7 Days to Die
Ця тема закрита
Never ends
I played this game since it was a bunch of jenky blocks that couldn't form 90 degree angles. Since zombies could smell meat on you. Since you had to mass spam crafting stone axes to level up a skill. Since you had to either find a metal pipe and bellows, or die to the 7 day hoard because you couldn't craft a forge.

When this game does receive major updates, they add features one time, then remove half of them with the next one. All of the updates in between that can simply be done with Notepad. Farming Plots were the last major thing I remember people getting all pissed off at, but if people spent 2 minutes editing the config files, they could simply undo that feature on their own.

My point is, this game has been in Early Access for over 10 freakin' years and they just keep going in circles, releasing, removing, and rereleasing the same things, while launching massive updates that change the entire game, before taking the next several months to undo half of those changes with the next update. Now it's glass jars, but tell me why. Why was THIS a feature that needed to be removed??

This game has been on Steam long enough that it should already have a sequel being made to it, but instead it's just rehashing the same ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ things over and over again, never actually being released!

This game is done. Put a fork in it. Move on to the next one. Take all these brilliant ideas and start with a clean slate. Update the game engine, rewrite the AI, give the entire thing an overhaul. Add all of these amazing features you no doubt have in store for this game, and call it "8 Days to Die" or something.
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Показані коментарі 13 із 3
Okay. I think it’s gone leaps and bounds, especially between A16 and A20, but that is of course my opinion.
I agree with the general premise of your post. The constant changes between updates and trying to fix things that aren't broken, while also simultaneously not fixing things that ARE broken, is very frustrating and I've expressed my feelings on this as well.

However, I will say this in their defense. IMO, They are using early access in the way it was intended to be used. That is to test the waters for different ideas and then making the adjustments from there instead of going all-in on one bad idea and then flipping a coin hoping it works. Personally, I appreciate this level of patience because we have all seen what happens to bad games when developers are dead set on a single idea. They just release what they have on-hand instead of trying something for a certain period of time to see if the changes fit or not and those games tend to die out quickly because of it.

That said though, there are certain BASE CORE aspects of this game that shouldn't take 10 years to make a decision on which direction they wanna go with either. This where I side with frustrated people like yourself. Pick a direction and stick with it. Right or wrong......it's been 10 years.

I can understand testing the waters with small changes here and there to see what works with the main core aspects and whatnot. That's fine. But when you're 10 years into a project and you still don't even know exactly where you wanna go with it, then that's a problem.

Yet here we are with TFP and I think this is why so many of us are frustrated with the development process. Just my 2 cents is all.
Автор останньої редакції: James; 5 жовт. 2023 о 22:43
Please use the pinned thread that's already available to discuss this topic.
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Показані коментарі 13 із 3
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Опубліковано: 5 жовт. 2023 о 20:56
Дописів: 3