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115.3 hrs on record (84.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Lovely visual style that reminds me of the old Diablo titles, the combat and pace is pretty good with a more challenge focused take on the genre. It's worth checking out.
Posted November 23, 2023.
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34.2 hrs on record (33.6 hrs at review time)
While the improved stealth, difficulty, skills being less radical for easier difficulty balance and well done maps are awesome to see, too much else is just flat out a problem to recommend.

always online being broken and with the devs trying to say it would work before launch... just to have break for 2-3 days is a *fantastic* sign.

Progression is challenge based, so instead of playing how you like, you are forced to do things a certain way to level up to get skill points, its super slow and makes going for full loot very meaningless, which is a bad thing, why take longer when you need to do the map 150 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ times right? Or why use the shotty you wanna use, that one gun need 500 more kills with a suppressor to get your spray paint or skill points first. It's a joke

other smaller things add up too, the menu UI is awful, the in game one provides less info then PD1 and 2, restarts require EVERYONE vote yes rather then a majority vote so someone not voting or voting drags it out and makes a yes/no system meaningless, guns have their own levels and take ages to level. And so bloody on.

I expected something like a PD2 launch but not like this with the flaws, but rather just some content not around yet, but nah that's only gonna fill with DLC rather then expand with free stuff time to time to justify 40 bucks, cause they seem so set on this path unfortunately.

Not right now, maybe in a year (yeah i bet this ♥♥♥♥ is gonna drag out for a while rather then fixed sooner) it'll be worth buying.

Update: "Not right now, maybe in a year" Ok considering the DLC prices vs content and how slow its been for small additions (that should've been added from the start but hey SB need quick cash to save themselves and ♥♥♥♥ giving a game time to be made i guess)
I'm opting from waiting a year or two to just not bothering unless they seriously improve the game
Posted October 7, 2023. Last edited March 10.
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227.3 hrs on record (1.2 hrs at review time)
Played this throughout its life cycle and longer, only stopping when they tried to kill it off for MWII, a worse game then this, for the flaws this had, it at least tried to do some good things. I wish they would've fixed plenty of the bad designs people didn't like but IW seem more intent to double down or go one step forward, 3 steps backwards.

If you got a ton of room, there are still players here and there for Mp and is fun, spec ops is not very good and campaign is honestly really, really good. Recommend it if it's closer to 20-25 bucks.
Posted March 18, 2023.
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630.8 hrs on record (181.8 hrs at review time)
MWIII: gameplay is improved overall with the movement and such but the SBMM is killing MP easily, people still camp and spawn camp as hard regardless of movement. Least spawns are better in some areas...
Zombies is boring and forgettable and story is laughably bad and far too short.

Update: I'm over it for now, if season 2 fixes things and SBMM actually balance matches i might play more but as it stands either i don't bother much or can find a party to get around SBMM, this is just not fun when the game can decide you can have 10 losses out of your control or 10 wins out of your control.

Its. Not. Fun. To. Not. Contribute. To. A. Match.

Its one step forward and three step back.

the SBMM/EOMM feels way more punishing, swinging from one-sided game to one-sided game, it seemingly gets rarer for a more balanced match up (and as writing this, it already seems like a "dead game" population: lotta hardcore players making the casual list feel like ranked, which could be that most of those that played 6v6 left for WZ or cause of the lack of real 6v6 content, which is it's own issue)

Gun balance is better, lots of viable weapons to use and have fun with, but attachments feel like a step backwards and not as well done as 2019's attachments

Maps are ok besides 2 and a very lacking amount with season 1 adding 2 remastered already played to death maps, so nothing truly new or exciting

Spawns are as bad or possibly worse then the last few cod games (somehow VG fixed this but not the others...) expect to get spawn camped despite having tons of breathing room to spawn at. Shipment is actively horrible thanks to this. Somehow making 2019's version better

plenty of bugs and issues and heavy crashing till very recently (and still crashing time to time)

missing modes as usual like demolition, CTF, and a couple not even being added for season one despite appearing in custom games. These did get added later but not with the mid season update or anyting major just an occasional rotation in all of sudden, what a joke

Personality is still missing from older titles, (faction music, how they talk, bunch of cool calling cards for random interesting challenges,etc )

Speaking of challenges, there really isn't any, most added to season one are just simple "kill 1000 enemies" or "defend 1000 times" for 6 calling cards, grindy not challenging. Some of the CCs look really cool but no unique challenges for extra calling cards like say "get long shot throwing knife kill."

