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WotC: robojumper's Squad Select
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29. aug. 2017 kl. 5:27
25. nov. 2021 kl. 13:08
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WotC: robojumper's Squad Select

My personal take on a Squad Select Screen! Completely built from the ground up!

  • User Interface for more than 6 soldiers. How many? There's no limit! Scroll or Drag&Drop.
  • More intuitive with built-in overview!
  • More information: PCS', Health, Abilities (Shows You The Skills), Stats, Armor, Primaries, Secondaries, Pockets...
  • 100% controller compatible!
  • Configurable with Mod Config Menu, but also standalone!
  • Includes a squad size setting!

Not included:
  • A fix for spawn points when you use more than 9 soldiers. See recommended mods below.

Known Issues:
  • Armory Screens reachable from the Squad Select Screen have a Hotlink to Geoscape. DO NOT CLICK IT. IT CAN CAUSE THE GAME TO LOCK UP FROM AVENGER DEFENSE. This is something I can't easily fix.
    The same applies to a Training Center button. It is not supposed to appear.

How do I increase my Squad Size?

It has a built-in way of choosing the squad size, either via MCM or via the local config file.

If the built-in way of modifying squad size breaks with your setup, you can disable it in XComGame.ini

Recommended Mods:

  • How do I increase my Squad Size?
    • See above.
  • Why does this not include a Spawn Point fix?
    • I wanted to make it as compatible as possible. Since other mods are addressing this issue, I didn't add it.
  • I don't have MCM. How do I configure the mod?
    • Start the game once. It will create a file: "C:/Users/%USERNAME%/Documents/My Games/XCOM2 War of the Chosen/XComGame/Config/XComrobojumperSquadSelect_NullConfig.ini". There you can adjust the same values exposed to MCM.

  • Highbob for ShowMeTheSkills, ideas of which I borrowed.
  • LeaderEnemyBoss for ShowMeTheSkillsRevived, ideas of which I borrowed.
  • DerBK for ABA2, because the mod is balanced around 6-8 soldiers. Without it, this mod wouldn't exist!
  • xylthixlm for helping me with some math.
  • .vhs for upgrade icons and the thumbnail. It's great, don't you think?
  • xymanek/Astral Descend for providing me with more feature requests to implement. Also for poking me to do the update.
  • All other modders who had to hear my random ramblings about the mod and provided feedback.
Populære diskussioner Vis alle (15)
22. feb. 2023 kl. 6:59
Mod suddenly stopped working.
27. sep. 2023 kl. 21:45
Can only see 6 units, then chooses random 2 units
heaven dog
27. feb. 2022 kl. 23:33
Game crashes everytime when deploying.
1.278 kommentarer
R.I.P*DEATH 18. apr. kl. 5:38 
Nightwaff 13. apr. kl. 17:25 
Is there any way to restore the old unequip buttons? Or at the very least edit what items the "Unequip Barracks" buttons remove? I'd like the option to quickly remove only utility items instead of stripping away all weapons and armors from the whole squad.
Steve 6. apr. kl. 13:40 
Is it possible to change the size of soldier info UI? I want to make it smaller. I'm playing LWOTC and there are so many things needs to be show in there. Which is this mod's job and it's very good. But that also make the UI too high. Even covering the mission info and soldier appearance.
Zeberko_PL 4. apr. kl. 12:18 
Invisible Team Fix:
You probably have another mod installed "More Squad Size upgrade" .
It is possible to use both mods at the same time, but in the "More Squad Size upgrade" options you need to select compatibility mode, it is the first one on the list at the top
^4Cordie's^2Die 29. mar. kl. 4:28 
How to fix invisible squad on a Squad Select Screen?
zin 11. mar. kl. 15:51 
I set squad size to 6, but it made it 8, since I have both upgrades. So I set it back to 4, and now it’s 6 again. So I guess that setting is about how many you start with. I was confused why my squad size was 8 when I don’t play with any mods that give me larger squad sizes. So, I suppose don’t increase it beyond 4 if you’re playing with vanilla squad sizes! I thought this setting would just affect the UI.
BAG 6. feb. kl. 17:15 
I would suggest to add an option to set the default view from "30° above angle" or "front view"
I personnally prefer to have a top-down view on my squad, and always have to click "switch view"

Or I eventually missed some setting, but nothing in the list seem to allow me that

other than that, very nice!
weiwentg 25. jan. kl. 11:08 
With 8 soldiers, you can basically execute the Chosen in their chambers in turn 1. If you want them not to die so pathetically, there is one mod that increases their HP. It defaults to 20% bonus, which you can edit. I have to say that 20% did not seem like enough extra HP towards the end game, and I basically executed the Warlock on turn 1 after his first spawn, and after his first respawn.
[EASY] RevanShan 23. nov. 2023 kl. 16:31 
Hi! I recently subscribed to the Mjolnir armor from Halo Reach mod and the AML says that this mod is incompatible with the armor mod. I already asked for a solution in the armor's mod page but got no response. If anybody could provide me a solution or point me towards the right direction I would be more than thankful
italiangamer[Schizophrenic] 18. nov. 2023 kl. 11:02 
i notice that when i put starting squad to 6 they will start from 4 but if i put 5 or 7 they will be 5 or 7