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記録時間: 108.6 時間 (レビュー時に86.8時間)
This game gives me chills every time I think about it
投稿日 2023年2月13日.
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記録時間: 10.0 時間 (レビュー時に7.3時間)
Out of all the kart racers I've played, KRD seems to characterize itself with its precise drifting. Its drift mechanic doesn't give a boost like most other kart racers, but it is very satisfying to master and take advantage of in order to hug corners super tightly.

It generally seems to be designed to be beginner-friendly, but things can be made much more challenging and interesting through License Mode, which is a large collection of driving trials that rank your performance from 1 to 3 stars. If you're a perfectionist and want all the stars, you'll be put through the ringer and rewarded handsomely with emotes, costumes, and karts.

As fun as license mode is, you are REQUIRED to play through it to unlock the harder (and way cooler) tracks. The game does a really bad job at conveying this, and the only reason I found this out was because of the reviews. Even the store page above you does an injustice by only showing the beginner tracks! The extra tracks are really awesome!

Extra Pros:
- Runs SUPER WELL. Looks amazing, loads super quick, and I've never had a dip in frame rate.
- They let you make custom decals, which gives you a lot of freedom to customize your karts.
- Like other Nexon games, you can get a ton of cosmetics for free through playing the game, and you're given immediate access to the full character roster (13 racers).
- VERY cute. I love all these stupid little racers and their stupid little karts. Each racer has a unique and endearing personality, and a good amount of the karts have neat little details that make the game that much more adorable. For instance, the minecart kart has pickaxes that pick at the road while you drive.

Extra Cons:
- Online interaction can feel a bit barren due to a lack of text chat, and occasionally feels like you could be racing with AI as a result.
- Items can occasionally feel pretty out-of-nowhere due to a lack of indicators and effects, alongside plain-old lag. In general, you're very much at the mercy of items, as the only way to block an attack is exclusively with the shield item, which lasts for only a second, and doesn't even defend from everything.

TL;DR: Game is very cute and pretty fun, license mode is SUPER fun but you have to play it to unlock all the good tracks, there is MTX but it's not P2W, and you can still get a ton of cosmetics for free like any other kart racer.
投稿日 2023年1月16日.
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記録時間: 30.1 時間 (レビュー時に29.3時間)
One of the best action platformers ever made, if not THE best. Period. Just like Psychonauts 1, it's overflowing with character, humor, creativity, but all of the factors that made Psychonauts 1 memorable and lovable are cranked up to 11 in Psychonauts 2. The platforming is much more tight, and the combat is far more engaging, encouraging you to mix and match your psi-powers to deal with enemies in whatever way you want. Exceeding the first game, the soundtrack is PHENOMENAL in Psychonauts 2, and it makes revisiting minds to gather 100% of the collectibles a treat.

The story is also much better than the first game. Every character is written like a real person, with flaws and mental disorders, and thought processes that are both unique and completely understandable. I won't spoil too much, but the story is also much more personal to Raz, and as a result will get you much more invested and immersed.

Each level is entirely unique and enjoyable in its own way, from its music, to its NPCs, and (of course) its distinct aesthetic. You'll jump into levels that look almost exactly like how you'd imagine the concept art to look like, with their tall and twisted heights, their curving roads, and their mind-bending illusions that shift gravity and bend reality in a way that isn't nauseating, really pulling you into a world beyond reality: the mind.

With the Quality of Life patch released in November 2021, 100%ing the game is also much easier, making collecting all the figments manageable and easy, but without entirely trivializing the difficulty of exploration. The only problem is that the X-Ray/collectible finder lens doesn't work on aforementioned reality-bending impossible rooms that are bigger on the inside, but it makes sense as to why. With how colorful and lovable this game is, with its wonderful soundtrack and unique characters, you'll want to 100% it just to spend more time in the seamless, perfectly-executed world Double Fine has crafted.

This game is nothing short of art. The level designs are like paintings, the story is like a book, the music is fantastic, and each mind -- the way thought processes and disorders are translated into physical objects, worlds, characters, puzzles, and enemies -- is like poetry. I cannot recommend this game enough, and with the accessibility options that are provided for people who aren't looking for a challenge (invincibility, removing fall damage, etc.), there's no reason NOT to play this game. Buy it for full price, or wait for it to go on sale like I did, I guarantee you're going to enjoy every second of it.
投稿日 2021年11月3日. 最終更新日 2022年5月1日
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記録時間: 8.9 時間 (レビュー時に8.5時間)
Cute girls, at least 65 good songs, three dollars.
投稿日 2021年10月11日.
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記録時間: 19.3 時間
This game is nothing short of a work of art. You'll fall in love with the characters, you'll enjoy almost every level, and the worst part... You'll want to buy the sequel. I went into this game 100% blind and I loved every second of it. It's oozing -- no -- OVERFLOWING with creativity, love, care, and authenticity. It's funny, it's adorable, it's lovable, just STOP READING AND BUY IT ALREADY!!

It controls super well, it encourages getting creative with your abilities and cutting corners in platforming, it encourages exploration of every corner. The best part is that -- while there are a LOT of collectibles to get -- you're not required to get all of them, BUT you're GENEROUSLY rewarded for being as thorough a collector as possible by being granted abilities and upgrades that will make you increasingly powerful without trivializing the game's difficulty.

If there are any cons, it's that getting ALL of the collectible Figments can get a little tedious or tricky, especially when some of them seem invisible at some angles, but you absolutely are not pressured nor required to get ALL of them. There is also a non-required vanity item you can get that sounds like it colors all of your psy-powers, which sounds super awesome in theory, but in practice it only colors half of one of your powers.

Over-all, the game is amazing. It's rated OVERWHELMINGLY POSITIVE for a reason! Get it. GET IT!!! IT'S TEN DOLLARS!!!
投稿日 2021年10月1日.
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記録時間: 32.6 時間
The most fun game I've literally ever played. Addictive gameplay, great humor, amazing soundtrack, you'll 100% this game and still want more. It's impossible to get tired of the rail-grinding, car-bouncing, pole-flipping, and crowd-mowing gameplay.

Downsides, though, there are a few bugs that can stand in the way of progression, and the weapons are so expensive that you'll never get them all without losing your sanity, or even want to get half of them for that matter. Regardless, this game is criminally underrated and criminally overdue for a sequel.
投稿日 2021年7月3日.
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記録時間: 168.1 時間 (レビュー時に40.4時間)
It's like VRChat but lonely and full of cool minigames
投稿日 2020年12月12日.
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55 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
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記録時間: 4.5 時間
Needs a sequel with T Series as the antagonist.

投稿日 2019年3月5日.
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記録時間: 47.5 時間 (レビュー時に46.8時間)
Compared to all the other games I've played that use music from your library, this has to be the one I've had the most fun with. It's easy to learn, and hard to master. The way tracks are designed are almost always accurate to the song, and can even end up somewhat exhilarating with zero gravity and massive jumps. Though the track generation does have a couple flaws.

Almost all tracks are considered "Dance" and use the same pink/purple/blue colors.
Occasionally jumps will be so densely packed that you slow down behind the song, or even take a ramp right off the track.

Despite that, the game is still wonderful, and I highly reccomend it to anyone who has a lot of songs in their library. It can really extend the value of purchasing a song, or simply downloading a free one.
投稿日 2018年8月23日.
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42 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
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記録時間: 5.7 時間
Has the quality and length of a good flash game. Which is kind of like being the tallest dwarf. If this game ever goes on a good sale, maybe check it out, but don't buy it for 15 bucks.
投稿日 2017年11月24日.
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