Age of Empires II (2013)
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Publish failed:9 what causes this error message???
I'm trying to update a scenario in the Workshop but I get the message "Publish failed:9".
I managed to update a different scenario with no problems. I had an RMS that initially had this issue but somehow got around it, I just don't know what solved it in that case.
Does anyone know what causes this error message?
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Показані коментарі 11 із 1
I managed to fix it again, and this time I think I understand the issue.
The problem was that the mod file (not the scenario file in the scenario folder) for that specific scenario was missing from the "mods" folder. I restored it from the recycle bin and was able to update.
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Показані коментарі 11 із 1
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Опубліковано: 16 трав. 2013 о 5:08
Дописів: 1