overused in gaming, but there were times were i was genuinely feeling immersed, such as walking sarah home during the night time and the lighting from the lamps shining beautifully

+soundtrack is pretty good

+sarah got more fleshed out as a character

-there are a few things that make tommy act like lincoln clay. when you aim your weapon, he snaps to aim too fast. he also chucks molotovs like they are fireballs.

-the NPCs in the game world feel kind of... flat? i don't know why open world games in 2020 don't try to make their NPCs feel more alive. it's just embarrassing. GTA IV, a video game from freaking 2008, does a much better job at this.

-they changed some things in the original story that i don't agree with. i feel like they made tommy too badass in this game. also, they changed his ending speech about philosophy and life decisions to blabbering on about family. they also changed sam's speech in his boss fight about friendship not meaning sh!t to trying to weasel his way out of his death. meh. at least the new paulie is funny i guess...

-no subways? really hangar 13?

conclusion: the driving is so much fun and the gunplay is decent (even if it makes tommy feel like lincoln). but the story changes from the original kind of put me off. the original game was clunky as hell, but it had one of the best stories in video games, and its atmosphere was amazing.

this is a decent game, but i prefer the original

(i haven't really delved that deep into freeride.)
Upplagd 11 december 2020.
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45 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
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34.1 timmar totalt (18.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)

-you just pay once and forget about it. no subscription bs.

-so many tools in this software to help structure your story!

-when creating an object from one section (say, timetable), you can often link an object from another section (like characters). very handy

-customize layouts however you please

-worldbuilding DLC is a must for fantasy writers


-i do wish that the worldbuidling DLC had more tools for scifi writers. there is no tab for technology, which could have been useful. i have to rely on the encyclopedia tab to store information about tech. however, if you are a scifi writer, the worldbuilding DLC is still worth getting, because you get access to tabs like species, culture, and language

overall, a very useful tool. i would recommend.
Upplagd 18 september 2020.
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9.6 timmar totalt (1.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)

-complete anarchy

-physics of these jellybeans bumping into each other and falling on their butts while going "pwah, pwooh, pwa"

-a battle royale that actually isn't boring

-can run on a potato

-idiots at the end of the finish line trying to grab you for no apparent reason even though they could just cross the finish line and be done with it! lol

-it's an easy game to get into. just click "find game" and bam, you're already connecting to a server

-these minigames are a lot of fun, it reminds me of when i used to go on bhop servers, minigame servers, and obstacle course servers in CSGO

-players trying to screw each other over is actually funny and not frustrating


-server issues (i haven't had these issues nearly as much as others, but it is worth mentioning)

-paid cosmetics in a game i already purchased. seriously if they want to have microtransactions so badly, then they should just make it free to play. the game industry is so horrible these days, that i can only accept microtransactions if they are in a F2P game, even if they are "jUsT CoSmEtIc". it's not that bad though, this game is only worth $20. it's not like it's worth $60 and still has microtransactions in it.

i rate this 8.9/10. this game could be a huge success if the developers keep adding new levels/minigames and addressing some of the issues i mentioned

EDIT: alright, this game has more issues than i realized. in tail tag, players seem to be able to grab your tail from a few metres away (possibly due to latency issues). in team-based games, players keep getting put in unbalanced teams making it unfair. also, this game a week old and is already ripe with cheaters using noclip to fly to the finish line. i am changing my rating to 8/10. devs, please get your stuff together.
Upplagd 12 augusti 2020. Senast ändrad 14 augusti 2020.
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10.1 timmar totalt

-gameplay feels just like the original
-smooth movement and controls
-levels such as the goo lagoon and spongebob's dream are amazing
-nostalgia for those who have played the original
-the visuals look so much more vibrant and give the game a fresh new look
-same spongebob humor we all know and love
-your kids will love it
-no beloved characters become out-of-character and get killed off for cheap shock value 😂


-the game is too short, it can be completed in 10 hours
-clancy brown did not return to provide the voice of mr krabs

overall, i'd give this game an 8.9/10. screw the mainstream game critics, this game is fun!
Upplagd 30 juni 2020. Senast ändrad 30 juni 2020.
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269.3 timmar totalt (138.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
better than GTA V in every conceivable way.
Upplagd 22 april 2020. Senast ändrad 12 mars 2022.
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