
Luna 最近的评测

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总时数 86.3 小时 (评测时 81.9 小时)
Microsoft sucks, I have to deal with problems everytime I want to play with friends because the friend system sucks. Such a headache to enjoy the game. I've also experienced crashes for opening menus in-game
发布于 8 月 11 日。
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总时数 3.3 小时
Kletka is a very interesting project for the horror co-op genre

If you have played and love Lethal Company, definitely give this demo a try and give a feedback about it

Do keep in mind though that this is a Demo first and foremost so it by all means is not a complete product, and I'll use the rest of this review to provide some feedback of what I noticed while playing (at the time of writing this review, I made 2 full runs)

1. First of all, I love the visual aesthetic of the game
2. Second of all, the number of threats to the player are very small, I'm guessing in the full game release there will be more and so I hope there to be, but going into the demo, go with a open mind to that
3. Third I think the proximity chat needs to be upgraded, having 3d audio and all is great, but it'd be even better and immersive if the audio got changes made to it according to the environment, like muffling it in a furnished room or making it echo-y in a empty one. I know sound design is not easy and to implement such things are even harder, but I truly think such small things can make a huge difference in the connection between game and player, immersion will be highly boosted.
4. (Spoiler) The earthquake event has been happening quite too often to me and my party, making exploration sometimes dull. I don't think removing it is the answer either but some countermeasures could be done. Maybe a prone and players have to be on the floor to not take damage or a bigger timer before it starts damaging, or maybe make it so it destroys the scenario around so players decide if they want to try facing it or leaving is better, instead of having the game decide for them. These are all just ideas and I don't expect them to be a fix, hope they can help with one way or another.
5. This is very small but maybe some simple customization, like allowing us to change the colors of the suits manually instead of being chosen in order of joining, but this is minor.

Those things aside I had a lot of fun playing through this two times with my friends, keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to the full release!
发布于 8 月 3 日。
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总时数 367.3 小时 (评测时 363.3 小时)
This review is receiving it's 3rd edit, and last for the time being. You can find the old, unedited review at the bottom of this one.

After playing Apex for over 300 hours, and completing season 22 split 1 battle pass: I cannot recommend anyone to give this game a try.

The gameplay (movement, gunplay and characters) is genuinely so fun and satisfying, but the game is extremely predatory and will drain your sanity at any level and type of play.

If you're a casual: You're gonna get matched against veterans all the time and they'll prevent you from enjoying the game casually, even on alternative modes outside of Ranked or Battle Royale
If you're a tryhard: You'll get matched with bad teammates (and you can't play solo either without actively putting yourself at a disadvantage) that will test your patience. I am not a tryhard and it has affected me so take it as you will
If you care about rewards: Apex Battle Pass missions are some of the worst I've ever seen a game like this do, they'll ask you to do absurd ammounts of things for >>dailies<< and weeklies alike, without good alternatives to level up the battle pass. Once I received a "Craft 10 times at a replicator" as a daily, and I also got that as a weekly, meaning they gave me a weekly sized challenge as a daily, that's ridiculous.

I personally fit within the third group of players I mentioned, having played with both other groups and witnessing what I said happening an absurd ammount of times. It's so sad that such a satisfying gameplay is locked behind so much BS. I'll also mention that this game is under EA, so prices are absurd for little return, making the game predatory in the end, it'll feed you with FOMO because the Battle Pass changes make their period shorter, only to have you drain your sanity doing them. In the end I cannot say all my effort has been payed off, the skins are nice but for so much effort? I can't say it was.

Play this only if you have friends to play with, since then you can enjoy it better, otherwise I'm sorry to say but the only Battle Royale currently that offers better services and gameplay loop is gonna be Fortnite, so go play that instead, you won't be treated solely like a money-bag

Old review:

Edit: They have taken these changes back, I'll leave this as negative for the time being though, if the season really does get better I'll delete this review and remake it as positive. So if you find this now, know that the information below about battle pass has been reverted.

I am a relatively new player, only playing fully seasons 20 and 21. Seeing the current direction the developers are taking this game I simply cannot recommend anyone to give it a try.
Purely in gameplay and content terms it's alright, even good, but in terms of monetization it is extremely predatory with unfair prices and deals, and now for the next season they are intending to charge us for even more.

If the changes they proposed do go through, to get the full season's cosmetic contents it'll cost you AT LEAST 20 dollars, and that's insane.
发布于 7 月 13 日。 最后编辑于 9 月 14 日。
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有 2 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 227.0 小时 (评测时 179.7 小时)
Driller and Scout should kiss
发布于 2023 年 11 月 22 日。
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总时数 2.7 小时 (评测时 2.7 小时)
I like doing long reviews

but I gotta do one for the badge and I haven't got much to say about this anyways

If you played it before, it's a perfect opportunity to get back into it
there are a lot of little differences in the visuals, polished animations but the classic experience remais the same
So get ready for your Nostalgia Blast

If you're not familiar with it, pretty much a choice game, meaning multiple endings for each levels

only thing I'd advice? Wait for a discount, I think it's a bit overpriced for the ammount of hours it can provide to you, but you'll have fun regardless
发布于 2020 年 11 月 25 日。
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总时数 18.3 小时 (评测时 15.7 小时)
Bioshock 2 this time, I'll make some comparissons to the first game here so yeah
Also beware, don't play this game before Bioshock 1, as it will conatin spoilers for the first game
(that maybe obvious but just to make sure y'know)


The game feels somewhat similar to the previous entry, well this time you're a Big Daddy so, how did that translate to the gameplay?
Not very well to be honest, as I said it's pretty similar to the first, meaning you don't feel like a Big Daddy, you can't take much damege and don't do much damage either, while your counterparts are the complete opposite to you. Being similar to the first game also means the controls are responsive and the game plays smoothly.

