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Recent reviews by La Luna

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9.5 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Bought Core Keeper on a whim without looking into at all. I can definitely see a lot of promise and I can tell I'm going to have a lot of fun with this game, but I can already tell just on the genre that this game would benefit so very much from a robust modding community.
Posted March 25, 2022.
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153.1 hrs on record (99.6 hrs at review time)
I bought Deep Rock Galactic on a lark after a friend of a friend of mine suggested it a few times. I have to say that after almost 100 hours, this game has turned into a favorite among my friend group. It's very easy to approach as a new player and the difficulty range is wonderful. I've gone on a cake walk where I can pop a bug while half paying attention, and I've played a hectic hot mess where nobody had ammo, there was no more nitra around, and a dreadnaught spawned and none of us had a hope of killing it. We had to finish what we were doing and only one person ended up making it out and winning us the mission.

It's a fantastic range of tense moments and bug-squishing mayhem. I sincerely hope this game continues the way it's been going because it's pure dwarfy goodness.
Posted December 31, 2021.
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37.2 hrs on record (15.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Played Valheim on and off for awhile, only recently got to bronze tools. I have to say it's a promising game that's very fun with friends. There's certain features that aren't in yet, and certain other features that I didn't see that I think the game needs, but there's already a pretty decent modding community with a lot of nifty ideas kicking around.

I do think that as an early access game Valheim's worth the investment, and definitely worth trying out. That said, there is some degree of 'guide dangit' so be mindful to look things up from time to time.
Posted September 19, 2021.
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8.4 hrs on record (5.8 hrs at review time)
Unfortunate Spacemen is a treat of humor (some of which is pretty dark), sci-fi tropes, and on occasion, blind panic. While the game does have a 'Survival' and 'Story' game-mode, the most popular server I see thus far is Shapeshifter, and I myself enjoy that game-mode the most.

It can be challenging, and the in-game guide doesn't quite spell certain things out (like shooting the monster's head does, in fact, do more damage), but overall it's incredibly fun. There's a lot of experimentation with perks too, and no two games will be the same in terms of experience.

That said, at the moment the goals and mission types are very limited in Shapeshifter (Enable uplinks, clear debris, seal eggs, jetison eggs to space, every time), but I think that might be a good thing as the playerbase establishes itself and gets used to things.

Some of the interactions are priceless. Like convincing someone that was just shooting at you as the monster that you have no idea where it went, then eating them when they run off to start being constructive again. I also managed to coerce someone into having a 'duck season - rabbit season' exchange for a little while.

Sadly though, there are already some trolls that will just run around punching other players to death because there's no real penalty to intentionally ruining others fun. Speaking of, the pistols are about as effective as punching someone from a distance. THey're worth something like 2 damage. Maybe 3? So if the monster pops up and there's not a storm of people, odds are decent if the monster's good they can just run around in monster form slaughtering rooms of two to three spacemen at a time.
Posted June 21, 2020.
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9.8 hrs on record
Overall as a puzzle platformer Mo: Astray is one of the more fun ones I've played. The art style is interesting and there a few really nice moments in the game. I was genuinely curious about the lore and made it a point to read it whenever I could. That said, there's one thing that prevents me from rating this game well.

The controls.

The bloody controls. Be it gamepad or mouse/keyboard, the controls in most of the game is pretty forgiving (with a few notable difficulty spikes where you have very little room) but as it closes in on the end, the last few boss fights seriously punish you for being a few pixels out of place. In a game where your mobility comes from basically picking a direction and a magnitude, that's... workable, largely, because you don't get punished for overshooting much. ... Until...

Well the last bossfight demands you gauge your magnitude precisely to fit in a small safe spot. Repeatedly. You'll fight against your inability to position and a misleading aiming icon almost as much as the boss. If you can master the controls quickly, it won't be too terribly challenging. If you can't, prepare to get juggled.

I think I'd rate well if that last fight just had an icon that shows where you'd stop,.
Posted May 30, 2020.
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520.1 hrs on record (458.8 hrs at review time)
Tales of Maj'Eyal is admittedly a game available for free through the website, though a purchase over steam affords some additional features normally only available to donators. I have spent enough time on this game to say it's very worth the small investment, and each major DLC tends to add its own campaign or new content worth at least 5-10 hours, depending on your personal luck and experience, and far more replayability.

Though overall positive, I would say it does have a few downsides, including questionable documentation and some basic features (like planning out a character) are only avaialble through mods available on the website, many of which may be out of date.

On the flip side, mods for this game are in LUA and are comparatively prevalent. If you have a problem, there very well may be a tweak, new class, or what have you to make your experience what you want to play.
Posted November 19, 2019.
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3 people found this review helpful
209.1 hrs on record (10.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
7 Days to Die is an interesting blend of zombies and minecraft that doesn't FEEL like just another clone of a run-of-the-mill zombie game, OR its minecrafty inspiration. It has very few outright bad features (zombie dogs, chief among those that ARE terrible), but this is a fun game to play with friends, and every update makes it look more and more promising.

Unlike some early access projects, this game is under active development and appears to be intent on reaching a release version. Already it has several nice features and the graphics are rather pleasant to look at, in terms of scenery and texture.

Additionally I would say this game is, despite being unpolished and under early development, perfectly playable, fairly stable, and enjoyable. The only really BAD thing is that zombie dogs glitch in their pathing, are dificult ot hit, and can slaughter you simply because damage doesn't always register on them.
Posted June 20, 2014.
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14 people found this review helpful
3.8 hrs on record (3.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Starforge has potential hardcoded into the very digital air and earth. It's a very ambitious project and it CAN go very right...

What it CURRENTLY is, is barely playable, bug-infested, unbalanced, laggy, poorly optomized, crasherific, and at any particular time you may have to delete the world you were working on and start over because you fell through the world and respawning deleted the uncraftable unmovable crafting station.

Unless you intend to bug-test a pre-alpha, this is not worth playing, and arguably buying.

Currently (as of 0.7.5)
The game has improved by leaps and bounds, to the point where it can actually be called a game. No outright lag spikes of death, haven't fallen through the world yet, and yet it still has various glaring flaws that have yet to be fixed. Mind you several of these flaws are hilarious (such as the fact that if you are hit by anything expect to go flying like an episode of dragon-ball Z) but remain flaws.

Still not quite to the point where I'd suggest buying it though. It's playable sure, and might be more fun with friends but my experience has shown a tedious, frustrating thing, albeit with moments of hilarity. So, if you want a giant worm to bash you some good 60 meters away and send you skidding over the ground like a skipping stone, dive in. If you're looking for a game like minecraft, there's better ones out there.
Posted June 20, 2014. Last edited July 4, 2014.
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66.7 hrs on record (62.1 hrs at review time)
If you can run it, it's a delightful romp. Just remember to laugh when your friend accidentally blows you up into bloody bits of be-bathrobed magic-flinger :D Humor, fun gameplay, and niftyness. My only complaint is that there isn't unlimited replay value, but it DOES have a 'new game +' mode.
Posted April 20, 2011.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries