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Seneste anmeldelser af dawashere

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Very poorly designed "meh" game under Unity, which means expect a lot of crashes.

Not very difficult in itself, your worst enemy is your dumb partner who will get you killed constantly by its awful behavior and pathfinding, terrible aiming and willingness to push you into the enemy gunshots. They want to develop AI in every aspect of our lives ? Well if it's as I than our A partner, Skynet ain't gonna rule the world soon.

Petit jeu somme toute assez mediocrebien qu'il puisse être addictif sur de courtes sessions., crashe souvent. Les devs ont trouvé un nouveau mode de difficulté, le mode "partenaire profondément débile" Sérieusement, je n'ai pas vu une IA aussi désastreuse depuis un sacré moment. Votre partenaire vous tuera de plein de façons différentes : déclenchement de pièges explosifs pour ramasser un couteau, incapacité à abatttre un ennemi, manie de vous pousser dans la ligne de tir des ennemis, tendance à les alerter. Et il ose dire que c'est pas un ripoux. Mais bon, il a des tendances suicidaires et se foutra régulièrement devant vous quand vous vous faites tirer dessus. Comme ça vous mourez ensemble. Même en le micro manageant constamment, c'est une plaie. Surtout dans un jeu time trial. ACAB, j'vous dis.
Skrevet: 25. maj.
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Beware : You need a subscription to play this and Square is stupid : the higher ups always complain about the lack of financial success of their games but it is impossible to buy a subscritption with some cards. The solution : buy their ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ currency. So I'm able to buy your currency but not the subscritption with a credit card that was used before to buy your subscription ? Are you dumb SE ? Guess I will save some money.

Ps Endwalker is good. SE is dimb.
Skrevet: 21. maj.
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15.8 timer registreret i alt (1.0 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Bon petit jeu défouloir à jouer en courte session. Vaut chaque euro demandé. Le père noël est une ordure, et c'est de notre faute.
Skrevet: 4. maj.
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32.2 timer registreret i alt
From Game of the Year contender to Scam of the Year contender in a single day.

If ♥♥♥♥♥♥ hackable PSN mandatory = refund everybody.
Skrevet: 3. maj.
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25.2 timer registreret i alt (13.3 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Les points "meh" :

Graphiquement, le jeu est daté, malgré un bon art design. Les animations sont parfois simplistes. Les contrôles sont poussifs et très perturbants au début et nécessitent une période d'adaptation. Je préfère personnellement jouer au contrôleur sur ce jeu, contrairement à mon habitude, étant en général un adepte du combo clavier souris. Le tutoriel est peu convaincant : beaucoup de murs de texte à mon goût, certains éléments peu expliqués d''autres franchement pas nécessaires. Le grind, qui n'est pas un défaut pour moi, au contraire, mais peut rebuter des joueurs.

Les points "woohoo" :

Une sélection d'armes intéressante, chacune avec avantages et inconvénients, qui permet de varier les styles de jeu. Tous les joueurs trouveront au moins un type d'armes qui leur conviendra, du gameplay nerveux mais peu puissant au coup bien lourd mais lent. Cependant un temps d'adaptation est là encore nécessaire pour prendre en main l'arme choisie, mais le jeu fait un bon boulot à donner un rythme permettant de s'entraîner convenablement.
Le sentiment, toujours renouvelé, d'être un badass au milieu d'une nature hostile. La défaite est possible mais non punitive, ce qui, là encore, permet de s'entraîner et de prendre des risques, idéal pour l'apprentissage par l'erreur.
L'audio est plaisant. Je n'irai pas jusqu'à dire que c'est ultra mémorable mais ça fait le taf sans jamais être désagréable.
Si les graphismes sont "meh", le gameplay est top notch, toujours plaisant y compris quand on foire une attaque, les combats contre les grands monstres sont longs et érpouvants, au moins la première fois sans spoils, et abattre la proie est toujours un grand accomplissement. Les récompenses pleuvent, et ça fait plaisir dans un monde où les devs sont aisément tentés de foutre un cash shop ultra envahissant pour compenser un taux de récompenses ridiculeusement et artificiellement bas. Là, la moindre activité apporte son comptant de loots.
Enfin, même si je n'en suis pas très loin dans ce jeu, pas de microtransactions, de boosters divers payants pour compenser un roadblock imposé. Rien ne vient agresser le joueur à dépenser plus par un rappel constant que tu peux dépenser tes euros. Y a un accès au magasin steam, mais y a eu pire en termes de monétisation.

