ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

4,128 人が評価
The Tombstone (Inventory recovery after death)
643.564 KB
2017年9月21日 7時08分
2018年11月17日 4時57分
7 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

The Tombstone (Inventory recovery after death)

Grebog 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Grebog's Mods
14 アイテム
The Tombstone (inventory recovery after death)
MOD ID=1139981401
Get your inventory back after death.

Fix for not placed Tombstone in Extinction
Fix for wrong Slot Position of same item types after respawn

This mod places a tombestone at the location where you died automatically.
This tombestone has an inventory and can only be accessed and destroyed by the owner or tribe, but it does not have any collision.
When you die, your inventory is transferred to the tombstones inventory.
When you respawn you get your items back from the tombstones inventory. You can disable this feature (see below).
As default the Tombstone stays in game forever, but can be destroyed by the owner or if the inventory is emptied (see ini settings below)
In the case that the game is unable to spawn the tombstone, the death corpse will be accessible as in the standard game play.

This mod is useful for all players who have difficulties to get there items back from the death corpse.

To customize the behaviour of the tombstone you can enter the following ini entries (all entries are optional).
Put more than one entry under one [TheTombstone] paragraph.
[TheTombstone] KeepInventoryOnDeath=True/False
default: True
Respawning after players death, the inventory of the players tombstone is transferred to the player.

[TheTombstone] DestroyGravestoneWhenEmpty=True/False
default: False
If True, the tombstone is destroyed if the inventory of the tombstone is emptied.
It will not be destroyed if the player carried nothing.

[TheTombstone] OneTombstonePerPlayer=True/False
default: False
True: only the last tombstone stays in game for each player, all other will be destroyed automatically (to prevent spamming tombstones due to lot of deaths)

[TheTombstone] AutoDestroyAfterSeconds=[value]
default: 0.0
setting this option to a value higher than 0 will auto destroy the gravestone after [value] seconds.
the default setting disables "auto destroy after seconds".
example: AutoDestroyAfterSeconds=345600 will auto destroy the gravestone after 4 days (4*60*60*24)

Commands for admins:
cheat scriptcommand tsremove *
destroys all tombstones in the world
cheat scriptcommand tsremove PLAYERNAME
destroys all tombstones belonging to player PLAYERNAME
cheat scriptcommand tsremove STEAMID
destroys all tombstones belonging to player STEAMID
cheat scriptcommand tsremove TRIBEID
destroys all tombstones belonging to tribe TRIBEID

Server Discount
You want your own ARK Survival Evolved game server? Use the links below to save 5% of the original price!
[]If you like my mods, please thumb up and share the link with your friends.

More mods by Grebog:


This mod/code/work is protected by the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Creative Commons License.[]

By Grebog
人気スレッド 全て表示 (7)
2023年1月7日 12時17分
2023年2月4日 0時39分
2019年12月9日 18時04分
No tombstone when you die in Aberration, lost everything
Captain Moose
234 件のコメント
Lord Lucifer 2023年10月27日 16時13分 
You plan on making something like this for ASA? I downloaded the dev kit and I have no real clue on whats going on, I really want a mod to keep my items on death, then curseforge has to have issues going on their end and nobody can upload mods of course. Losing my mind over here lol
harrypoopins 2023年7月22日 17時05分 
even when i use the
command it doesn't work
mitch 2023年6月14日 18時12分 
can I use a command to find my gravestone or summon my stuff from it? everything seemed to disappear
brooksdavies687 2023年5月25日 16時15分 
no matter how many times i log out of the game and go back in i cant find my tombstone engram on my extiction world. i dont know if im not looking up the right name in the search bar or what. but anyways is this a bug if not whats the name of the engram so i can unlock it
MARO [1532] 2023年5月10日 19時52分 
This mod seems to randomly delete your inventory sometimes. The Tombstone will just be empty. It's awesome.
gonzo89er 2023年4月12日 21時21分 
Im looking at a mod where if you die you get your items back but on a cooldown where if you die again you dont get your items back automically
Nextor 2023年2月24日 8時59分 
fyi. Mod still works as expected as of this date.
David1785 2023年1月6日 15時03分 
The mod is really nice but I keep my things after death is there anyway I can turn this off? I've been struggulling to find a solution.
Janikole 2023年1月4日 21時19分 
I love the idea of keeping only hotbar/armor items on death!
QuetschKuh 2022年12月20日 3時12分 
Is there any way to keep the folders when you die? It's quite annoying that all folders get reset/removed upon death