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Syberia II starts out immediately where the original ended. If you are unfamiliar with the first game, there is a short recap outlining the events surrounding Kate Walker and her struggle to deal with her professional life as well as passion for adventure. The plot is not as interesting as it was in the first game, as it mainly concentrates on the relationship between Kate and Hans, leaving behind the mystery and family-centric story from the first game.

If you didn't find the first game interesting then Syberia II definitely wont change your mind. Technically the game looks very similar to the first game with no notable enhancements to visuals or gameplay. There are a lot more cinematic cutscenes and music this time which is a welcome addition.

I have a little mixed feelings about the story and didn't like the shift in narrative this time. It's more of a fantasy story now with an enchanting setting. The focus now shifts from Kate giving up on her original goal of completing a business deal to aiding Hans in achieving his dream of reaching the mysterious Island of Syberia which has been an obsession of his for decades.

Some puzzles are very confusing and vague, specially the last part. Making you hit invisible walls way to any times. Again stops being great when you have to resort to a guide. There’s a lot of backtracking and the main character moves slow. The issue with the camera is awful and annoying. The Oscar-robot character continues being a selfish, self-centered coward jerk (Maybe that was the devs intention). I just can’t stand the fellow. Nevertheless the ending was very satisfying and emotional.

Get Syberia II if you like old-school adventure games. Avoid if you're looking for Telltale style game with smooth flow and less puzzles.
Publicada em 20 de dezembro de 2022.
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5.8 horas registradas
Got Syberia I and II for free during one of the promotions. The story follows Kate Walker, an American lawyer tasked with overseeing the major sale of a dying automaton factory and her subsequent journey across Europe and Russia to find the brother of the recently deceased owner.

The best part of the game I really liked was the world building and art design. The environment looks like something out of an adventure novel. Syberia offers a very surreal story and setting. The voice acting is also pretty good, the dialogue feels very natural something I was not expecting at all.

Unfortunately it comes with all the problems I have with the old school point-and-click adventure games. There's a ton of backtracking, annoying characters and filler side quests that add very little value to the overall plot. And as a result at times it may feel like you are just playing through a filler. The puzzles are all stupid easy, or stupidly difficult. It's easy to get stuck especially towards the later half of the game and I had to use a walkthrough in-order to move on to the next game asap before rage quitting. The camera also sucks at times. The game also lacks a map, quick travel, means to run faster, and the puzzles weren't very exciting.

Overall, the plot and the mystery were compelling enough to make me want to keep playing. I felt connected to the main character and cared about the story. Get the 2 part bundle on a sale (usually a dollar or two). This game is not for everyone and if you're expecting a Telltale style game then you're probably in for a disappointment. This is a very old school style of adventure game.

I'd give it 7/10
Publicada em 20 de dezembro de 2022.
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3.8 horas registradas
I've played Penumbra Overture and Black Plague in back-to-back order immediately after completing the first one. The story picks up immediately where overture ended. Black Plague did almost everything Overture had accomplished and made it better, tweaking all the flaws from the first like the incredibly awkward combat by completely removing it. The setting has been changed from ancient caves to an abandoned hospital occupied by zombies. Black Plague is a bit harder, because nothing is a weapon and you have to think quickly on your feet. Creepy noises, bloodstained walls, and creatures of the night all peeking over your shoulder ready for a snack.

I wasn't into the previous title very much but the story was good enough to keep me playing it. Some of the puzzles included in this game aren't as logical as in the first. The unintuitive puzzles are more complicated and mostly involve trial and error during a particular segment of the adventure. There are also more absurdly hidden items and mechanisms this time around. I also think the game overstays it's welcome in the final act with the philosophical message it tried to convey through some supernatural entity. While not a bad game by any means I preferred Overture over the sequel. If you're in the mood for a bit of horror, consider giving it a try.

Publicada em 10 de dezembro de 2022.
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3.7 horas registradas
Penumbra Overture isn't the best indie horror game I've ever played, but it does have its moments. This is one of those games that encourages you to wait and play hide-and-seek with enemies while punishing the player if they engage in combat (which is really bad imo). Most of the weapons are used as tools to solve puzzles, and Penumbra has lots of those especially towards the second half of the game. This game probably isn't for you if you don't like games like Amneisa and Outlast.

There's a lot of mystery to the story complemented by disturbing imagery, and enough questions left unanswered for me to be intrigued for the sequel. The combat system kinda sucks in my opinion and best avoided as much as possible. There are only 3 monsters/enemy varieties throughout the game (wild dogs, spiders and giant worms). The graphics engine is dated and enemy models are poorly modeled. It's a very low budget game so please keep that in mind.

