The King of Changelings
I am NOT a brony or furry
If i'm offline from steam a day or more,then something is off,up,or wrong.

They say everyone is the hero in their own story,but not me.I'm just the villain.

In non-Steam game
Who I am
Hi, you can call me King or changeling. I'm a non reformed changeling who hides many dark secrets.i'm also a friend of many streamers, i'm kind and friendly to everyone. I don't have it out for reformed changelings, but they're just not my people.

*You know i may not be smart,but i've got a lot of heart.*
Screenshot Showcase
Reminds me of the good old days.Also this character says *Doc* quite a bit,so it was destiny for me to screenshot atleast one of those times
King's lore
Many years ago King was transformed into a changeling by Queen Chrysalis who thought she could use him to take over all of equestria. King saw this as an opportunity to become the King of changelings, in hopes to lead the changelings towards a better future.He managed to create peace between ponies and changelings,although Queen Chrysalis still plotted to betray the ponies.He ended up falling in love with Queen Chrysalis.

Eventually,King found a strange knife that changed his life forever.This knife was another being that bound itself to King,taking over his body at times.The knife itself would always return to King despite what happens to it.King didn't find it weird at the time that he would always find the knife again after throwing it away,or getting rid of it.

While the knife took over King's body it would help further Queen Chrysalis' plans to take over Equestria by murdering ponies,and turning some into changelings.At first,King would just black out entirely during the knife's takeover,and was unaware of what it did while it took over him.Eventually things escalated,ponies found out about King's crimes,and he was imprisoned despite claiming he had no idea what they were talking about.The knife took over King again and broke out of prison,it took him to Queen Chrysalis before King regained control of his body.He was confused,and decided to question Queen Chrysalis about what was going on.Queen Chrysalis told him he's been helping her plans,and that he always seemed to have that knife with him whenever he came to her willing to help her plans.King went back to the ponies and explained to them that the knife was somehow controlling him at times.The only reason they beleived him is because witnesses of his crimes saw that he did infact always have that knife with him.Even though Queen Chrysalis originally wanted to use King,she agreed to help the ponies try and get rid of the knife.King agreed to being locked up temporarily in hopes he couldn't harm anyone.No matter what happened to the knife,it still kept returning to King,and King kept murdering ponies.Nobody was capable of stopping King,not even Queen Chrysalis.Nothing anyone could say would snap King out of it when he was on one of his *episodes*.

King thought of an idea nobody liked.He'd have to die in order for the knife to stop.Despite everyone telling King there has to be some way to stop it,King refused to listen.He made his descision and said goodbye to everybody.Queen Chrysalis cried,showing that she did infact really love him.King ended his own life,and was given a proper burial.

An unknown amount of time had passed by before King woke up outside of his grave one night hearing a voice.The knife's voice.It told him that he's going to Kill everyone he knew,and loved.All his friends,even Queen Chrysalis.King tried to fight the knife's control,but was powerless to stop it.The knife took control of King,and nobody was powerful enough to stop King.King managed to murder everypony first,then started Killing Changelings.The knife made sure to save Queen Chrysalis for last.The knife tortured her,making her death slow,and painful.

With everyone on the planet dead,The knife brought King to a new universe to destroy.
Despite King trying his best to resist the knife's control he is somewhat powerless,and the knife can take over his body or voice at will.Eventually,with most universes having Thorax and reformed changelings,The knife let King have a few *universes of his own*.There are a few universes where King is king,and inhabitants of the universe don't know about King's secret murder spree on other universes.At the same time,there are some universes where Queen Chrysalis,and mabye Thorax know about King travelling to other universes to destroy them to satiate his knife's bloodlust.

King has since left his life before becoming the King of changelings behind,as nobody besides him knows who or what he once was before he became King.King and the knife travel to countless universes,destroying them,and leaving them devoid of life.Nobody can truly stop King,as it seems they have the ability to come back to life after death.
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Might be world first to fully complete the divine legacy event!
2 3
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223 hrs on record
last played on Jun 8
993 hrs on record
last played on Jun 8
285 hrs on record
last played on Jun 8
The King of Changelings May 30 @ 10:20am 
I don't think I can play multiversus on my laptop sadly idk how to fix it
The King of Changelings May 29 @ 3:14am 
Trying to get multiversus to run on my laptop, hoping I can
Mangle Apr 27 @ 8:24am 
just don't go too crazy
The King of Changelings Apr 27 @ 8:21am 
I think I'm finally back to getting money each month, I'm very happy right now gonna spend 120$ on steam stuff prob. I should pre order the wow expansion or smite 2 founders pack but I have time, hopefully I don't regret this decision later on
The King of Changelings Apr 20 @ 3:04pm 
In case u wanna listen to the original song here's the link, also I ended up changing more lyrics later on but this profile version is good too.