PeacekeeperDalek   United States
Just doing my thing. Taking life one step at a time. :ItsBoshyTime:
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257 Hours played
Silly little submarine simulator game where you brave the frozen seas of Europa. Movement and physics are overall a little janky and can get extremely troublesome in times. Mechanics on the other hand are indepth and extensive, parts of the sub break down and need constant repairs, the reactor often needs a skilled hand to work great, and medical has a lot to learn about treatments of specific wounds and damage types Fighting is often times easy but can get intense very fast when a Mudraptor invades your sub, a couple of Mollochs decide to pay you a visit, or one of the handful of Abyss creatures decide its your time to meet god. Sometimes there are clowns.
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SCP: Secret Laboratory
1 1
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3,438 hrs on record
last played on May 20
22 hrs on record
last played on May 17
86 hrs on record
last played on May 15