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505 Hours played

The Gameplay is a huge improvement over DOOM 2016. In DOOM 2016 I felt like I was just shooting enemies until they flashed. In DOOM Eternal, with the new destructible demons mechanic first mentioned at QuakeCon 2018, it tells you (visually) that you are actually dealing damage, and it's oddly satisfying.
Since there are multiple weapon mods for multiple weapons, you can mix/match them to perfect your playstyle

The basic core of DOOM Eternal's gameplay is, Flame belch for armor, chainsaw for ammo, and glory kill for health. You have to constantly keep track of these important aspects on your HUD, otherwise you won't make it really far. There's another new mechanic that makes you faster, known as "dashing", this is for avoiding enemy fire or to get out of a danger zone. Keeping track of these statistics and staying on the move will help you survive, a LOT. And by doing so, you will have a lot of fun in this fast-paced action, blood-boiling and adrenaline-fueling game.

Personally the base-campaign story (not the codex entrys) is kinda "meh" for me, compared to DOOM 2016's. Samuel hayden and VEGA have been overwritten to expository dialogue, and now its just like the whole summary of the story is "it is your people's time now to give penance, just as it was mine" which if you ask me, sounds like a whole lot of demon propaganda.
Overall the story is up to your interpretation, this was just my view. But you should definitely give the codex entries a read, they're a lot better than most dialogue.

And as well, in DOOM 2016 you had tons of DOOM guy collectibles, well now every demon has their own collectible (also there's 1 doomslayer collectible) which are really cute toys found around the campaign and you can view the ones you collected in the Fortress of DOOM, for those who like exploring outside the main path to progress.

Man, don't get me started on the environments. In DOOM 2016 and also the previous games, we were only really set in mars and hell. I'm glad ID Software decided to flesh out the environments some more, and maps like Urdak are stunning, because Mars and Hell were getting pretty stale (this includes DLC environments too), and I'm so glad because we actually get to visit places we've never been before in a DOOM game.

They even decided to bring the old art style of old enemies, such as the soldier / shield soldier, which I'm glad they did. I was not a fan of DOOM 2016's enemy design at all. Thanks again ID.

Overall, DOOM 2016's multiplayer had a lot more variety. Such as team deathmatch and various other modes.Compared to DOOM Eternal with battlemode being the only (current) multiplayer mode, I doubt DOOM Eternal's community side will live long, it's the only mode and it's just a mode with 2 player demons vs 1 slayer. And a lot of people are REALLY waiting on Invasion, which was announced that it would be at launch but it was unfortunately delayed because of COVID (correct me if I'm wrong).
And with the removal of snapmap, a god-like map editing and ai-implementing system (similar to Halo's FORGE mode), the community can't really share their own content. Which is unfortunate, but man, just the thought of how big maps could be, COOP, etc. The possibilities would've been limitless. Especially when you compare a DOOM Eternal campaign map size to 2016's.

Campaign DLC (Story) (SPOILERS AHEAD):

Man, those endings (of both DLC 1 and 2) were some plot-twists. Personally I liked what DLC 1 had going as VEGA being the father because he was your homie the past 2 games, and now in DLC 2 it's just a "Davoth (Satan) is God" kind of thing. Which is weird but, ID you do you. Like I said before, it's all just personal preference.
The gameplay was extended even further beyond, especially with the Hellbreaker (betrayer's axe) and more enemies, though most were just reskinned enemies with different abilities, like the Chain-gunner being brought back Re-skin of shield soldier, and other odd enemies such as the turret.
It's even more adrenaline-fueling when you're playing the DLC's for the first time, because new enemies such as the spirit are gonna make you go on an acid trip.

Overall, if I had to give this game a numbered rating, it'd be a 9.8/10
The Single-player experience of this game makes it worth the $60
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