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215.6 hrs on record (10.0 hrs at review time)
While all the crybabies complain about microtransactions and poor performance, I'm having a blast throwing goblins over cliffs at a solid 60+ fps on high settings. Capcom outdid themselves yet again. Game looks great, plays great, sounds great and IS great.
Posted March 22.
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14.8 hrs on record
Psychonauts is a good game that truly shines in its ability to portray an interesting, quirky and diverse experience. Considered an underrated gem, Psychonauts delivers a unique experience for players while retaining many aspects of what make 3-D platformers fun. While I agree with the notion that the game is underrated, I also believe that the game receives slightly more praise than it deserves. Let me break it down.

Story: 8/10

Story is simple, which is a good thing for this game. Not gonna spoil anything, but it has a lot of funny moments and quirky scenarios. The game understands itself well and knows that it doesn't need an intricate plot to provide an enjoyable tale to the player. The writing is probably the best part of the game, having some really crazy moments.

Graphics: 8/10

Considering this came out in the PS2 era, the game's graphics are obviously outdated by today's standards. However, the art design behind the game is excellent and really fits the weird aesthetic the game delivers. During gameplay, the graphics are crisp and retain their cartoon-ish charm. Unfortunately, cutscenes are horribly rendered and look blurry, grainy and very unappealing at times. Other than this, the levels are colorful and creative, while the characters are funny and their looks fit their personality. I believe the game could have looked slightly better considering how small the game is, but overall, the graphics are great.

Gameplay: 7/10

In terms of gameplay, Psychonauts is generally fun. There are many abilities and skills that you learn throughout the course of the game. You level up and gain new power-ups for your moves, giving you somewhat of a sense of character development. There are plenty of collectibles scattered around the map and some require certain moves to acquire them, much like Zelda games. Unfortunately, most of the moves are useless and you will probably only use the same 2 or 3 for the whole game. Another issue I have with the gameplay is just how clunky the platforming feels. Jumps feel delayed, and the lock-on feature is useless most of the time due to Raz's slow dodges. Some segments of the game can be quite annoying because of the inconsistencies in jumping and swinging. Luckily, with a bit of practice, it can be quite manageable. Another gripe about gameplay is the lack of information the games gives you about what you're supposed to do or where to go. There were many instances where I found myself wandering the map for a long time trying to find my next objective. There is a lot of trial and error, especially with certain bosses. The most annoying part of the game is the need to collect a currency called arrowheads to progress in one of the levels. I had 100 arrowheads by the time I realized that the game wanted me to buy an item for 800 before I could proceed. But the worst part was that I had to spend my 100 arrowheads to buy a different item that would let me find more arrowheads to then be able to buy the item I needed to continue the story. I actually almost uninstalled the game because it's ridiculous that I would have to stop what I'm doing, leave the level, and go on a crusade for 30 minutes finding more arrowheads. This happens again in another level where you have to buy paintings to continue the story. This was a horrible design choice since it ruins the flow of the game and wastes time. Overall, the gameplay is okay and can occasionally be fun but definitely expect to be lost and possibly looking at FAQ's to find out what to do.

Sound: 9/10

Sounds are fantastic! Music is great, sound effects really suit the vibe of the game and the voice acting... is...AMAZING. Never expected such high quality voice acting in a game so old. Every single character is perfectly portrayed with excellent delivery from the voice actors. The only reason I'm giving it a 9/10 is because, for some reason, the game's audio stutters whenever I used headphones -- so I had to play using my computer's speakers. This is just my experience so I'm not sure if others share the same problem.

Controls: 7.5/10

Controls are relatively fine. Moving around isn't too much of an issue since it plays much like most games of its kind. However, the UI is really annoying. Selecting the map, items and collectibles is extremely cumbersome and takes more time than it needs to. Having a collectible equipped doesn't let you interact with anything and the button layout for moves is somewhat awkward. Not much more to say here.

Verdict: 8

Psychonauts is an enjoyable game for hardcore fans and casual gamers alike. While it doesn't come close to matching the quality and prestige of other titles of the same genre, it does retain a unique identity and a creative world that manages to remain original in its concept. Despite its many problems with the gameplay, the game still provides a fun adventure that is worth playing, even if it's just for a few hours.
Posted February 6, 2022.
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38.5 hrs on record
Borderlands GOTY is a fantastic package containing the main game and all its DLC!

Graphics: Borderlands' cell-shaded graphics aged fantastically. There's a certain charm about the design of the characters and the world. The weapons and vehicles look awesome, and the game really makes you feel like you are in a wacky wasteland with its unique aesthetic.

