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4 people found this review helpful
25.4 hrs on record (19.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
You can fight kungfu monkey
Posted February 24.
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1.7 hrs on record
There literally isn't an oceania lobby for some reason so I have to play on asia or japan and all my opponents have like 500 ping. I even had one match where I killed the opponent on my screen and then it lagged back to them still being alive and they proceeded to kill me and win the match.

Why would you launch your game without including an entire continent?
Posted December 14, 2023.
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1.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Downloaded the game cuz it looked quirky and fun

Messed around in the game modes and it was great

But then I look at story mode, and its literally just undisguised forcefemme lactation content. not joking.

hidden porn game/10

Posted November 12, 2023.
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2.2 hrs on record (1.8 hrs at review time)
A very solid follow-up to the original flash game. Takes the original mechanics and adds extra elements in a way that feels natural. A lot of the puzzles get you thinking just enough that when you get the solution you go 'ohhhh'.
Posted June 11, 2023.
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576.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
My computer sound didn't used to work on youtube, so videos were totally silent. Later I figured out that opening a video game, and using steam overlay to play a youtube video would make the audio work. So I used to use this game to open steam overlay and play youtube videos, it was my go-to for when I wanted to hear sound on youtube. I did that for 2 months and got like 600 hours in this game mostly just doing that.

Later it turned out that I was just a dumbass and google chrome was just turned all the way down on my volume mixer, and I removed this game from my account in humiliation. I haven't touched it since then, it was like 2017 when this happened or something.
Posted May 10, 2021.
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193.9 hrs on record (105.7 hrs at review time)
its pretty cool i guess
Posted December 27, 2020.
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67.0 hrs on record (20.0 hrs at review time)
Disco Elysium is a winding narrative that hooks you it's entire journey. The world map, I realized only at the end of the game, is so small you can walk across in a few minutes. Yet I got 19 hours out of this game my play through. Things that you hear about at one point in the game may become relevant and crucial in another part, without feelings forced at all. There were some bits where I was a bit unsure of how I may progress, but it always makes sense in the end. The skill system in this game is a masterwork, the different skills - which are parts of yourself, talk to the player throughout the game. Your empathy may reveal the intentions of someone you're talking to, or your 'authority' may tell you how to best assert your police officer status over a particularly tough individual. These different components of yourself are all their own characters, because their ideas and thoughts on how to best proceed in a conversation are given to you in the same dialogue box that you talk to characters in. Sometimes they will argue with each other, calling the other wrong. For example, watching my character's Logic argue against my Volition (ability to stay focused and have morale), because Volition claimed Logic was being suspiciously uncritical and silent on the statements of the suspect being questioned. They are all fallible and listening to one of them too much can get you into a bad situation. Your body's different components literally feel alive and make you question yourself - can I really trust my logic or is volition telling me the truth? In the end, I felt that I better understood the personifications of his inner brain than I do a large amount of regular characters in various games. The skill system is an excellent and creative way for a detective mystery game to convey it's information to you. The skill system I've talked about here is just one of many amazing features in this game, but I choice to talk about this in this review as an example to show you just how good this game's presentation can feel. I'd recommend this game without a second thought.
Posted December 8, 2019.
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135.6 hrs on record (96.4 hrs at review time)
i still dont know what im doing
Posted December 29, 2018.
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32.8 hrs on record (18.9 hrs at review time)
Now I only have 17 hours so far in this at the time of this review, which - I know from 77 hours of EU4 - is barely anything in terms of being anywhere near decent at the game, or even experiencing the full scope of a Paradox Interactive grand strategy game. However, in these 17 hours, I have: Assassinated people, executed relatives, imprisoned lords, did some incest, joined a satanic cult, secretly converted to Islam, excitedly watched a crusade happening, become deposed as the king, and much more. Currently, I'm in the process of getting screwed by my succession laws so I may be assassinating one of my two daughters to guarantee supremacy over the throne. Also, you can blind and castrate people as a greek kingdom so that makes the game even better. Nice game, very good. (Insert IGN Joke here) out of 10, would castrate people again.
Posted November 23, 2018.
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1 person found this review helpful
31.3 hrs on record (24.2 hrs at review time)
I played metro 2033 before this. Played this game and my pp was very hard all the way through again. Then I realized a sequel called exodus was coming out so i decided to replay, and once again my pp was harder than the diamonds that kid sang about in that cringey welcome to my mine song or whatever idk. play it or sad.
Posted July 30, 2018.
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