Let's talk weapons shall we? Well the weapons are definetely a big problem, sure none of them are returning weapons, but a big portion of them aren't really fun to use, even though they are really useful (when you got them upgraded, otherwhise tthey ain't that good).

Plasmids didn't change much from the first to the second game, with the only big noticeable difference being that you can use them simultaneously to your weapon (no you don't need to switch between Plasmid and weapon, you can use both) which is a great improvment, just makes combat that much more fun and fluid.

Little sisters... They work differently this time arround, you can of course choose to save or to harvest them, however now you also play a game of "tower defence" with them, they gather ADAM while you defend them from incoming waves of splicers. Kinda fun but over time gets kinda annoying.

My olny problem with this category, I'd say it's the reduction on how many Medkits and EVE Hypos you can carry, it would make sense if you were actually tougher but... you're not


Level Design

The level design is one strong point here (again), I'd go as far as to say I like the Bioshock 2 maps more than the Bioshock 1 maps (except one chapter especificly), they're better in both visual and gameplay, never did I get lost (as for 1 I did).
Playing with the turrets and cameras placement was really fun, specially when playing the Little Sister mini-game which I specified in Gameplay.



The story is actually pretty good but unlike Bioshock 1, the characters are more forgettable. It has a bigger focus on the main villain's ambitions and desires. Every other character, even though they have their background all set and well-written, are not remarkable. No I'm not talking about Sinclair, he is pretty good, but rather characters like Grace Holloway, Gilbert Alexander, Simon Wales, etc..
Also something I didn't mention in my Bioshock 1 review was the voice acting, was and still is great.

There are three endings, I manage to get the good ending(again), what are you going for?



Overall I'd say the game is still worth playing after all this time, that is if you became a fan of the series with the first game. Keep in mind I experienced multiple crashes and seems like it wasn't me (although this only happened in one specific map).
it took me 15 hours to beat it, there isn't much to it aside from the story mode, there are achievments if you wanna get them all. I'd definetely recommend playing it, but wait a discount (and preferably get the collection).

发布于 2020 年 10 月 2 日。
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有 7 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 15.4 小时
The classic Bioshock huh? Alright

The game plays very smoothly, with responsive controls. The weapons feel very good to use, with the exception of the Chemical Thrower and grenade Launcher I'd say.
Plasmids, which you can think of like "magic", works perfeclty and each one of them has an application to aid you in battle, my favourite being the "Electro Bolt"

My olny problem with this category, I'd say it's the movement speed, feels like I'm walking when i'm running and feels like I'm crawling when walking. Spent 99% of the game in "running".


Level Design
The level design is one strong point here, with very beautiful landscape outside of the playable area that helps with the immersion for being in an Underwater city
The maps make a good work in leading you the right way, but I got lost when exploring, even though it was pretty easy to find myself again.


The story starts off kinda slow, but you do notice it will get more interesting right off the start
The characters are all remarkable, from the ones you only hear in Recordings and the ones that talk directly to you.
Everything goes together very well and the logs helps you get an understanding of what's going on in there and why is hell.
In my opinion, the story feels like rushed in the final 2 levels or so, but the final boss battle was very good in exchange for it.
There are two endings, I manage to get the good ending, what are you going for?


Overall I'd say the game is still worth playing after all this time, it took me 15 hours to beat it, there isn't much to it aside from the story mode, I'd definetely recommend playing it, but wait a discount

发布于 2020 年 1 月 17 日。 最后编辑于 2020 年 9 月 19 日。
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有 6 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 14.5 小时 (评测时 13.4 小时)
It's fun, but get repetetive
发布于 2019 年 11 月 30 日。
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总时数 1.2 小时
Thinking With Portals

This took me 72 minutes to finish in my first playthroug, also I did all at once

This Is a mod for Portal 2 with the introduction of a new and well executed idea, "Time Travel", so to speak. Basicly, you record you movements, then a Bot will repeat this movement in a Loop.

The Puzzles were creative, not hard but not easy either.

[+] Very interesting and well developed mechanic
[+] Good Challenge scaling
[+] Supports Level creation and community maps

[-] There is very little story, if you can call it that
[-] No new characters introduced
[-] Small campaign
[-] You rarely use Portals,you'll most likely be using the new mechanic

Overall, I'd give this mod a
发布于 2019 年 8 月 11 日。 最后编辑于 2019 年 8 月 11 日。
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总时数 28.9 小时 (评测时 20.7 小时)
Very simple app
with very useful applications
Want Animated Wallaper: Ok
Want a video as wallpaper: Ok
Want to edit a wallpaper easily: Ok
Want to edit a wallpaper with more complexity: Ok

just buy it already
发布于 2019 年 6 月 29 日。
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