Story: The story is interesting at first but honestly becomes forgettable towards the end, especially with the horrible ending. I'm not going to spoil anything but the game's ending is one of the most disappointing endings I have ever experienced in my years playing games. Do not play this game for the story!

Sound: The sound is fantastic! Gunshots, voice acting, explosions and creatures all sound unique and believable. The music is somewhat lacking in novelty, most tracks sound the same but they still do a good job of fitting the world.

Gameplay: Now this is where the game shines. Borderlands is stupidly fun, especially with a friend. Shooting feels great, your special abilities are actually useful, driving is entertaining and the level up system is awesome. You really feel like you get stronger as you progress while game remains challenging and fair. Boss battles are really satisfying and the loot you find can either be kept or sold for cash.

Controls: The controls are perfect in my opinion. Everything is mapped perfectly on the controller and makes sense. The intuitive controls allow for gameplay to remain seamless and more enjoyable.

Verdict: 8.5 / 10

Borderlands is super fun! Gameplay and graphics are good and the sound is fantastic. The music score is forgettable but does the job even if the story was a complete failure. Despite this, I think everyone should try this game out and, if you can, get a buddy to join you on the adventure.

Posted February 16, 2021.
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9.9 hrs on record
Good game! I think it's slightly overrated but it does offer a lot to the player.

Graphics: The game looks gorgeous, even in 2021. The game's art style really lets it age well. The scenery is fantastic, draw distances are great, lighting and shadows are amazing and textures are surprisingly good. The game most definitely not disappoint in this category.

Story: This was the major problem for me with this game. I never really understood what was going on or why I had to go where I did. Even after beating it, the game didn't make sense. If I'm being honest, I thought the story was horribly paced and the progression felt random and non-cohesive.

Sound. Fantastic sound and music. Gunshots, voice acting, environmental sounds are all immersive and add great value to the game. Whether it's the sound of birds chirping, a fountain or NPC's walking around, the game nails the sound category.

Gameplay: This was my second major complaint about the game. While the gameplay is not bad, it's not exactly great. For starters, there are just way too many gun fights. Halfway through the game, I just ran past the enemies because I got bored of fighting them constantly. Secondly, I found the powers to be useless. The guns honestly felt more useful than anything else. However, I will say that the sky rail feature is extremely fun and adds verticality to levels and fights. Elizabeth is a great companion and always looks for items that will benefit you. Enemies are not that varied, you'll often see the same types over and over again which becomes extremely repetitive. In addition to this, there are some enemies that are literal bullet sponges; some will take several clips of ammo to take down, even with headshots. In other words, gameplay is okay,

Controls: The controls are fine. They are much like many other FPS's, if not somewhat arcade-ish. Aiming feels floaty and hit boxes are not exactly great so you often feel like your shots don't have much of an impact. I also thought that the buttons to use your powers were a tad confusing, but this could just be me.

Verdict: 8/10

While the game looks and sounds fantastic, the story (for me at least) was told in a boring, slow and confusing manner. The gameplay, while having many strong aspects, fails to realize its true potential due many shortcomings like floaty aiming, bullet sponge enemies and constant repetitive fights. That being said, the game is enjoyable, but it is not the grand game that most people make it out to be, in my humble opinion.
Posted February 16, 2021.
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12 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Do not get this DLC unless you enjoy unfair challenges that demand frame-perfect actions and RNG-based challenges. Honestly, this is one of the worst DLCs I have ever played in my life and I would not recommend this to completionists as it is far too demanding and horribly designed against the player. To those who say "Get gud", play this DLC and you'll see that it is not that easy. Some challenges are fine but there are some that are so ridiculous it's stupid and does not warrant your precious time unless you enjoy suffering. On top of this, the expert challenges are literally recycled normal challenges that make the frustration worse. I don't know what the developers were thinking when making this, but hopefully they don't ever make a horrible creation like this again.
Posted February 16, 2021.
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40.0 hrs on record (39.8 hrs at review time)
Verdict: 10/10

Considering when the game was released and what it had to offer at the time, the game is a masterpiece. Great story, wonderful character progression, diverse open world, open-ended gameplay and an amazing soundtrack that brings the game to life. Sure, it may be a bit slow and frustrating at the start (especially when you miss constantly while hitting an enemy due to a low skill level) but when the game picks up, it becomes an unforgettable journey! Fantastic game!
Posted October 30, 2019.
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178.7 hrs on record (143.6 hrs at review time)
Verdict: 9.5/10
A great game! Sure, it's a bit buggy and crashes sometimes but this game is so addicting and fun that those problems don't even matter. The graphics are old, but I still find them oddly charming. The story is entirely driven by your choices, there are tons of missions and collectibles to find. You can literally choose the way you want to play and your choices have actual consequences in the world. It has a classic soundtrack and the gameplay is extremely dynamic. I recommend getting ALL the DLC. Fantastic game!
Posted October 30, 2019.
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35.5 hrs on record (34.1 hrs at review time)
Darksiders 2 is an amazing game that will take you through an unforgettable journey!