Pour conclure, même si je n'en suis qu'à mes débuts de ma carrière de chasseur, je compte revenir régulièrement sur le jeu pour continuer ma progression et descendre du monstre. Jeu recommande.
Skrevet: 13. januar. Sidst redigeret: 13. januar.
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316.7 timer registreret i alt (312.8 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
♥♥♥♥ your new interface
Skrevet: 23. november 2022.
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65.2 timer registreret i alt (26.2 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Can be fun at time, will also be insanely infuriating.

Pros :
- fun
- addictive
-MMO Dynasty Warriors

Cons :
- awful optimization
- awful servers
_ awful matchmaking
- awful balance
- awful open world
Skrevet: 24. maj 2022.
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3 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
0.1 timer registreret i alt
Contraint à avoir u compte Square Enix, ce qui n'est pas indiqué sur la page du magasin (c'est illégal).
Contraint à accepter de transmettre ses données personnelles (c'est aussi illégal).
Aucune option pour pouvoir jouer sans se connecter à un jeu solo.
Skrevet: 29. december 2021.
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2,079.8 timer registreret i alt (523.2 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Skrevet: 14. juli 2021.
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212 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
13 personer fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
2,114.2 timer registreret i alt (815.0 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
[UPDATE 09/2019] Well, I maintain the below review as everything I feared came to be true. The game has gotten worse with an insane grind, a less fun and diverse experience for casuals (good luck driving a tank or HT now). In the last few months, the community took a hit and is deeply divided, the logi system and scarcity turned some part of the game in full-time jobs,etc... Just go check steamcharts


Okay, this one will be a tough one. I can't honestly recommend this game even though I've spent so many hours on it, the most I've ever spent on a game - or maybe it was Morrowind back then, but... I was young... Was absolutely worth the 20€ I've spent. And I can't recommend this game, one I would have recommend without a doubt 1 year ago because it has so much potential. Not anymore, I have too much doubts on the current state of the game and more on its future.

First of all, I would say, like many others did in their reviews that the community is great, the greatest I've met in a game, no comparison. Also, devs seem to still be committed to the game, which is... the bare minimum I'd say... If they weren't committed, who would be ? And the game still has so much potential. That's the problem.

I always gave a free pass to the devs because the game had potential, knowing that this small dev team needed time to get things done, praising them for their willingness to always try new things, never sit on their asses thinking that they were done. Over the past year I've come to change my mind, slowly rethinking my point of view. I think the fun of some experiences in the game and the great community had me have some sort of Stockholm syndrome, or something like that.

You can't always judge a game on his potential and the devs on their willingness. The never ending early access don't prevent any critic of the game because "it might get better" And boy ! my critics will be harsh for as much as I love this game I hate his overshadowing flaws that are killing it.

For new or soon-to-be players, if you're still reading this, you must understand that in this game, even though you don't have jobs, you have multiple tasks. You can be a foot soldier, a driver, a gunner,, a medic, a logi, a builder or a scrapper. More so you can be a fighter on the front and the next minute take a truck to supply your brothers. every single object that you will use, from your rifle and ammo to binocs or sledgehammer was made by another player and possibly transport to your front by another one. Except most of the buildings, nearly everything is made by the players. Which leads us to the first and main flaw of the game : the balance is broken, deeply broken.

War is unfair. But after 800 hours on this game, I can count on a single hand the times when WC (the main "mode") have been going with a balanced population. Funny enough, I've just noticed that Update 24 was partly called balance fixes. Update 24 didn't fix the balance issues that have always been there and funnier, Update 25 made these issues worse. Now Update 26 is there, the mother of all updates, the big bang of Foxhole world. Again, the devs are dedicated and this update just show that with a complete revamp of the game. It is truely a new game, but with the same flaws.

Adding new vehicles, new logistics concepts making the production and the transport more complex, more "realistic" like the devs are saying, offering a new hex world instead of the square one for "multi-directionnal" warfare and improving some elements, some of which were asked by the community for a long time, I have the strange feeling this update comes way too late, in a game already dying and suffering of low pop most of the time. And when you think about the pop unbalanced problem... I have the feeling the new logi system will be a nightmare for the low pop side, turning something that was most of the time simple and easy to do by yourself when you were organised in a complete chore, a full-time job . The goal of the devs was to make communication and cooperation a main part of the logi system when most of the problem of the logis, on underpopulated side is that there are not enough logis in the first place, because there are symply not enough players. With vets that have already quit plus those quitting... Well, not a good time to make things complex, without mentionning the scarcity that is now introduced.... And underpopulated side will get ♥♥♥♥♥♥ again, winning maybe 10% of the time. Realistic IRL, boring and discouraging in a game, making every effort pointless at the end.

Devs keep repeating that "change is scary", "trust us, we know what we're doing", etc... But I've already heard that when devs created portbases to make it easier and more simple for logi to work. Already heard that, when they integrated the skirmishes into WC, calling that phase Resistance (as a french I should have been thrilled...) Surely heard that with the caches that broke the game so badly, WC that used to last a month were ended in 3 days... Yeah they fix that, poorly, but at least WC lasts longer again. Won't thank the devs for that. Shouldn't thank someone for fixing what he has broken. The never ending early access meme... Once again, you can't always give a free pass on just trust, will and potential. Not when there are so many things still going wrong on top of the pop and balance issues.

Combat system is broken. You can almost never shoot up. If the enemy is on a mountain or on a roof they will shoot straight at you while you're firing the grass 5 m ahead of you. Glitches will save your life or cost it, it depends. Some aiming issue will prevent you from firing in some directions, most of the time because the camera stuck itself in a mountain, even if your character is in open field. Very true at Jade entrance (Pleading side). Shotguns are overpowerful. those are just some examples...
Scrapping was boring. Maybe it will be better. Don't think so, with the scarcity now. Might be a chore, one more.
Logi.. well... We'll see what the new update will have to offer. Not confident. The multiple trucks (more "realistic", don't you know that's a game, not real life ?), the new production system... Well it just has been implemented so too soon to be too negative. But I feel it will make things worse for the losing side. And if the losing side give up, there's not much fun for the winning side. Oh and don't bring the "realistic" card when there are so many bugs, dancing trucks, airboourne truck , collision bugs, etc... Physics is broken. (not really devs fault, more the engine's fault)
Moderation is broken. As great is the community, some members are irritating and moderation, which rely heavily on the community is way too permissive, especially with clans.
AI... well, dumb and broken.

The announce and now the release of update 26 made me realize how much I have developped mixed feelings on the game. I truly love this game, deeply. I had fun driving my trucks, I had fun playing as a medic on the frontline. I had fun winning and I had fun losing. I had fun fighting, even though I am terrible, very terrible at it. I even had fun building, from time to time. I even had fun scrapping for hours at the beginning of each war, listening to music.

I sincerely doubt that new players would ever feel the way I felt at the beginning, like so many others. with the release of Update 26, no doubt the devs will do the same move as usual, going on sale for a 2 days players pike, and then... a few new players will stay as always, most of them and some vets will go, as always. And pop, will continue to decline. Speaking of which, Devs, if you ever read this, tho i doubt it, good to know that we are getting closer to the full release with each update, it will be too bad to get full release with little to no pop... like so many other early access game... That's the risk you took with such a long development, you can leave only one first impression.
Skrevet: 17. juni 2019. Sidst redigeret: 16. september 2019.
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