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Reseñas recientes de JetVermillion

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12.1 h registradas
RUIN isn't just good for a FNAF game. It's a damn good horror game. The main game is fine, but it's well worth the playthrough just to get to RUIN. Can't wait to see what they do next.
Publicada el 30 de julio de 2023.
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31.9 h registradas (14.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
A phenomenal remake of an absolute classic. Classic fans will love it, and many new players will discover the horrors of Citadel Station for the first time. SHODAN is one of the greatest villains in all of modern media and serves as the inspiration for so many modern maniacal monsters. The fact that the original did so much to push the industry forwards in 1993 is nothing short of wizardry, and this remake brings the original into a new, much more accessible light. Colorful and artistic visuals, freakish enemies, terrifying audio design and a cohesive feel to the map make you truly feel like you're lost in the corridors of Citadel, awaiting SHODAN's next deadly ambush. System Shock has a big learning curve that is satisfying to conquer. The game requires a lot more critical and spatial thinking than almost any other shooter you've ever played, so if you're looking for a unique challenge still unmatched by most modern games, System Shock is right up your alley.

A note to new players: keep a notepad handy for codes and write down your objectives. This game is a unique experience that does NOT hold your hand AT ALL, and expects you to do a lot of thinking for yourself. You're in for an incredible experience!

(P.S. After you destroy SHODAN's CPU nodes, there is a number in the room. Jot these down in order, you'll thank me later ;) )
Publicada el 4 de junio de 2023.
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21.0 h registradas (4.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Publicada el 20 de agosto de 2021.
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145.5 h registradas (31.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
One of the best games of all time. No joke.
Publicada el 8 de julio de 2020.
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34.1 h registradas
Kabal gang
Publicada el 28 de noviembre de 2019.
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0.1 h registradas
GOTY 2019
Publicada el 30 de junio de 2019.
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36.9 h registradas (8.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Now, THAT'S what I call an update!
Publicada el 26 de julio de 2018.
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0.4 h registradas
I've played games. I've played bad games. I've played Ride to Hell. I've played Desert Bus. I've played E.T on Atari. I've been in a gas station restroom, where the last ten guys forgot to flush. Nothing, i mean NOTHING comes clost to THIS. My god, this game is bad on so many levels that, not only am I surprised its still on steam, I'm surprised its legal to purchase this game. Perhaps I'm overreacting. Let's analyze (tear apart) this game (monstroity, abomination of human creation, etc.)

Surprisingly one of the best things about this game. That doesn't mean much. Most indie games look like they should run on an Xbox 360, but not a PS3. Some indie games look like they should run on Xbox or PS2. Some indie games purpousefully look like they should run on a Super Nintendo. It's hard to describe how this game looks. Let's look at a game called Doom. It came out early 90s, and revolutionized gaming. It had great level design, replayabillity, and overall, it was fun. The only thing about Doom that hasn't aged well is the graphics. you can make things out, but not from a distance. Fast forward twenty years. The Slaughtering grounds makes Doom look like Black Ops 3. One might say, "at least Slaughtering Grounds is in 3D!" That is exactly the problem. You can't tell what is what. I can't put into words how all of the original graphics look. Keyword: original. lots of content in this game was stolen. the blood splatter on the screen, buildings, and overly likely the zombies themselves have been stolen from game maker programs or other games. That sinks to a whole new low on the developers' part.

A typical Slaughtering Grounds game looks like this: you spawn, you look around, you shoot things for six seconds, you die intantly without warning. Repeat. There are lots and lots wrong with this game's "gameplay". First off, whenever you spawn, and I mean EVERY TIME you spawn, you spawn with less than full health. Let me repeat that. You spawn with LESS THAN FULL HEALTH. This ranges from spawning with 85-95% health to spawning with as low as 30% health. What. The. Hell. Any reason? Nope. Let's move on. When you start the game (When it boots up it shoves you straight into character selection, no title screen or anything), you look around in astonishment at how horrible this game looks. Then, you try and move around. You think that the art of being able to move your character was mastered in Wolfenstien 3D, but apparently some people have a long way to go. You bump into the smallest things like opaque (and non-opaque) bushes and indescribable objects that try to look like part of the scenery but just sit there looking silly. Then, when you try to walk through buildings and barrels and shelves, you clip through them. It gets rediculous. The only class you have unlocked has two weapons, a revolver and a shotgun. You spend a while shooting zombies, and then you run out of ammo. Now what? well you die, because there is no melee attack or way to defend yourself except running in circles. After doing this for ten minutes, you find out there IS ammo you can pick up, but: a. The ammo packs are in buildings you won't bother to go in and b. they are floating in midair. I might add that, when you pick up ammo or get hit, there is no audio/visual feedback telling you what is happening. It's not like Borderlands, where when you pick up ammo it has text display and a sound que play telling uou that you did so. when you get hit, there is no feedback or player callouts saying that you are in danger. The only way to keep track of your stats is to look at the world's crappiest HUD that barely gives any reaction. By the way, when you want to get more ammo, you have to have the weapon out you need ammo for. This means if you have no shotgun ammo and want some, you have to swap weapons to the one that can't do jack and run around like a moron to find an ammo pack. After twenty minutes, you realize this is it. No skill trees, no story mode, nothing to do except shoot more zombies. They managed to make zombie survival, an intense genre, boring. Bravo.

