Chip QM   Antarctica
I play games
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1 bannissement en jeu enregistré | Infos
1200 jour(s) depuis le dernier bannissement
What is the Game ban:
It's for Dead by daylight, This account was banned for "modifying the game files", I did not hack the game nor give myself a advantage, I gave myself cosmetics that were NOT purchasable anymore (like the legacy cosmetics), this was also more then two years ago so.
Jeu favori
Heures de jeu
Guide favori
Créé par - FinchCollector
110 évaluations
Maps, and how to get all achievements, weapons, accessories, souvenirs, and memories
Activité récente
6,4 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 9 mai
15,1 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 7 mai
53 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 25 avr.
ChildSoulja 12 janv. à 18h48 
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