Dota 2
🐾 2015 年 7 月 20 日 下午 3:48
At what MMR are you an average player.
I have always wondered, at what lvl are you considered to be good at Dota 2 (Have a good understanding of Dota mechanics, and able to transist that knowledge to actual gameplay). At what mmr does the majority of Dota playes reside? Valve gave out some info a long time ago, where they stated that average in Dota 2 was 2250 - 3000 (I think about 60 % of players were in this range. 3K - 4K represented about 15- 20 % of the population. 4K - 5K about 5 % and 5K + only about 1-3 %. Since then Dota 2 has increased its playersbase by a LOT. Does anyone know what the values are today? Just curious...People seem to call 3K players poop tier players, but I always though 3K was a good mmr. Even when I dare to mention that I'm at 4K, a lot of players (Reddit) seems to call that noob tier. Do we have some numbers on what is average, below average and above average in Dota?

My numbers are not set in stone, but I think it was around those values.
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目前顯示第 16-30 則留言,共 30
Damnagic 2015 年 12 月 22 日 上午 10:49 
According to, most people are between 3k and 4k so the average is somewhere between those 2.
BossGalaga 2015 年 12 月 22 日 上午 11:00 
Lemme put it a different way. Less than 1% of the Dota 2 player population are what would be considered actual "professional" players, e.g. you're getting paid to play Dota.

The rest of the 99.999999% just think they are. :D
MMR assassin 2016 年 3 月 7 日 下午 1:55 
引用自 Dat 900mmr guy
Actually many people lie about their MMr (or just call 4k people scrubs, while they play themself below 2k). Its just an easy way to insult in Dota.

That reddittext says that of all dotabuff games 72% are in normal bracket (which should be 3k or below). They also have a more detailed view and a source named

I'd like to add Dotabuff offers hero ranking as one of their subscription services. It provides a few stats, including the usual rank in percentile (what percentage of the dotabuff playerbase you are above), plus your "mmr rating" with that hero.
Mine are:

Razor: 50% - Hero score 1593.
Lion: 47% - Hero score 1629.
Viper: 46% - Hero score 1516
Sven: 45% - Hero score 1559
Oracle: 44% - Hero score 1487.

While I recon the mmr rating for a hero is different from the actual mmr (mine sits at 1729 atm), it's quite interesting to see a 1500/1600 mmr with a certain hero puts you near the 50% percentile, which means if you are a few hundred above 1600 you'll probably be better than half the dotabuff playerbase playing that hero.
Which seems close to the initial 2250 MMR estimate from ages ago.

If you consider the influx of new players might have watered the ranking system even more, it could easily make 2k near the average 50% percentile.

Are you able to check others ppls mmr with that?
BossGalaga 2016 年 3 月 7 日 下午 1:58 
Most people on the Steam forums/Dota forums/Reddit/etc. don't want you to know their MMR and won't tell you what their MMR is, except to tell you that your MMR sucks, you suck and that they would totally be like 10k if it wasn't for everyone else on their team sucking all the time.
OткрытыйAI (Бот) 2016 年 3 月 7 日 下午 2:19 
Tbh having played in various brackets this is my basic analysis of the distinctions in mmr:

1-3.5k mmr: Garbage players, have limited knowledge about the technical aspecta of the game and think they can't climb the mmr ladder cause of bad teammates.

3.6k - 4.5k: People here can usually do the basics correctly. Stack and pull, micor, smoke, ward, deward map awareness etc etc. In essence they know the true abc's of dota. However, they are incapable of thinking on the fly and usually they just stick to what they know as apposed to how can I adapt to win this game.

4.6k - 5.5k: Genuinely better at the game. Can adapt to circumstances, have all the right knowledge. However, they usually have huge egos and transitioning their knowledge of the game into actions is not all that easy bu they try.

5.5k - 6k+: Dunno have not reached the 6k+ bracket yet. However, from the limited times I've been matched with 6k players due to limited people looking for a match, they tend to think and make plays on a pseudo professional level.

I want to be 6k but the difference between a 5k and 6k mentality is pretty huge. I tried climbing to 6k but have been pretty unsuccessful. I accept I am not ready yet to climb and am putting my ego aside and focusing on the bad points of my game play.

