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Senaste recensioner av ᶜ8ᴱ ๖ۜ Karma

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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
0.9 timmar totalt
Early Access-recension
All I have to say is this... SINCE WHEN THE HELL CAN A WIZARD WIELD A TWO HANDED SWORD?!?!?! (yes it was used against me in my very first run the instant I spawned I was killed and this trend repeated for 5 more attempts.) This game has a horrible pacing to be honest, the actions feel clunky and sluggish and WHERE THE HELL WAS THE TUTORIAL?!?!
Upplagd 1 augusti.
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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
17.1 timmar totalt
Just as a warning, I stepped away from the game for a couple years and none of my vaults were saved. For a game where you pay real money for in game items this is not alright, on making a new vault I had nothing I paid for previously. This tells me the saves are saved locally not synced to a server which means don't expect to keep anything you pay for. If steam for whatever reason doesn't back up your save for you then if you have to reinstall, all your purchased stuff is gone forever. I cannot recommend this game because of this. In my eyes it's flat out theft. Bethesda owes me $20 for doing this and I will not be touching this game again because of it. (Yes the purchases are expensive too...) A game that is less of a scam than this could easily be Hawken Reborn, the SINGLEPLAYER GAME THAT IS ALWAYS ONLINE FOR THE MICROTRANSACTIONS game is less of a scam than this!!!
Upplagd 27 maj.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
25.0 timmar totalt (22.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
This game doesn't deserve to be taken off steam. This game is the most brutally honest story of what soldiers go through, the trauma they face and how reality warps in front of them because of it. This is what PTSD is. This needs to be put back up on the steam store and left there if not for it being an amazing game then at the very least for archival purposes.
Upplagd 18 maj.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
86.1 timmar totalt (37.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Like the game a lot, been watching Mr Samuel for a long time now (favorite series is the Mushroom Madness series). I got the Biotech, Ideaology and Anomaly DLCs to go with it since they were on sale recently. Got the game because a bunch of friends had it and used to play it a lot, saw a bunch of gameplay and got hooked on the content and ended up wanting to try it myself. By the way, for anybody wondering there are multiplayer mods that can be used. I have the Rimworld Together mod off the workshop (haven't tried because nobody seems to be playing at the same time as me) so the singleplayer game hesitation I see sometimes can be overcome with this one. Basically enjoy. The game has a LOT of customizability. More guns, more mechanics, vehicles, power sources and I swear I saw a free will mod that lets them decide what to do and when.
Upplagd 15 april.
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6 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
77.9 timmar totalt (6.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
So far I like the game a lot, I still remember the original announcement for this game and after that I was looking forward to playing it. I will admit, the game is far from polished still and the gameplay is quite a bit different than the original TerraTech. That being said, the game has a lot of potential to be really good if they can balance things better than is currently in the game and get the gamepplay more refined. Oh and adding in modding support would also go a very long way to making the game a lot more fun and customized for each playthrough.
Upplagd 24 mars.
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7.1 timmar totalt (7.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
The game seems like it's more fleshed out than it was when I first bought it a LONG time ago, but I just ran into a bug where the game just religiously crashes on trying to join a game after getting disconnected from the session. My game has crashed 32 times (I counted) and it won't even let me play offline singleplayer anymore. I hoped that by giving this game time it would flesh out and be more stable but it seems only one of the two have happened. I'm afraid that because of this bug I am unable to recommend the game. And before anybody writes me off as not even trying to troubleshoot, I looked up potential fixes, verified my game files at least 10 times along with uninstalling and reinstalling multiple times too. I installed to other hard drives, tried on different computers and even turned off cloud syncing to get completely fresh files. Nothing has worked and after a fair bit of research, this game is no longer in development. My opinion stands as stated due to these facts.
Upplagd 13 mars.
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3 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
120.8 timmar totalt (15.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
Fun time killer, also it does progress while you aren't playing. If you really wanna level up easily just plant a character in the highest level area you can go to and forget about the game for a week.
Upplagd 21 februari.
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34.9 timmar totalt (32.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
Just yes. Pokemon with guns is too good not to enjoy! I wanna see a Pokemon series that makes the Pal Region CANON!!! And if it starts with Ash getting turned into a slave then all the better lmao!
Upplagd 9 februari.
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2.0 timmar totalt
This was a great story, no there was no dialogue choices but it kept me hooked from start to finish without taking a break. If this was made into a movie or a series I would be one of the first people to watch it!
Upplagd 9 februari.
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0.7 timmar totalt
Early Access-recension
I'm afraid I can't recommend this game at all. Getting started is damn near impossible, the zombies can easily destroy you if you don't get god tier luck and find a weapon somewhere, getting anywhere is mostly on foot even if you DO manage to find a vehicle and the overall feel is easily comparable to an extremely early version of Unturned with better graphics. (Better than the early version I am comparing it to not current graphics) not to mention the game is intended to be a blocky DayZ just like Unturned but trying to mix in a difficulty curve from the Souls games. In my mind, this game is extremely unnecessary as we already have both Unturned AND DayZ as well as at least 100 other games trying to copy Unturned. Keep in mind Unturned ORIGINATED on Roblox, that being said I still like Unturned but I absolutely hate this. Died 8 times in my short time playing even after switching from a populated server where I was killed within seconds of teleporting with the "RV Teleport" system. Overall this game doesn't justify it's existence in my opinion. If you are a fan of the game then by all means please keep playing, I just won't be there with you from here on out.
Upplagd 9 februari.
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