I've played lot worse games that go for a dollar. I can't recommend the game to everyone as it's fairly dated and interacting with objects feels like you're playing a point-and-click adventure, but at around 3-4 hours playing time, it's not a bad deal if you're looking for a creepy adventure title to play in the dark.

My Rating: 6.5/10
Publicada em 9 de dezembro de 2022. Última edição em 9 de dezembro de 2022.
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5.0 horas registradas
Avoid it unless you've got nothing else to play. I might have recommended this game a decade ago and if you're new to the series I recommend starting with Sniper Elite V2 instead. The controls are bad, movement feels very clunky. Sniper Elite is one of those games with a really bad tutorial with way too many annoying prompts popping-up at inopportune times. The inventory management is a real nightmare.

Voice acting is laughably bad and even hilarious at times. The story didn't engage me personally and it's filled with lots of exposition and voice dairies at the start of the mission (similar to the first Call of Duty game). Visually environments look very ugly even, decent for a game that's 17 years old today. I guess it's appropriate considering it' borrows WW2 setting.

If you're not a fan of Sniper Elite series you might not like this one as it's very different kind of game compared to run and gun shooters like Call of Duty. You'll need a lot of patience to truly enjoy all the offerings crafted by Rebellion. It's also surprisingly very different from it's sequels which are known for it's very hyper-realistic, fun with it's visceral violence and over-the-top gore in X-Ray kill feature which I prefer over the realistic nature of this game. There are a lot of stealth options and the maps are pretty big. So there it is. While I don't recommend this game to anybody considering there are way better alternatives. If you still insist and want to try it out make sure to download widescreen fix mod.
Publicada em 19 de julho de 2022.
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21.9 horas registradas (16.5 horas no momento da análise)
Terrible Resident Evil Game
While not a terrible game Resident Evil 5 reminds me a bit of FEAR 3. It didn’t really work for me. It wasn’t fun enough to be a good action game and it was neither tense or scary enough to be horror experience.

Chris Redfield returns as the protagonist this time joined by Sheva Alomar in a fictional village of Kijuju in Africa where a bio-weapon is changing hands and infecting locals by turning them into monsters. Christ Redfield is tasked with taking down these bio-weapon dealers. Jill Valentine and Albert Wesker from the first game also make an appearance.

The core gunplay feels incredibly stiff and awkward, it quickly becomes exhausting. There’s also a flaw with how aiming works on the PC version to be specific. RE5 suffers from one of the most awful friendly A.I ever period! Playing the whole thing solo was a big mistake. Your partner would constantly come in your way, waste your ammo, health kits and even go as far as getting you killed by standing in the middle and doing nothing. It was incredibly frustrating to stare at game over screen and I almost gave up at one point.

Every level felt like it was built on the same formula i.e walk around, shoot swarms of enemies and then get to an area where both players were needed to advance. There’s little variety and by the third of the game’s six chapters I felt like I had seen everything it had to offer. Boss fights were more frequent but bullet spongey especially the last few ones. Plot involving Jill Valentine and Albert Wesker felt very dumb, cheesy and cliched.

Chris (or Sheva) isn’t able to walk or move around while aiming which is very weird to see in a game that’s focused on action. Even simply watching Chris and his partner Sheva walk around the environment is incredibly awkward as they slide around the way, not moving like an actual human. Resident Evil 5 immediately feels incredibly dated for 2009 game because of the way how PC controls and game mechanics are implemented.

There are tons of horrible QTEs (quick time events) throughout the game and they would crop up unannounced during innocuous cutscenes. There are a couple of generic off-the rail action-chase sequences and it felt completely out of place and the laziest things someone could put in a big budget AAA game. It didn't even feel like I was playing a Resident Evil game anymore.

Resident Evil 5 is designed around two player co-op game in mind. PC controls have not aged very well for this game especially it’s real time inventory system which is clearly designed around co-op. While co-op will certainly make the game an awful lot more enjoyable, I don't think it makes it any better as a game. It wants to do what Resident Evil 4 did so incredibly well, and it also wants to do its own thing like integrating co-op mode with action packed set pieces and explosions. But in trying to do both of these at once, it quite naturally ends up failing at achieving either of the two.

This is also a very ugly looking game thanks to Capcom falling prey to the ever-growing popular trends of using green/brown color filters to make the game look more grity/grim/break or depressing. Tons of games in the mid-late 2000s did this and it hasn’t aged very well. Had this been a spin-off I would have been more forgiving towards it but as a mainline Resident Evil this is a huge step down from the remake of original game and its predecessor Resident Evil 4.