Playing it can be enjoyable, but the game will try to kick you in the face sometimes for trying to.

Story is wack but characters and the variety of gameplay moments in the missions are fantastic
Did lose all my progress due to a bug when verifying so if i wanted to play it i gotta beat it all over again rather then selecting a mission. Fantastic...

Co-op is lacking compared to say MW3 but a bit of fun to do time to time, raid is surprisingly really challenging but great.

What truly kills it for me is how season one really made 6v6, the core mode thats been in cod's blood since CoD4, is just a side mode for WZ and DMZ, feels like they wanna push it more towards the current trends and not what makes cod cod. That and the SBMM, its been a plague since 2019's game and never gotten better.

A 2 year title yet 3 months after launch, its struggling to last and still incompletely, like a true triple AAA "live service".

Not gonna mention WZ as i have no interest in it and don't like BRs. DMZ is fun and can be pretty interesting with how some team interactions can be.
Posted December 4, 2022. Last edited January 26.
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432.3 hrs on record (287.0 hrs at review time)
A phenomenal and outstanding title, even with it's flaws, its best described as a cracked gem. Still worth full price and worth playing it, even if your new to Souls games. Genuinely give this game a shot.
Posted November 24, 2022. Last edited December 31, 2022.
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5.8 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)
I've played this much more then what Steam will show.
Its well worth it, it is one of the best FPS games on the market. And as of writing this review, its on a discount and players are joining.

If you didn't get to play this or wanna get back into it. Now is a great time to get into the game.
Posted June 23, 2020.
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379.1 hrs on record (64.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game is amazing, for an early access it has such a high level of polish to it i'm impressed.
The characters are all unique, play differently and are always fun to use, the enemies makes the fights varied enough and interesting, even more so in groups, the bosses are a nice challenge to add on top of that.

The item hoarding and time management really keeps the game pace going well and makes you have to move quickly and is quite enjoyable cause of it.

As the game keeps getting bigger and more is added, the better it has become, it's a wonderful game to sink good time into and a really fun experience with friends.

Still highly recommend this gem, it's one of the best indie games around.
Posted June 28, 2019. Last edited November 27, 2020.
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63.1 hrs on record (54.4 hrs at review time)
Man oh man, where do i begin. Firstly i played this to death on PS3, its been a hell of a ride and a great game to enjoy.

The game has fun and interesting characters, fun gunplay, Cool upgrade trees for each character, and the one thing about this game:

Guns to the max times 10. It may mostly be for the damage or what it looks like or even mild stuff like aimming or burst fire, but its fun to have a sniper shoot a toxic rounds in a burst then pick one up to fire 3 rounds in one shot and throw it for it to explode like a grenade.

Great game to get, content is extra, but worth trying if you want to spare the money.
Posted November 24, 2017.
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731.9 hrs on record (414.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
2023 update: Not played since i think 2018, don't care, gonna downvote cause of replacing VAs for AI to be cheap greedy scum.
Link: https://twitter.com/HenrySchraderVO/status/1692216698307293381?s=20

I was once someone who didn't like this game over some updates, but the devs are proving me wrong in a lot of ways.

firstly my old review: it was about how the game had pay to win elements involving the main deck building for each character in the game and how it was expensive and time consuming to really get anyway. This has been removed, the team acknowledge this and even said they made money off of it but rather have their fans enjoy the game and have playhers be happy with the product. (Take notes EA and Activision)

Character: I've heard a bit about how this is like overwatch on a base level, you can see this by the characters abilities and stuff like that and the list of champions to pick from, but honestly that is still different in its own way. Characters have five abilities to use max, one being an ultimate, there are four classes to them.

Frontline: high health, decent damage, shields.

Damage: high damage, good health, good dps output, they don't really have a set class skill, more so they have multiple damage ones.

Support: good health, low damage, heals and an escape ability.

