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Recente recensies door pepsi.johannes.2008

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136.4 uur in totaal (38.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Let me preface this by saying that I am having a lot of fun with Darktide. Its combat system, level design and general atmosphere are some of the absolute apex I have seen from any game, full stop. The movement and weapons feel impeccable to use, and the attention to detail is jaw-dropping. But this game recently left beta, and like most woefully unfinished games with great ideas, there are some major caveats that make it impossible to recommend in its current state. Firstly, the loading times and optimisation are abysmal. You are going to need a top-end machine to fully appreciate this game, and even with an SSD you WILL be waiting no less (and possibly even more) than fifteen minutes to get from the launch splash screen to boots-on-the-ground in a mission, and even then you might just crash or "disconnect" on the way there, which happens, in my experience, no less than 20% of the time. While I have 40~ hours at the time of this review, I guarantee you, dear reader, that NO less than 5-6 hours of that time was spent playing other games while waiting for this one to actually load.

That is my most major gripe with this game. The second is that a lot of the penances (skill challenges) and balance seem to be ill-thought out. Zealot's class penances, for example, are fairly easy, and will likely occur as a natural result of playing the class- kill a mutant with your special ability, hit a sniper from a moderate distance with your stun grenade, kill a cumulative amount of enemies after stunning them, etc. Then you have Sharpshooter. Beat an entire mission on a high difficulty without taking any melee damage whatsoever, on a class with limited mobility options and comparatively poor crowd control. Finish a mission having fired EVERY shot from your weapon, having never missed even once, or hitting a shield (which counts as missing, and as I later learned, constitutes everything but the Bulwark's 90 degree area of his back, as the shield is apparently a 270-degree box around his entire front even though his arms and head are completely unarmoured.) Kill three enemies with the frag grenade without it bouncing. I don't know who thought of these and why, but the current matchmaking system makes earning these very difficult. If you don't have three friends who will protect you or allow you to cheese these penances, you will have to hope against hope that the three other players you match with aren't also gimping themselves to complete an arbitrary objective that constitutes the only real "content" in the game as of yet. And that a Poxburster doesn't spawn literally on top of you, already primed to blow with no audio cue, as one did right at the last turn of a mission in which I was on course to earn On Overwatch. I've not been close since. Everything else can be considered minor or may be mitigated with future support, and I expect the developers to follow through with releasing content that was promised that isn't currently available.

Perhaps the most damning of all, is that I wrote this review to kill time while waiting for the game to load and it crashed at some point while I was doing so. Pottery.
Geplaatst 10 december 2022.
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148.5 uur in totaal (135.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
im like this grame
Geplaatst 23 februari 2019.
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96.7 uur in totaal (42.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
The ultimate sandbox tool for doing whatever you like.
Geplaatst 17 juni 2017. Laatst gewijzigd 17 juni 2017.
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524.2 uur in totaal (64.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Just a fun game. Not a big sports or car guy but somehow putting them together made a fantastic game.
Geplaatst 17 juni 2017.
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2 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
93.4 uur in totaal (9.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Played Fallout 4 for 500 hours, kept coming back to FNV because damn this game is good.
Geplaatst 15 mei 2017.
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12 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
2.9 uur in totaal
I loved this game on the PS1, but whoever did the port to PC did a pretty bad job. The game constantly crashes, and when it does, it locks up Windows, meaning you have to restart your PC or log off. What playtime I did get in consisted of buggy (but good) music that doesn't play at the right times, controls obviously not made for PC, and AI so braindead that they don't MOVE. The PS1 version of this game is superb and while it is inferior only graphically, it is at least, unlike this, playable.

Graphics are better than the PS1 version
Voice acting (Rik Mayall is great)

Control scheme is awful on PC and makes accuracy-based weapons near impossible to use in the time limit given
Music is bugged and either won't play or plays at the wrong time
AI are bugged and do not move unless knocked back by outside forces
Game crashes a lot and I couldn't progress past mission 8
When the game crashes, it locks up your entire PC, forcing a restart
Game isn't even playable on anything but Windows XP, Vista or 7

It is a shame because this game is a lot of fun, but this version is vastly inferior. Get the PS1 version.
Geplaatst 9 april 2017.
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2.0 uur in totaal
To be honest, I just played for the TF2 hat, but I kept playing for some time afterwards because the game genuinely interested me. The world is immersive, the soundtrack is great, and the gameplay is balanced.
Geplaatst 23 december 2015.
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1.0 uur in totaal (0.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
As far as value for money goes, this game is pretty good. It doesn't hold any real replay value, and the game itself is very short, but it just doesn't care about itself enough to be anything but silly fun.

+ Movement is very smooth
+ Music is very good for an original indie game.
+ The attacks are varied and require at least a tiny bit of strategy to complete, even if the game is easy
+ Levels aren't too binding and rarely serve to frustrate or go on longer than they should
+ Lots of options to play around with, including controlbinds and difficulty levels
+Optional objectives in every level for completionist types
+ Doesn't last any longer than it should, and ends before the fun wears out
+ Boss levels are pretty satisfying to beat
+Trading cards!


-Graphics are pretty bad, but forgivable as it feels strangely retro.
-The game is very, very short. All in all you could get about 4 hours of enjoyment out of this game before it becomes stale
-The story is plretty much nonexistent.
-No character development whatsoever
-No achievements
-Enemies aren't too well varied
-Minor gripes with weapons, their hit registration is sometimes off
-Dash makes the game extremely easy
-Running up walls and other surfaces essentially cancel out environmental hazards.
-Some levels are hilariously easy

Final verdict: 6.5/10

Definitely worth a go for 14 cents.
If you're looking for a bit of silly fun or something new you won't be disappointed . Just don't expect too much, it is an indie game after all.
Geplaatst 25 mei 2015.
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6,020.2 uur in totaal (5,982.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Valve has neglected this game. I love it, but it needs to be said.
Geplaatst 17 januari 2015. Laatst gewijzigd 4 juni.
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