Ontario, Canada
NOTE: My rural Canadian ass has terrible internet, so if I get laggy or disconnect with/against you, sorry. I try to play at times where it’s a lil more consistent, but I can still lag unexpectedly.

NOTE (numba 2): im doing unique perk loadouts for mainly killer and sometimes survivor on nightlight. Thats mostly why im running weird stuff

The name's Codester homie...

As that socrates homie once said.... you are waht you eat brah...

I mainly play dead by daylight and it's my favourite game of all time, though I play a variety of other games as well. I'm a big fan of the entire yakuza series, with Yakuza 7 and 0 being my favourities. I enjoy Terraria and Minecraft fairly equally and will get into moods where I play them nonstop for a couple of months. I play a lot of other games though and tend to prefer multiplayer games or games with lots of replayabaility.


Dead By Daylight: As a blood point incentive slave, I play equal amounts of both roles. My mains for survivor are Dwight and Ace, for killer it's mainly Wesker and Unknown, although I tend to play other killers pretty often too.

Sometimes ill run random perks, addons and killer for fun (SORRY IF YOU GET A KILLER/BUILD YOU DONT ENJOY)

Prestige Progress:
Dwight - P100
Ace - P100
Wesker - P100
Unknown - P100
Chucky - P21
Currently Offline
Recent Activity
4,113 hrs on record
last played on May 26
502 hrs on record
last played on May 25
80 hrs on record
last played on May 22
ju May 19 @ 4:12am 
+rep wholesome
Lezram May 8 @ 4:09pm 
-rep salty little ♥♥♥♥
Nod for Kiss May 4 @ 8:49am 
+rep birdemic remake was great
Wide † Apr 19 @ 4:26am 
+rep good surv
Codester Apr 13 @ 12:46pm 
Nurses Calling + crows on coldwind lol
Hex:RenRen🐉 Apr 13 @ 11:19am 
see your auras all the time without even aura perks !! so amazing !!:steamthumbsdown: