STEAM GROUP bartervg
STEAM GROUP bartervg
November 25, 2014
dfg Dec 15, 2015 @ 7:56am
Completion Rate
Searched but didn't find in the site faq or here in discussions.

How is this percentage computed? I assumed it measured completion after both parties agreed to a trade, but I guess it's broader than that. Thanks in advance.
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Showing 1-15 of 136 comments
ellipsism Dec 15, 2015 @ 11:30am 
Originally posted by dfg:
I assumed it measured completion after both parties agreed to a trade
This is the goal of that stat. However, it also counts expired offers with failed offers.

Completion Rate = completed offers / (total offers - active offers - declined offers - other expires)
dfg Completion Rate = 23 / (61 - 1 - 22 - 0) = 60.5%

completed offers: shown at the top of your profile page, below your name (23 for dfg).
total offers: the number shown next to the Offers link at the top (61).
active offers: the number of offers that haven't completed, failed or cancelled (1).
declined offers: this number isn't displayed anywhere, but you can manually count using the "declined" filter in the offer section (22).
other expires: expired offers where it wasn't your turn to act (0). In your example, there are 14 expired offers but all of them are from when it was your turn to act.
dfg Dec 15, 2015 @ 2:29pm 
I see and thanks for the clarification. My definition of both parties agreeing to a trade, then, is much narrower than what is measured in that statistic. Thus if I want to improve upon my percentage, it behooves me to further restrict offers made to me, but at the same time I am penalized (by that stat) when others decline my offers. It also occurs to me that if I don't shorten my list of acceptable items, I should update my library as often as possible, to avoid users offering currently bundled games I haven't had a chance to add or purchase yet.
ellipsism Dec 15, 2015 @ 5:22pm 
Originally posted by dfg:
Thus if I want to improve upon my percentage, it behooves me to further restrict offers made to me, but at the same time I am penalized (by that stat) when others decline my offers.
No, declined offers have no effect on completion rate. The primary reason why your completion rate is 61% is due to offers you received and then expired.

Perhaps a clearer equation would be: completion rate = completed offers / (completed offers + failed + expired) where 100% means no failed (or agreed to cancel) or expired offers.
dfg Dec 15, 2015 @ 5:59pm 
Well that's what I get for not reading closely. Thanks again for clearing it up for me.
ellipsism Dec 15, 2015 @ 6:37pm 
Originally posted by dfg:
Well that's what I get for not reading closely. Thanks again for clearing it up for me.
I've received this question from several people so it isn't as clear as it could be. Also, I've received some interesting suggestions so the formula will likely change.
ellipsism Dec 29, 2015 @ 3:47am 
I linked "Completion Rate" on the profile page to this topic.
I just noticed that link and clicked it. I'd always been curious how that was calculated, but never took the time to ask, so thanks!
NookieMonster Jan 19, 2016 @ 11:01am 
"active offers: the number of offers that haven't completed, failed or cancelled"

Does this exclude Agreed to Cancel?
ellipsism Jan 19, 2016 @ 11:53am 
Originally posted by NookieMonster:
Does this exclude Agreed to Cancel?
No, it does not exclude agreed to cancel. The statistic excludes active offers (appear in bold on the offer page), declined offers and some expired offers.
ThreeSon Jan 20, 2016 @ 9:01pm 
Why are expired offers calculate in this percentage? That means in order to keep our percentage up, we have to check and investigate offfers pretty much every single day, since the default time limit on offers is 24 or 48 hours, right?

That seems unreasonable to me. We should not be penalized because we received an offer we didn't have time to check. I know some people don't appreciate when users let offers expire without responding, but at least require a minimum time limit of 5 days before an expired offer is counted against your total completed.

Personally though I don't think this should be counted against us at all.
Last edited by ThreeSon; Jan 20, 2016 @ 9:02pm
dfg Jan 20, 2016 @ 9:26pm 
^ The ITTT notifications come in handy for this.
ThreeSon Jan 20, 2016 @ 11:13pm 
Originally posted by dfg:
^ The ITTT notifications come in handy for this.

And I have them enabled, but sometimes I just don't have time to decide on an offer from the time I check my email to the time the offer expires, especially when the offer involves a lot of games.
ellipsism Jan 21, 2016 @ 4:52pm 
I agree that there's a difference between letting a 1-day offer expire versus a 7-day. Currently, there isn't an easy way to distinguish between the two as the offer only records the expiration timestamp. However, I could reconstruct that information.

I've been surprised how many questions and comments I've received about the completion rate.
ellipsism Jan 24, 2016 @ 4:56pm 
Originally posted by Aristofop:
Everyone assumes that completion refers to completed offers, and it's quite fair to assume that.
That's a good point about the wording. "Completion Rate" is confusingly similar to completed offers. As a quick fix, I've changed it to "Fulfillment Rate." Developing a new statistic will take more time.
ThreeSon Jan 26, 2016 @ 2:19pm 
Originally posted by Aristofop:
Err... "fulfillment" actually makes it sound worse.
There are so few failed offers that it might as well just be "(offer) response rate/rating."

Agreed. Especially since the number of failed offers is already clearly visible anyway.
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