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9.0 hrs on record (8.9 hrs at review time)
Unique platformer and a kind of remake that couldn't possibly be better or more of a loveletter to the original. Great fun and possibly even better when played cooperatively.

PS: I played this on Windows 10 without issues.
Posted June 28, 2020.
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14.1 hrs on record
Are you interested in a western first-person shooter? If yes, then you'll probably like this game. Fun mechanics, creative storytelling and it just doesn't overstay its welcome. Highly recommended.
Posted June 28, 2020.
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11.7 hrs on record
Dark Void is often criticisized for being too much of a generic third-person shooter, which is mostly true for the annoyingly slow beginning of the game. But, once the game opens up it offers a unique blend of shooting and flying mechanics you just can't find anywhere else.
Dark Void is far from perfect, but still highly recommended if you're interested in this kind of gameplay mix.
Posted June 28, 2020.
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41.8 hrs on record
SPAZ can feel grindy and repetitive at times, but it's still a very fun and polished game to play through at least once.
Posted June 28, 2020.
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23.9 hrs on record
Great fun to play in short bursts. It could use some more variety, but what's here is really fun, highly polished and unlike any other game.
Posted June 28, 2020.
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69.0 hrs on record (51.9 hrs at review time)
Great game with high replayability. It is often described as "Rogue-lite Deus Ex", but unlike Deus Ex you don't get several simple pre-made solutions for every situation. Instead, you really have to think and use the resources you have at any given time as best as you can, as there is never a perfect solution.
This is "emergent gameplay" at its best.

Hint: Don't hesitate to buy and use even valuable items if you think they might be useful right now. You'll regret dying rich and with a full inventory time and time again, thinking "I could have just punched these twelve goons to death!".
Posted June 28, 2020.
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33.6 hrs on record
Excellent game for anyone who likes bombastic sci-fi action games with a hint of tactical thinking mixed in. Fantastic graphical and sound design with a soundtrack that's great to listen to even outside of the game. Controls are very responsive, but take some getting used to, especially when "relative" controls are used, which you really should do! The campaign offers fun for a few hours, but it's really rather a glorified tutorial, whereas the Freelance mode is the real meat of the game and offers the most variety.

Brigador can get a bit repetitive, especially as objectives aren't changed up a lot, so the real fun comes from experimenting with the (vastly) different loadout possibilities on different levels and campaigns. Also, the story is only presented through in-game text. Although, even if story presentation should not be your focus, the lore is surprisingly deep, and if you like that the accompanying audiobook is highly recommended.

Overall highly recommended!
Posted June 28, 2020.
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17.6 hrs on record (12.0 hrs at review time)
Distance is served two ways:
The campaign or "Adventure" is a masterfully done audio-visual spectacle, often said to have a sci-fi horror atmosphere, with a minimalist story told mostly trough the environments, while at the same time gradually teaching you how to play the game. This is already absolutely unique to driving games, a great experience, but it is debatable if it alone is worth the full price.

Beyond that, though, lies the real heart of the game, the "Arcade" mode with all the campaign levels, lots more official levels and on top of that literally thousands of community-made levels. Only in this mode will you find that what you've learnt in playing the campaign were merely the basics, go on to hone your skills and hunt for gold medals on all the fun tracks, some of which can be incredibly tough to master. I find this to be extremely motivating and on top of that the game runs very well on my outdated machine and didn't crash a single time so far. This is a complete product, well worth the "1.0" version number as well as the asking price, and heartily recommended.

PS: The spiritual predecessor "Nitronic Rush" is free and just as much fun. If you enjoy it, there is hardly any reason why you would't enjoy Distance and find that it is built on the same foundations, but improved in every way.
Posted September 25, 2018.
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17.7 hrs on record
E.Y.E wirkt an beinahe jeder Ecke unfertig oder nicht zuende gedacht, zeigt sich aber an mindestens ebenso vielen Stellen als sehr originell, was dem Spiel einen wunderbar eigenen Charme verschafft. Wer sich an die generell schlechten Erklärungen der Spielmechanik, die umständlichen Menüs und die extrem simple KI gewöhnen kann, der dürfte in E.Y.E einen angenehm ungewöhnlichen und komplexen Shooter mit starkem RPG-Charaktersystem finden.
Posted December 27, 2011.
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25.0 hrs on record (3.2 hrs at review time)
Großartiges Taktikspiel, das sowohl in der Kampagne als auch im Multiplayermodus herausfordert und viel Finesse verlangt. Bei all den bekannten Rundenstrategiespielen ist es eine absolut spannende Abwechslung, nicht nur auf die Züge des Gegners zu reagieren, sondern auch versuchen zu müssen sie vorauszusehen und entsprechend zu planen!
Posted July 3, 2011.
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