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I play games and make stupid videos. I especially like games from Ryu Ga Gotoku studios AKA the Yakuza (Like A Dragon) series and Judgment series finished all the games on my Xbox series X besides LAD. Not a fan of the boring repetitive gameplay of Yakuza like a dragon. But hey its a new standpoint for the series, I still dislike it. Also don't make fun of me for enjoying "Blockuza 3" I didn't have any issue with it and find it really fun but then I just despise Y4 and Y5. They can be fun but then I just got bored of them pretty quickly. Unpopular opinion Yakuza 6 is my favourite in the series, I also very much enjoy Kiryus moveset in the dragon engine. Fun Fact the tiger style in J and LJ uses some of Kiryus directional heavy attacks pretty cool. Also there was this one guy in a youtube comment on a short that was trying to say that they don't like the button mash gameplay of the beat em up games and that the JRPG style is better. Like dude the only button you need to press in LAD is the attack double click, double tap X or double tap square the abilities are more button mashy to use also and there are no combo attacks besides "Ichiban Kasuga follows it up" and that's a random chance not something you can control. Not to mention the fact that every time you leave a fight there are always another set of enemies spawning on you or right in front of you.
Recent Activity
18.2 hrs on record
last played on May 24
0.5 hrs on record
last played on May 24
71 hrs on record
last played on May 21