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Análises recentes de pee-man

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44.2 hrs em registo (24.6 horas no momento da análise)
Disco Elysium fans be like: "Oh, damn! Good thing I stocked up on healing items and quicksaved earlier! There's a really tough paragraph ahead!"

It's me. I'm Disco Elysium fans. Please play this game. It's really good.
Publicado a 28 de Maio.
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39.2 hrs em registo (38.8 horas no momento da análise)
Yakuza 4, even with its flaws, still stands as a great yakuza game.
The story admittedly got really goofy at times, but it still had its moments. I really liked Saejima's section of the story in particular. All 4 protagonists are really fun to play as (with a bias to akiyama i love him) and its a blast to just run around. Even if they admittedly don't serve much purpose, the rooftop and underground parts of Kamurocho are really cool and I wish they would have brought it back for later games. Also just an extra note, the rain just looks absolutely gorgeous in this particular game. It's just so randomly good looking
Y4 also has a really strong soundtrack, with a nice emphasis on jazz. Give a listen to the panic themes, they're really well done.
And again, finale got kinda goofy a bit, but like, it's the Yakuza 4 finale. It's still hype as hell.
The 2 hour cutscene after you beat Amon where Akiyama and Tanimura get married is really sweet as well. It's kinda weird that the only reason Tanimura's wearing a bridal gown in the box art is because of a hidden cutscene, but whatever. Still sweet. Too bad Tanimura burst into flames and died off-screen afterwards so that we never see him ever again
Publicado a 29 de Maio de 2023.
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28.8 hrs em registo (26.7 horas no momento da análise)
good game despite all the complaints about the combat, which i honestly didn't find that bad. the unskippable 2 hour make out cutscene with daigo and mine at the end was a bit much for my tastes though
Publicado a 6 de Março de 2023.
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1.7 hrs em registo
hi my name is pee-man i don't play this game
Publicado a 28 de Setembro de 2022.
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135.0 hrs em registo (9.1 horas no momento da análise)
Análise de Acesso Antecipado
great game, but why are all the reviews complaining about lack of sex? you guys just aren't looking hard enough
Publicado a 16 de Agosto de 2022.
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137.2 hrs em registo (69.4 horas no momento da análise)
absolutely fantastic narrative but it took me forever to finish it, not just because of the great side stories and minigames but also because the protagonists are distractingly handsome
Publicado a 29 de Maio de 2022.
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463.5 hrs em registo (22.6 horas no momento da análise)
kragg is hot
Publicado a 17 de Abril de 2022.
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0.0 hrs em registo
mr torgue said i had a pretty face :)
Publicado a 23 de Janeiro de 2022.
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4.2 hrs em registo
yeah this happened once to my buddy eric
Publicado a 18 de Janeiro de 2022.
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331.4 hrs em registo (78.6 horas no momento da análise)
salvador funny
Publicado a 5 de Janeiro de 2022.
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