Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

Avanza all'era del vapore
Esplora nuove mappe, scenari multigiocatore e campagne create dagli utenti. Oppure reinventa la tua esperienza di gioco con nuovi suoni, grafica, IA, unità e altro! Sei pronto a condividere le tue creazioni con il mondo? Caricale direttamente dall'editor di mappe o collabora con amici per creare una collezione capolavoro.
Curious about Steam Workshop & AOE II: HD? New Blog!
We know you are super curious about the integration of Steam Workshop in the upcoming Age of Empires II: HD, so producer Ryz0n sat down this weekend to provide you with all the details - {COLLEGAMENTO RIMOSSO}
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this seems maybe like a odd qeustion but can we use these mechanics to make a AGE 4 ? because Age 2 is clearly better then Age 3 for the joy of playing the game ( ofcourse)

And im no modder or steam workshoper but. the old retro feel and gameplay of age 2 just fits the strategy and the building do feel real. (i didnt had that feel with age 3)

its just a idea that jumped up in my head reconsider it.

P.s theres a lot of commontion on the web about age 4 if it will ever come and why microsoft wouldnt sell this brand to blizzard and so on. Its confussing.

Maybe give the fans a glimp? because where stil there the silent wolfs
d'ya know, i think that most decent rts players would igree with you there bro
I subscriebed to a texture pack but sometimes it works and sometimes not. Please help me!
NO WAY TO DO IT ....... till now
Please help me ! i have subscribed to this Mod that gives me unlimited food in farms and effets my gamesplay i subscribed becuase it would be cool right ? so after i subscribed i played it worked and then i unsubscribed becuase i did not want it anymore ! BUT IT DIDENT WORK and i am very anouyed please help ! Please tell me what to do !
Messaggio originale di blowerd:
Please help me ! i have subscribed to this Mod that gives me unlimited food in farms and effets my gamesplay i subscribed becuase it would be cool right ? so after i subscribed i played it worked and then i unsubscribed becuase i did not want it anymore ! BUT IT DIDENT WORK and i am very anouyed please help ! Please tell me what to do !
I guess u need to uninstall it, and installit again
Messaggio originale di KittyChix:
We know you are super curious about the integration of Steam Workshop in the upcoming Age of Empires II: HD, so producer Ryz0n sat down this weekend to provide you with all the details - {COLLEGAMENTO RIMOSSO}
what Im wondering is if the custom maps from the orginal AOK & C are compatible with this version.
Anyone playing AOE 2 HD add me please new to this
Anyone using virtual box to run this on mac? its a shame its pc exclusive
The original was so awesome, I have to get this...
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Per pagina: 1530 50

Data di pubblicazione: 1 apr 2013, ore 15:38
Messaggi: 19