Final Thoughts
If you’re looking for a fun co-op experience with a buddy then you’re going to like this game but if you’re looking for something more than you could be left with a disappointing game with a mediocre story, bad boss fights, bullet sponge enemies and cringey dialogue. Being an immediate successor to Resident Evil 4 was not easy and a bit unfair but I could not stop comparing the two games to one another due to the similarities. Resident Evil 5 was a forgettable experience for me. It's not terrible but not a good game either. It doesn't feel very different from other mediocre games. There are tons of better co-op/single player games out there.

My Rating: 5/10 – Bad 👎
Publicada em 16 de abril de 2021. Última edição em 27 de junho de 2022.
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7.8 horas registradas
I'm no hero Doc, I'm just your regular US Army Mark 4 Cyber Commando
You start with its four core weapons: a shotgun, assault and sniper rifles, and handgun. You can run like the wind, jump like a kangaroo, and you don't take fall damage. You're a Cyber Commando, a resurrected soldier that crosses T-1000 with Robocop.

This is a fun game and the devs at Ubisoft decided to use the already excellent gameplay from Far Cry 3 with some changes. You do not take any fall damage; you can jump like a kangaroo and swim without losing any stamina. The dialogue will make you cringe and the story line is dumb as hell (in a good way!!).

The story is over-the-top, cheesy, and funny 1980's B-movie/video game homage. The voice actor has cool voice, so he is doing a nice job as Rex Colt, the protagonist. The main villain and the scientists had good voice overs too. There are tons of sci-fi themes thrown into the game. Armies of rough cyborgs, a crazy scientist chick, dinosaurs that fire lasers from their eyes, mutants, nuclear war, cool music with just right amount and neon-lit skies!

This is a very short game if you count the number of hours. I beat the story in around 5 hours so I can confirm the main content can be finished in a single sitting. There’s a ton of side content that you would expect from a Ubisoft open world game like securing outposts, collectables, audio logs and so on. And yeah, a lot of it is filler so I would recommend finishing the story and jumping on the next game.

Now comes the bad part! Ubisoft tried too hard to make this game look very different that it actually is. Blood Dragon is set in a world of permanent night, as if someone was very anxious to conceal the fact that most of its assets are reused from FC3. The developers just copied and pasted a chunk of the island from FC3 with some tweaks and turned it into Blood Dragon. Some of the post processing effects and filters can look a bit too heavy as a result. The graphics haven’t aged as well as the main game but it’s fine because Blood Dragon’s visuals are presented as if playing on a CRT TVs using VHS tape, and the story is told through crude sort-of 8-and-16-bit cutscenes which felt a bit too cheap. So, if you’re like me who didn’t grow up in the 80s or 90s might not really care about this. My another complaint is the dragons! I felt they were very bullet spongy... It would have cool if we got to kill and hunt some of the dragons in Blood Dragons but I guess it makes sense to make them very hard to kill.

Blood Dragon’s playful focus on humor, nostalgia, and self-aware absurdity allows it to delve into a fore refreshing and comical setting. Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon is a fine explosive shooter takes everything that makes Far Cry 3's gunplay great and dresses it in over-the-top, Cyberpunk coat of paint. Worth playing if you’re into FPS or action-adventure games.

My Rating: 6.5/10
Get it on a Sale for $5 or less!!
Publicada em 30 de dezembro de 2020. Última edição em 30 de dezembro de 2020.
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8.8 horas registradas
My Thoughts and Opinion on Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
Space Marine is a hybrid third person shooter/hack-and-slash game set in Warhammer universe. I’ll be honest here; I know nothing about the franchise and the board games it’s based on. This game is clearly best enjoyed if you’re a fan or got nothing else to play. I will be talking about singleplayer portion of the game only!

I tried my best to like this game but overall, it just felt very shallow and mediocre. Maybe my opinion would have differed if I played this game a lot sooner when it was released. The only thing I liked about this game was its combat. Killing hordes of goblins was very satisfying and almost makes you feel god-like but I think that’s it! There was nothing else worth mentioning at all. And as for the combat, I’ve gotten very tired at the end and it felt just too repetitive and boring.

One of the worst parts of the game is how linear it really is. All you do in this game is shoot and kill hordes of enemies, press some buttons once in a while and wait for the loading screen/elevator rides to finish and then repeat the same thing over and over. The amount of elevator rides disguised as loading screen is unacceptable and I’m not even kidding when I say there are at least 50-60 fake loading screens jammed into this mess. The game auto saves checkpoints. There are tons of collectibles and audio logs if you’re deeply interested with the lore.