This game has less plot than Super Mario Bros. This game has less plot than Slender, a game in which the entire plot is three words: collect seven pages (Anything not in the game I don't consider to be the game's plot, just extra stuff. Sorry, TF2.). This game has less plot than TETRIS. I might go the length to say this game has no plot. Atually it does. The plot is: You are some generic idea that has been done a million times and you go kill zombies now. Truly a work of art. It will go in the hall of fame of best game stories ever. I can see its trophy on the shelf, right between Bioshock and Chrono Trigger.

Two words: Generic and Uninspired. The character you unlock at the beginning, a fat guy who looks like he got all dressed up to go to Gun-crazy Redneck Awards 2016 who is, for some reason, happy to see the apocolypse so he can unleash his sick, twisted, criminally insane idea to take out a shotgun and blast everything into Oblivion. Our second of three characters is a millitary guy. Not much to say. Just imagine every NPC soldier in Call of Duty, Battlefield, Halo, Arma, etc. etc. etc. You play as that guy. Our last character is an ex-cop (where have I heard that before?) from the LAPD (where have I heard that before?) who magically gets a bunch of guns to kill zombies with. Surprisingly, the cop has the worst loadout in the game, in which you'd think he had the best. Whatever, it's not like you're going to care when these guys die anyways. You'll just respawn instantly.

Most games today have over twenty hours of content, spanning great explorable environments and having lots to do. How long does this take to get boring? A whole five minutes. After that, you will realize you wasted your money and go play something better, like any other game ever.

How I do my overall score is I grade each aspect already discussed and an extra one mattering on the type of game I'm playing (for example, if I was doing a platformer I'd put level design, or if I was doing a racing game I'd do difficulty balance). I also add an extra bonus grade for how much the community liked the grade. Then, I give a final score and price comparison.
Here's my letter grades between A+ and F- on all aspects of the game:

Graphics: D
Gameplay: F+
Plot: F
Characters: D+
Replayabillity: D
(Extra) Horror: C-
Bonus Points: F-

Retail Price: $1
Suggested Price: Free


Last thoughts:
I haven't even mentioned how the developers are colossal jerks, beleiving that this game is "art" and shouldn't be criticized, but I don't need to comment about this. Just read other steam reviews or look up a guy named Jim Sterling and find his videos about this game. You won't be disappointed. Thanks for reading! :)
Publicada el 23 de julio de 2015. Última edición: 23 de julio de 2015.
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3.4 h registradas
Review of Rogue Warrior:

Brief History:
Rogue warriow is based off a novel (or novel series) about Richard (♥♥♥♥) Marcinco, a US Navy SEAL. The books, including an autobiography, and several spinoff fiction books. The autobiography calls him a "death defying" soldier, who was in the United States's SEAL Team Six, an incredibly impressive feat.

Game Summary:
In this game, you control a profanity-spewing ♥♥♥♥ (as the game wants him to be called) Marcinko, murder hordes of communists in hilarious and over-the-top ways. You have to blow a lot of stuff up, including submarines and missles (yes, that is the entire plot). This game takes itself too seriously (like most modern shooters, Battlefield and Call of Duty to name a few), and seems like it tries too hard to earn it's M rating. Many times per mission, Marcinko spouts profanity; including every couple of hallways, every time he is hit, or just every like he says in general. The takedown cutscenes try to be brutal, but fail. The game has glitches, such as all enemies knowing where you are and enemies being able to shoot through cover, and all glitches work against you. There is one glitch where, sometimes, your guns will have no recoil while in cover, but that was all I could find. This game is incredibly short, with two hours of main campaign time. This game has lots of achievments, but sadly you cannot get them all due to some needing multiplayer (which no one plays). This game is actually tremendously funny, mostly because of lines like, "The wind was so cold, it could freeze the balls off a f**king polar bear" and "F**k! F**k you, you f**king ametuer peices of s**t" and most of all, "Suck my balls, my giant, hairy, big f**king balls, wrap 'em around your neck you c**k-sucking motherf**kers!"

I apologize for that.

This game is one of the funniest you will play in a long time.
Marcinko's dialouge keeps the "flow of gameplay" consistant.
This game has a good soundtrack.
The game is surprisingly fun.
Average shooter.
Stealth kind of works a bit.
Has a cover system that would be fantastic if improved on.
Good mix of FPS and TPS (First Person and Third Person)
Has the best end credits theme of all time, no joke.

Game is incredibly glitchy.
Game has ways of killing you out of nowhere.
Some of Marcinko's lines make you cringe. (Such as, "Fondle my hairy nuts")
Game is WAY too short, it feels like a Call of duty: Modern Warfare DLC.
Cover system breaks a bit.
Random difficulty spikes. (One minute you kill twenty enemies, no problem. Then one guy pins/kills you a bunch)
Difficulty levels have almost no difference.
Game takes itself too seriously.
Multiplayer mode.
Nobody plays multiplayer mode.
Most guns feel the same.
No jumping.
No melee attack, you get a cutscene.
Cutscenes usually make no sense.
Reload animation doesn't match up with actual reload.

3/10 (Very bad)

Last comments:
This is one of those games that is so bad, it's good. It is a bad game, but it makes for two-three hours of intense laughter. I reccomend this game to those who want a more casual shooter that supplies fun in short bursts.

Price Tag: $10.00
What it is Worth: $3.00
What I Paid: $5.00
What I Would Pay: $5.00
Publicada el 29 de noviembre de 2014.
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