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Mystique Dec 28, 2023 @ 12:02pm
Sun Beetle?
Can you counter this enemy? I can consistently perfect guard the purple ones, but on the second screen there are two red ones, and I haven't managed to counter them a single time in like 20-30 minutes worth of attempts.
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
LuVenBen Dec 28, 2023 @ 1:24pm 
just practice, you'll make it. you could also just grab some gear that improves your perfect guard window.
Mystique Dec 28, 2023 @ 1:43pm 
Originally posted by LuVenBen:
just practice, you'll make it. you could also just grab some gear that improves your perfect guard window.
But that's the thing. I can't perfect guard them for 20 minutes straight. Then I go one screen left and the purple bugs I perfect guard almost every time. They do literally the same attacks with a different trail behind it, but I straight up can't counter the one from the sun beetles.

Are you 100% sure nothing is broken with these guys?
Last edited by Mystique; Dec 28, 2023 @ 1:44pm
Mystique Dec 28, 2023 @ 2:38pm 
It seems that countering them with fire and wave works, but countering them with any other element doesn't.

Yeah, my cold element doesn't even seem to block, neither does shock. Even when I'm just holding up my shield as normal, I gain no reduced damage.
Last edited by Mystique; Dec 28, 2023 @ 2:41pm
Mystique Dec 28, 2023 @ 2:54pm 
Originally posted by Mystique:
It seems that countering them with fire and wave works, but countering them with any other element doesn't.

Yeah, my cold element doesn't even seem to block, neither does shock. Even when I'm just holding up my shield as normal, I gain no reduced damage.
Edit: I tested it on some hedgehags from Autumn's Rise and I can block and perfect counter with all elements there.

Could perfect guarding be tied to the defense stat which nebulously "improves guarding". Wave and Fire the two elements I can perfect guard all attacks with, have 123 defense. Cold and Shock both have 120
Mystique Dec 28, 2023 @ 3:13pm 
I upgraded my defense stat on the "Cold" element and now I can perfect guard the bugs.

This information is nowhere to be found on the wiki, but not just your guarding proficiency, but even the mere ability to perfectly guard an attack seem blocked behind certain minimum defense requirements. I feel very annoyed at how long I had to spend to figure this out. (Basically got nowhere today, because I spent like 1-2h on this, trying to figure it out)

But I hope that this post may shed some much needed light on a completely hidden facet of this game's stats. This is my first genuine, objective blemish I have found in this game. As someone who is into glass cannon builds, I believe that such an obtuse and unnecessary boundary for a core mechanic (perfect guarding) should not exist.
Last edited by Mystique; Dec 28, 2023 @ 3:18pm
LuVenBen Dec 28, 2023 @ 4:30pm 
IIRC perfect guarding depends on both your focus and the enemies focus, so lower level enemies will always to be easier, while high focus enemies will give you a harder time.
Mystique Dec 28, 2023 @ 11:38pm 
Originally posted by LuVenBen:
IIRC perfect guarding depends on both your focus and the enemies focus, so lower level enemies will always to be easier, while high focus enemies will give you a harder time.
Idk, perfect guarding the beetles unlocked for me with the cold element, as soon as I upgraded my defense once.
Originally posted by Mystique:
Originally posted by LuVenBen:
IIRC perfect guarding depends on both your focus and the enemies focus, so lower level enemies will always to be easier, while high focus enemies will give you a harder time.
Idk, perfect guarding the beetles unlocked for me with the cold element, as soon as I upgraded my defense once.

Defence only increases the durability of your shield and reduces the amount of damage that bypasses your guard IF you don't perfect guard.
Perfect guard always block 100% of damage from attacks that can be blocked and every sun beetle attack can be blocked.
Either you increased a stat that affects the duration of your perfect guard or you got good.
Mystique Mar 15 @ 11:27am 
Originally posted by DrSebastianCastellanos:
Originally posted by Mystique:
Idk, perfect guarding the beetles unlocked for me with the cold element, as soon as I upgraded my defense once.

Defence only increases the durability of your shield and reduces the amount of damage that bypasses your guard IF you don't perfect guard.
Perfect guard always block 100% of damage from attacks that can be blocked and every sun beetle attack can be blocked.
Either you increased a stat that affects the duration of your perfect guard or you got good.
nope, cause I played around with it, and taking off the gear that increased my defense made my perfect guard unusable, but only against the sun beetles. Putting the armor back on made me able to perfect guard every time again.
Do you remember what piece of gear it was ?
Mystique Mar 15 @ 3:29pm 
Originally posted by DrSebastianCastellanos:
Do you remember what piece of gear it was ?
Unfortunately not, it has been three months at this point (look at when my post was made) and I have since played a lot of stuff and gotten every achievement in Crosscode. Hence, I am hazy on the details. But to explain my playstyle: In practically any game I play, I rarely upgrade defense, and almost always go for glass cannon builds cause the best defense is the enemies not being able to hit me, if they're dead, lol. So my defense stats were incredibly low (and I could only parry the beetle enemies if I was in ice aspect, where I had speced more heavily into defense).
mapron Mar 27 @ 6:28pm 
"perfectly guard an attack seem blocked behind certain minimum defense requirements"

wow,thanks for useful insight.
LuVenBen Mar 27 @ 6:51pm 
Originally posted by mapron:
"perfectly guard an attack seem blocked behind certain minimum defense requirements"

wow,thanks for useful insight.
it actually is relevant information, don't be rude.
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