Visually this game looks like a total mess! The graphics look very dated and the cutscenes were very bland. The voice acting was alright. The twists and turns were clearly predictable and the final boss fight was very underwhelming. To make matters worse this whole game’s story felt like a waste of time as it concludes with a very annoying cliffhanger and all sequels were cancelled and tossed into trash bin following THQ’s bankruptcy. This really sucks for the fans and even though I don’t like this game I can feel the frustration and no, do not expect any more sequels.

There are just too many scripted events that often makes the gameplay experience very cheap like them on-the rails shooters. Running feels realistic due to the nature of the character and the armor you wear throughout the game but God it feels annoying as hell when the whole screen shakes and make loud thud when you’re sprinting.
I couldn’t get into the story and characters either. I have no good things to say about this one. There is supposedly great lore in Warhammer 40K universe according to my friends so if you’re into all of this this game is absolutely for you!

Should You Buy Warhammer 40K Space Marine
I think you got the answer with the tone of my review. I would not recommend Space Marine to anyone under any circumstances. This game maybe the right fit for you if you don’t agree with me on my complaints. But seriously I think you deserve better than this!

I would suggest checking out Wolfenstein and Doom series if you love killing in first person camera view. They’re better games in every way possible and often cheap during sale. As for the hack and slash fans out there, I would recommend the original God of War trilogy, Nier Automata, Metal Gear Rising: Revengence and Rise: Son of Rome. There are just so many good games out there! Please play those instead of this mess!

My Rating: 3/10
Might just be the worst game I’ve played in 2020! Only buy if you know what you’re into!
Publicada em 30 de dezembro de 2020.
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7.9 horas registradas
You can't live on the edge all your life Faith, sooner or later, you'll have to jump
Mirror's Edge is a game built on the ideas of parkour. The concept is great and DICE came up with a title that redefined the fps formula. Mirror’s Edge has a very distinct art style and music. And it’s very striking from the beginning to the end.

It’s a sad, dystopian future, where corporations control everything including the law, surveillance and media – sounds familiar? The story is set in an unnamed futuristic city where life is comfortable and crime almost non-existent. However, things aren’t so great as it seems as the city is full of corruption, oppression and censorship. You play as Faith, a young woman who lives her life as a Runner. It’s sort of a rebel group of underground parkour couriers that transmits messages and packages while evading government surveillance. Everything is normal until you get caught up with a murder mystery. It’s interesting, and without spoiling any further, her journey becomes personal, with a touch of vendetta to it.

You need to complete a series of levels that involve performing a linear sequence of acrobatic challenges. These include jumping off rooftops, running across walls, walking along ledges, sliding down zip lines, and getting past opponents without getting hurt. While the story may not be the best or even original for that matter it worked for me.

-Well connected level design and parkour mechanics.
-Keyboard and mouse controls are implemented well.
-2D Animated cut-scenes were well made for its time.
-Good voice acting and animation quality.
-Flawless runs provide a total rush.
-Clean and striking visual design.
-Sound effects and music really fit the game really well.
-Can feel a little too short.
-Very clean in-game UI, no HUD.
-PC exclusive graphical settings and options.
-4K resolution support.

-Side/supporting characters lacked any kind of depth and character development and the whole plot feels a bit rushed as a result due to lack of any character development or villain.
-Frustrating amount of trial and error.
-Disarming enemies isn’t as smooth and fluid as I hoped.
-Cramped jumping puzzles ruin the flow of an otherwise amazing parkour game.
-There is combat in the game, but it should be avoided at all cost as it leaves much to be desired (just run if possible because remember you’re a Runner and this game is about momentum and you’re a no match for an armed opponent!). However, do note that enemy encounters cannot be avoided and you will have to deal with them throughout the 6-hour campaign.
-Gunplay is weak and very restrictive. (should have been completely removed from the game altogether in my opinion).
-Finding collectibles is very unrewarding and has very little incentive to it.
-Inconsistent frame rate and screen tearing.
-No Steam achievements and cloud saving.

Final Thoughts
Mirror's Edge is a brave and bold game, no other game at the time tried to expand the potential of first-person action in so many directions. With so many games on the market these days, and with most of them crowded into a select few genres, developers are trying to find new and innovative ways to separate their products from the masses. The most common way in which smart and risk-taking developers do is something like Mirror’s Edge! DICE and EA delivered a great timeless experience.

