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This DLC is very short if you're on budget or not darksoul fan you can skip this one.
Postat 3 aprilie.
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Fetal Error : ERRO8 memory overrun
There's a mod to fix this but Capcom should fix it not rely on mod.
Postat 11 martie.
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Postat 24 noiembrie 2023.
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Let's make a competitive game with no voice,chat no way to communicate to teammate ,No server for the game except server for microtransactions, Let's kick the player to lobby when it took more than 10 second to find match, And let's make the game no way to swap camera what could possibly go wrong!
Postat 31 mai 2023. Editat ultima dată 27 decembrie 2023.
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I5 11400H RTX 3050 TI ram 16gb 3200mhz install game in SSD m2, The game fps drop from 100 to 1 and freeze for second every 3 second lot of glich zombie teleport in front of me from no where, the game randomly ignore all of your mouse and keyboard like you didn't plug in anything when i new game (the game even show crosshair and health bar in cutscreen when this glich is happening)
Postat 28 aprilie 2022. Editat ultima dată 28 aprilie 2022.
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Don't buy the game yet wait for the update (if they dont better play dark soul 3) ,Game randomly crash when active summon pool , fps drop and lot of stutter, When i quit the game it's still running and i still hear elden ring music in desktop even task manager cant stop elden ring music playing in dekstop, have to restart pc every time i quit the game to stop music from playing in background.
Postat 9 martie 2022.
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The glich that make the game crash (in mission after curfew) still didn't fix yet since the game release
i stop playing this game for 4-5year becuase of this glich and i cant travel across that area because my game will crash in that area, Today i got completely new rig new os my game still crash in that mission so it's "Still" impossible to end this game
Postat 6 ianuarie 2022.
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Create Account > Error during bethesda. net login
what a good first impression
Postat 14 octombrie 2021. Editat ultima dată 14 octombrie 2021.
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17.7 ore înregistrate (17.7 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Dead Space™ 3 could not be launched because you're no longer an EA Play member. To continue playing, renew your membership or purchase the game from Origin.

I have never been a EA play member and purchase this game via steam and play it without problem but when come back to play it EA decide to charge me twice for more money.
Postat 29 mai 2021.
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Recenzie acordată în perioada accesului timpuriu
Best Horror Co-op game 2020
Postat 14 octombrie 2020.
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