Story: The story takes place around the same time as the first Darksiders. You'll learn more about Death and his history before becoming one of the four horsemen. The story is engaging and is told in a coherent manner!

Graphics: A lot of people say that the first Darksiders looks better and I completely disagree. Darksiders 2 has a much sleeker art design along with better lighting and textures. I personally find Darksiders' aesthetic very pleasing. Environments, characters and enemies are fantastic! I especially like the special effects from Death's weapons!

Gameplay: Unlike Darksiders 1, you can now level up your character through gaining experience from quests and killing enemies. When you level up, you gain an ability point that you can spend on unlocking new powers. Speaking of quests, there are a ton of sidequests that will keep you entertained and will reward you with rare loot. The sidequests are fun and the main story missions are awesome! Much like in Zelda games, you go through dungeons, solve puzzles, fight enemies, gain better gear and fight a boss. The formula works and it's great! Death feels agile and his attacks actually feel like the hit enemies. I find it to be one of the most satisfying combat systems of any game. Once you get good at dodging and using your secondary weapons, you'll find that combat is fun but still challenging. Also, there are additional campaigns you can unlock as you progress through the main story. These campaigns are short stories that take you to another world not found in the main game, so it's pretty much free DLC. You can upgrade weapons and armors or just new ones.

Sound/Music: The sound effects from weapons and the environment are spot on. The voice acting is amazing and you'll find yourself actually liking Death's personality. The music is equally as amazing. The soundtrack is beautiful and brings the game to life when exploring its mysterious worlds.

Verdict: 9.5
Darksiders 2 is a fantastic game and improves upon the first one. The gameplay is excellent, sound and music are wonderful, and the story is really well written. The game offers dozens of hours of exploration and things to do. I highly recommend you get this game whenever you have the chance. It's sure to leave a mark on you!
Posted October 30, 2019.
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17.3 hrs on record
A truly great game worthy of you time and money. Resident Evil 0 is a wonderful prequel and a better game than Resident Evil HD Remaster in my opinion.

Story: The story takes place before the events of Resident Evil 1 and shows the player exactly what happens before Chris and Jill arrive at the Spencer mansion. The story is told both through cutscenes and notes scattered around the game, so I recommend you read everything you find. Either way, I found the story compelling and interesting!

Graphics: This HD Remaster is beautiful. The textures are enhanced along with better lighting and shadow details. In reality, the environments amazing even to this day. I find some areas to be to so realistic looking that I would think it was real if someone sent me a photo of it. However, unlike the amazing environments, the character models look obviously outdated. I personally don't have a problem with it since this game was originally on the Gamecube, but I think it's worth mentioning.
But other than the characters, the game looks fantastic!

Gameplay: The gameplay is exactly like any classic Resident Evil game. In other words, it's tank controls. The game offers various difficulties and costumes to choose from. The game is centered around puzzle solving, exploration, item management and combat. I do have a few problems with it though. For one, the game is just too hard on normal difficulty. Luckily I was able to beat it on my first playthrough but there were moments were I thought I had to start over because the game rarely gives you health and some bosses take way too many hits to die, which drains your ammo supply. Another problem I have with the game is that it's too long. Once you think you're finally going to conclude the story you're bombarded with new puzzles and areas. It gets really exhausting and honestly drags on in my opinion. But aside from this the gameplay is great.

Sound: The sounds is as amazing as ever. The team at CAPCOM are experts at crafting great sound effects and music that will either give you sense of relief or make you panic in horror. Very impressive.

Verdict: 8.7
The game is great! It may be a bit too hard on the player with certain bosses but if your smart you'll end up fine. The game drags on a little to much for me personally but it isn't a reason not to play the game. Apart from the issues, Resident Evil 0 is a beautiful game that is bound to keep you entertained if your willing to explore its world. Whether you're a casual gamer, horror junkie or Resident Evil fan, this game is definitely worth trying out! Highly recommend!
Posted October 30, 2019.
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23.4 hrs on record (4.8 hrs at review time)
Score: 10/10

What an amazing game! Charming retro graphics and music are sure to keep you entertained along with the addicting gameplay. A true classic that everyone should try out. If you like FPS, then this game is what really started the trend. Do yourself a favor, download this game and have fun slaughtering the demon armies of hell.
Posted October 25, 2019. Last edited October 25, 2019.
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