Flank: high damage and dps, lower health and an escape ability.

This is just a basline idea of what the class kinda is, but many of them perform differently and can even mix two classes in some way, one character like Jenos, a healer with some damage output but is more so a healer then a fighter, but can also defend himself a bit more. Each class has four legendaries each that are the bread and butter of each build and how you use them. So with this there can be many builds to each character.

One example is Viktor, a damage class: He can have a build for grenades that make him move faster, reduce the cooldown to use it and get ammo from it, with his legendary giving him bigger explosion radius and damage for the grenade.

The modes are fun to play and are in well made and good looking maps. They have their own routes and paths that each person can use and even take advanatge of. There are three modes to pick from:

Siege: main game mode for ranked, this mode has you getting on a point in the center of a map and capture it, to push a cart to the other team's base, four points to win. one for the capture and one for pushing the cart to the base.

Onslught: big capture area in the center and thats all, your team has to get to four hundred points to win, points are rewarded for kills and being the only team in the capture zone.

Team deathmatch: Basic gamemode many of us know and have played. get forty kills to win.

Last little quality of life stuff i like is the horses that are used at spawn to get to areas quicker, something i sort of wish overwatch would have. item stores to further set up you're game from lower enemy heals to boosting your reload speed and are earnt in the match and only for that game, setting some more strategy.

The only complants are some bugs that occur, like Pip's heals hitting the floor in front of you even if you aim above it, iron sights stuck in a weird view if you die with Vivian and so on. And some balancing issues, but i think they will be adressed down the line and are more my opinion there. The last though is one that bugs me a lot, the match making is beyond unforgiving and graceful. You can have an easy game with little effort, next game you can get defeated even at your best efforts. Its very random and feels like luck sometimes, making it not fun at times. Otherwise a good game with some cool stuff to it and interesting character design and abilties.
Posted September 1, 2017. Last edited August 18, 2023.
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92.7 hrs on record (53.8 hrs at review time)
This is one of my top co-op games i can play, and honestly think it is easy for me to say. Remember this is just my opinion on the game. You may think different which is all good and fair.

Before i begin: at first look it looks comparable to Left 4 Dead 2 in some aspects, but dive deeper and you see some things way different.

I rate it 87/100 or 8.7/10 for the game's overall feel and flow. More info below.

Story/Lore: While not the biggest, it holds a simple story and keeps it simple for the reason being its Warhammer, kinda big lore and stuff, so this is easy to ignore and allows players not to be bothered by any details that aren't present. The newer lore pages at the time also add details though. This is great to read. Doom had a thing where you can read but doesn't stop the action if you just want to kill stuff all day. This is the same in a way.

Combat: This is good in what it does, each class follows the same moves: light and heavy attacks, melee and ranged, dodging and blocking. They all have it, but what weapons they use make it interesting and changes the flow of how you fight. Staffs never need ammo so can be used more often. Two handed axes can be great for heavy swings into crowds and armored Skaven. Overall feels good and acts good all round.

Locations: Beautifully good to look at, the details show on higher graphic settings, while it can look dark and gloomy, its part of the game of the title: An end times. Some follow the city which look like each other but adds some changes to not be direct clones, which helps to not be bored of the same styles. While other areas are different and still look amazing.

Characters: All of the playable characters are cool, they each have good personalities and some interesting stuff to hear from them too. It can get repetitive after a while. They shoudl add more in my opinion to keep them more fresh.

Co-op: Ok, many games can suffer from bad or mean players, here its way less and offers great teamwork. Few times their might be annoying moments of no teamwork, but those few times don't mean much. Overall lives up well and offers good challenges for the higher levels.

Grind: Yes, this is here, but the difficulty allows for better loot. Not so much by chance but say easy: mostly cheep and weak with a chance for an ok-ish item. Nightmare (very hard): Offer standard, great and rare items. The 4/5 gear (orange) is considered the best as red don't offer much besides bregging rights which sort of ruins getting them at times, but can also be good as well of the right traits are aquired. The chances are based on a 7 roll dice, you can find stuff in game to boost the odds of the the dice to land on a face that earns an item.
Posted March 20, 2017. Last edited April 2, 2017.
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