In essence what I am trying to say is this. You can be the worst ♥♥♥ king player in the universe. But if you put your ego aside you can get better and eventually reach pretty high in terms of mmr. So you might be average now but with reflection in 5+ months you could easily be 4k+

P.s. ok not easily but you know what I mean :p

Vladimir Putin 2016 年 3 月 7 日 下午 2:24 
Well, 3k is better than most

But most are garbage at the game

It takes thousands of hours to truly get good
Prompto 2016 年 4 月 21 日 下午 11:15 
Lunacy 2016 年 7 月 24 日 上午 1:12 
i'm floating around 1900-2000, but i think most average is around 1300-1800
最後修改者:Lunacy; 2016 年 7 月 24 日 上午 1:12
Sixe史吏 2016 年 7 月 24 日 上午 1:35 
Most players are 3000 +/- standard deviation of around 750 MMR. (This is personal experience.)

However, players don't really understand the basics of DotA until 4k MMR. In other words, only 20% of the playerbase can really be said to be playing DotA.

yasp's figures are inflated by the fact that only people who display their MMR on their player profiles are included. Obviously, if you aren't proud of your MMR, you won't display it (so this is a form of selection bias).
最後修改者:Sixe史吏; 2016 年 7 月 24 日 上午 1:37
Toilet Destroyer 2017 年 1 月 10 日 下午 5:02 
引用自 Dat 900mmr guy

I'd like to add Dotabuff offers hero ranking as one of their subscription services. It provides a few stats, including the usual rank in percentile (what percentage of the dotabuff playerbase you are above), plus your "mmr rating" with that hero.
Mine are:

Razor: 50% - Hero score 1593.
Lion: 47% - Hero score 1629.
Viper: 46% - Hero score 1516
Sven: 45% - Hero score 1559
Oracle: 44% - Hero score 1487.

While I recon the mmr rating for a hero is different from the actual mmr (mine sits at 1729 atm), it's quite interesting to see a 1500/1600 mmr with a certain hero puts you near the 50% percentile, which means if you are a few hundred above 1600 you'll probably be better than half the dotabuff playerbase playing that hero.
Which seems close to the initial 2250 MMR estimate from ages ago.

If you consider the influx of new players might have watered the ranking system even more, it could easily make 2k near the average 50% percentile.

Ok, I did not understand too much of that. Sigh..I am very bad at math (that is why I chose Psychology as a profession). Ok, So my favourite Hero is Witch Doctor, My wins with him is 316 and Loss 162. I have 1525 games in Dota 2. What would his Winrate or mmr be? I am really inadequate when it comes to math.

Sorry, english is not my native language.

Edit: spelling and grammar.

Edit: Ah, ok, so you have a mmr ranking, and then you have a separate mmr for each hero (which can be calculated), depending on how well you play with them. Your overall mmr is just that...average mmr, while you can have heroes which have an higher mmr than you own mmr...if I understood that correctly,

This is too much for me, I need a game of Dota to calm down :D

Just check in-game, broh.
♣⚪GoffyGoober⚪♣ 2017 年 1 月 10 日 下午 5:22 
Yeah in above 5K pro hahaha

In 2250-3000 just have player noob :v
END OF ALL HOPE 2017 年 1 月 10 日 下午 5:36 
It doesn t matter when everyone is buying boosted acounts everything is ♥♥♥♥ below 4.5 k ok i was 3.8 few days ago but this account buying ♥♥♥♥♥ are everywhere so it doesn t matter how good you are when there is a 2 k ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ with fresh boosted account with 300 games on it
Ready to feed 18 kills in your hi skill mmr game .so frustrating just go hardcore or delete only way
Blind 2017 年 1 月 10 日 下午 5:41 
Since it's an ELO-esque system, shouldn''t there actually be a literal median value for the MMR of all players?
END OF ALL HOPE 2017 年 1 月 10 日 下午 6:18 
引用自 Waking Dreams
Nice necro.
There is no other way dude...i m actualy good magnus but i can t play magnus when some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ kid feeds 18 kills with him i can at least try to snowball dunk the enemy ♥♥♥♥♥ for eternety and win the only way to play this steaming pile of ♥♥♥♥ matchmaking
建築家 2017 年 6 月 23 日 上午 3:33 
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張貼日期: 2015 年 7 月 20 日 下午 3:48
回覆: 30