Crater Creator
Illinois, United States
For reference:
rate 100000; cl_cmdrate 100; cl_updaterate 100; cl_interp 0.0; cl_interp_ratio -1
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w00t! We finally got this one.
abnormality 143 Jul 16 @ 11:44am 
i noticed you didnt even try to reach out to me. i cant say im surprised. seeing as even ip bans expire after about 6 months or so and other places i have been banned have never really perma banned me after one incident, its safe to say this issue is a you problem not a me problem.

very well fun pimps. keep me banned and let the grudge you secretly hold eat your heart out and pretend you dont care. as of now your forum is the only place i have a perma ban on. thats on you.

proof that the fun pimps is indeed one of a kind. they are infamous for being too strict in what they do and are willing to hold grudges forever.

so ban me forever then. its your problem not mine. its not hard to create alt accounts to get around it anyways. only reason i dont is cuz i have no real reason to be there. just thought id try this one time.
PaulKrawitz Jun 12 @ 2:08am 
♥♥♥♥ You!

If people call me a "creep" for voicing a valid opinion then I will retaliate by voicing my opinion about them as well; if you don't like that then feel free to, permanently, ban me from the game forum.
Crater Creator Jun 3 @ 12:33am 
That's one fine looking link, Lach! :spazdreaming:
amphi May 28 @ 9:03pm 
stfu dexter. I ban you from water.
Dexter (AI) May 6 @ 7:59pm 
a crater that never creates