The graphics and gameplay hold up very well even after 12 years of its release. DICE used Unreal Engine instead of EA’s otherwise impressive Frostbite proprietary game engine for Mirror’s Edge. An amazing-looking core experience (for the most part) that provides an exhilarating rush with lot of side activities and challenges. This game is certainly not meant for everyone so if you like free running/parkour games or just want to try something different then Mirror’s Edge should be on your radar. And since it’s short and very old game by now I recommend getting this game at sale price ($5 or less)!

My Rating: 8.5/10
Publicada em 29 de dezembro de 2020. Última edição em 29 de dezembro de 2020.
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55.6 horas registradas
All We Had To Do Was Follow The Damn Train CJ!!
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is probably one of the most memorable PlayStation 2 titles most people will remember even to this date. Chronologically San Andreas is set sometime in the early 1990s, a few years after Vice City in Rockstar’s 3D Universe timeline.

Like its predecessor, San Andreas puts you in the shoes of a central character about to embark on a life of crime. However, CJ or Carl Johnson as you like it is no career mobster like Tommy Vercetti from Vice City. In fact, he's been away from “the hood for five years” to try and escape the gang violence that’s been plagued in his home city of Los Santos. He's brought back by his mother's untimely death. Hooking up with his brother Sweet and old friends, CJ is inevitably drawn back into the world he had left behind a world of guns, drugs, territory, casual violence and respect.

Rockstar Games took the satirical drama to the next level. The scope and size of the game is incredible. It will literally take you hours to explore the entire map on foot (which is pointless because of the large array of vehicles available). The story, mood and setting are heavily influenced by the hip hop culture of the 90s, and many rap artists are prominently featured on the soundtrack.

Rockstar really pushed the bar for video game standards with rich detailed open world with three expansive areas that feel very distinct from one another. When people say Rockstar Games is the “king” of open world games it’s because of this reason right here! It has got everything you would want in an open world game! The graphics, the music, the voice acting, the mini games, open world activities. When everything is put together it is phenomenal if you think all of this was possible on PS2!

We have famous voices such as Samuel L. Jackson who voices Officer Tenpenny, James Woods who voices Mike Toreno, Ice T who voices the in-game rapper Madd Dogg, and Chris Penn who voices Officer Eddie Pulaski. Our main character Carl, is voiced by Chiris Bellard who does a marvelous job of voicing Carl).

There are also many surprising cameos and references to Vice City and GTA3. This is one of the few games that managed to really flesh out even the small supporting characters. Hats off to the writers who took effort on character development for over 3/4th NPCs involved in the game’s story. The cast of characters, posters, memes, videos are some of the most iconic you’ll see on social media and internet.

Despite being a huge success, this isn’t a game I would recommend to new gamers simply because it hasn’t aged all that well. Some of the minor annoyances are:

-There are tons of problems with the Steam version. You might have to download some fan made patches, mods and fixes to make it work on your Windows 10 PC. There are quite a few bugs and glitches here and there that were never addressed by the developers. Additionally, bugs present in the Steam version were patched on retail version. Worse the steam version also doesn’t support the great mods so make sure to downgrade the game to retail version before trying to mod it. There are many detailed guides on this.
-Many soundtracks were removed on the game’s 10th Anniversary in 2014 to avoid licensing issues.
-The game is hard locked to 25 fps, trying to mess with it will fundamentally break the game and cause some massive physics glitches making some missions impossible to complete. Other classic Rockstar Games also suffer from this issue. Not a great PC port.
-Some of the missions can be a bit unfair and a real pain to deal with! There are no checkpoint saves so each time you fail a mission you’re forced to get back to the mission marker icon and restart the mission from scratch. Flying planes can be a real challenge and some of these missions also have mandatory training levels as well which can be a nightmare. You can’t progress the story forward without completing these.
-PC Controls are terrible and haven’t particularly aged very well in my opinion. Newly added features such as target aiming needed some polish and clearly shows the game engine being push hard.

Final Words
GTA San Andreas is a complete AAA package for 90s/00s gamers with amazing production value. The game sold over 25 million copies on PS2 alone. I think the audience response alone speaks volumes. Absolutely a great and fantastic way to have fun if you’re stuck with an old, low spec PC or a laptop. After checking out Cyberpunk 2077’s launch I can confidently that San Andreas offers more RPG elements and fun time than most actual role-playing games! It’s a cinematic story rich game, It’s a life sim, it’s open world game, it’s a driving game! it’s an immersive sim, it’s a fully customizable, moddable sandbox/playground! It’s all things combined into a single game! Highly recommend this game to everyone who missed out on this blockbuster title due to…whatever reason. Dude this is San Andreas!! Why are you even reading this!

My Rating: 9/10
Publicada em 26 de dezembro de 2020. Última edição em 26 de dezembro de 2020.
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